mirror of
synced 2025-02-23 19:59:44 +00:00
Moved rest of the messages to messages file
This commit is contained in:
@ -8,8 +8,8 @@ module.exports = {
category: 'info',
async execute(msg, args, client, Discord, prefix) {
const embed = new Discord.MessageEmbed()
.setTitle(`Found a bug with ${client.user.username}?\nDM the core developer:`)
@ -22,9 +22,9 @@ module.exports = {
const embed = new Discord.MessageEmbed();
.setTitle('Musix Command Usage During Current Uptime')
.setDescription('```ml\n' + markdownrows.join('\n') + '\n```')
.setFooter('These statistics are from the current uptime.')
@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ module.exports = {
output = error.toString();
const embed = new Discord.MessageEmbed()
.setTitle('Evaluation Command')
.setDescription(`Input: \`\`\`js\n${input.replace(/; /g, ';').replace(/;/g, ';\n')}\n\`\`\`\nOutput: \`\`\`\n${output}\n\`\`\``);
return msg.channel.send(embed);
@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ module.exports = {
const embed = new Discord.MessageEmbed()
.setTitle(`${client.global.db.guilds[msg.guild.id].prefix}${command.name} ${command.usage}`)
.setFooter(`Command Alias: \`${command.alias}\``)
.setFooter(`${client.messages.helpCmdFooter} \`${command.alias}\``)
} else {
@ -25,10 +25,11 @@ module.exports = {
for (let i = 0; i < categories.length; i++) {
commands += `**» ${categories[i].toUpperCase()}**\n${client.commands.filter(x => x.category === categories[i] && !x.omitFromHelp && !x.onlyDev).map(x => `\`${x.name}\``).join(', ')}\n`;
client.messages.help = client.messages.help.replace("%PREFIX%", prefix);
const embed = new Discord.MessageEmbed()
.setTitle(`${client.user.username} help:`)
.setTitle(`${client.user.username} ${client.messages.help}`)
.setFooter(`"${client.global.db.guilds[msg.guild.id].prefix}help <command>" to see more information about a command.`)
@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ module.exports = {
category: 'info',
execute(msg, args, client, Discord, prefix) {
const embed = new Discord.MessageEmbed()
.setTitle(`Invite ${client.user.username} to your Discord server!`)
return msg.channel.send(embed);
@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ module.exports = {
const thumbnail = getThumb(serverQueue.songs[0].url);
const embed = new Discord.MessageEmbed()
.setDescription(`<a:aNotes:674602408105476106>**Now playing:** ${serverQueue.songs[0].title}\n${array.join('')} | \`${client.funcs.msToTime(completed, "hh:mm:ss")} / ${client.funcs.msToTime(songtime, "hh:mm:ss")}\``)
.setDescription(`${client.messages.nowPlayingDesc} ${serverQueue.songs[0].title}\n${array.join('')} | \`${client.funcs.msToTime(completed, "hh:mm:ss")} / ${client.funcs.msToTime(songtime, "hh:mm:ss")}\``)
.setFooter(`Queued by ${serverQueue.songs[0].author.tag}`)
@ -14,24 +14,25 @@ module.exports = {
let page = parseInt(args[1]);
if (!page) page = 1;
let pagetext = `:page_facing_up: Page: ${page} :page_facing_up:`
if (page === 1) pagetext = ':arrow_down: Next in queue :arrow_down:'
let pagetext = client.messages.queuePages;
if (page === 1) pagetext = client.messages.queueFirstPage;
let queuesongs = serverQueue.songs.slice((page - 1) * 20 + 1, page * 20 + 1);
let queuemessage = `${queuesongs.map(song => `**#** ${song.title}`).join('\n')}`
const hashs = queuemessage.split('**#**').length;
for (let i = 0; i < hashs; i++) {
queuemessage = queuemessage.replace('**#**', `**${i + 1}**`);
client.messages.queueDesc = client.messages.queueDesc.replace("%SONG%", song.title);
if (!serverQueue.looping) {
const embed = new Discord.MessageEmbed()
.setTitle("__Song queue__")
.setDescription(`**Now playing:** ${serverQueue.songs[0].title}<a:aNotes:674602408105476106>\n${pagetext}\n${queuemessage}`)
return msg.channel.send(embed);
} else {
const embed = new Discord.MessageEmbed()
.setTitle("__Song queue__")
.setDescription(`**Now playing:** ${serverQueue.songs[0].title}<a:aNotes:674602408105476106>\n${pagetext}\n${queuemessage}`)
.setFooter('<:repeat1:674685561377914892> Currently looping the queue!')
return msg.channel.send(embed);
@ -8,14 +8,14 @@ module.exports = {
category: 'util',
async execute(msg, args, client, Discord, prefix, command) {
const embed = new Discord.MessageEmbed()
.setTitle('Guild settings for Musix')
.addField('prefix', 'Change the guild specific prefix. (string)', true)
.addField('volume', 'Change the default volume that the bot will start playing at. (number)', true)
.addField('permissions', 'Change whether to require permissions to use eg `skip, stop, pause, loop, etc...`', true)
.addField('setdj', 'Set a DJ role. This will allow chosen users to freely use all Musix commands. This will automatically set the `permissions` settings to true in order for the `DJ` role to have effect!', true)
.addField('announcesongs', 'Whether to announce songs that start playing or not.')
.addField('bass', 'Change the default bass level `Not supported`', true)
.setFooter(`how to use: ${prefix}settings <Setting name> <value>`)
.addField(client.messages.settingsPrefix, client.messages.settingsPrefixDesc, true)
.addField(client.messages.settingsVolume, client.messages.settingsVolumeDesc, true)
.addField(client.messages.settingsPermissions, client.messages.settingsPermissionsDesc, true)
.addField(client.messages.settingsSetDj, client.messages.settingsSetDjDesc, true)
.addField(client.messages.settingsAnnounceSongs, client.messages.settingsAnnounceSongsDesc)
.addField(client.messages.settingsBass, client.messages.settingsBassDesc, true)
.setAuthor(client.user.username, client.user.displayAvatarURL)
const permissions = msg.channel.permissionsFor(msg.author);
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
module.exports = {
name: 'prefix',
async execute(msg, args, client, Discord, prefix) {
if (!args[2]) return msg.channel.send(`Current prefix: \`${client.global.db.guilds[msg.guild.id].prefix}\``);
if (!args[2]) return msg.channel.send(`${client.messages.currentPrefix} \`${client.global.db.guilds[msg.guild.id].prefix}\``);
client.global.db.guilds[msg.guild.id].prefix = args[2];
msg.channel.send(`${client.messages.prefixSet} \`${args[2]}\``);
@ -12,10 +12,10 @@ module.exports = {
const latency = m.createdTimestamp - msg.createdTimestamp;
const embed = new Discord.MessageEmbed()
.setTitle(`Status for ${client.user.username}`)
.addField(':signal_strength: Ping', client.ws.ping, true)
.addField('Latency', latency, true)
.addField(':stopwatch: Uptime', uptime, true)
.addField(client.messages.statusField1, client.ws.ping, true)
.addField(client.messages.statusField2, latency, true)
.addField(client.messages.statusField3, uptime, true)
.setAuthor(client.user.username, client.user.displayAvatarURL)
@ -12,26 +12,37 @@ module.exports = {
bassFalse: "<:green_check_mark:674265384777416705> Bass is now false!",
bassLevel: "<:green_check_mark:674265384777416705> Bass level is now",
boolean: "<:redx:674263474704220182> Please define a boolean! (true/false)",
bug: "Matte#0002\nOr join the support server: https://discord.gg/rvHuJtB",
bugDesc: "Matte#0002\nOr join the support server: https://discord.gg/rvHuJtB",
bugTitle: "Found a bug with Musix?\nDM the core developer:",
cancellingVideoSelection: "'<:redx:674263474704220182> Cancelling video selection",
cantSkipToCurrent: "<:redx:674263474704220182> You can\'t skip to the song currently playing!",
cmdUsesFooter: "These statistics are from the current uptime.",
cmdUsesTitle: "Musix Command Usage During Current Uptime",
correctUsage: "<:redx:674263474704220182> correct usage: ",
currentBass: ":loud_sound: The current bass is: ",
currentDefaultBass: ":speaker: Currect default bass level:",
currentDefaultVolume: ":speaker: Current default volume is:",
currentPrefix: "Current prefix:",
currentVolume: ":loud_sound: The current volume is: ",
defaultVolumeMax: "<:redx:674263474704220182> The default volume must be below `100` for quality and safety resons.",
defaultVolumeNumber: "<:redx:674263474704220182> I\'m sorry, But the default volume needs to be a valid __number__.",
defaultVolumeSet: "<:green_check_mark:674265384777416705> Default volume set to:",
devMode: "<:redx:674263474704220182> Dev mode has been turned on! Commands are only available to developer(s)!",
dispatcherError: "Error with the dispatcher: ",
djFalse: "<:green_check_mark:674265384777416705> `DJ` now set to `false`",
djRoleCreated: "<:green_check_mark:674265384777416705> I did not find a role `DJ` so i have created one for you!",
djRoleFound: "<:green_check_mark:674265384777416705> I found a `DJ` role from this guild! This role is now the DJ role.",
error: "<:redx:674263474704220182> An error occured!",
errorConnecting: "Error with connecting to voice channel: ",
errorDetected: "Error detected: ",
errorDispatcher: "<:redx:674263474704220182> An error has occured while playing music! The queue has been deleted.",
errorExe: "<:redx:674263474704220182> there was an error trying to execute that command! Please contact support with the \`bug\` command!",
errorExeOpt: "<:redx:674263474704220182> there was an error trying to execute that option! Please contact support with the \`bug\` command!",
evalTitle: "Evaluation Command",
helpCmdFooter: "Command Alias:",
helpFooter: "\"%PREFIX%help <command>\" to see more information about a command.",
helpTitle: "help",
inviteTitle: "Invite Musix to your Discord server!",
joined: "<:green_check_mark:674265384777416705> Joined",
loadingSongs: "<a:loading:674284196700618783> Loading song(s)",
looping: "<:repeat1:674685561377914892> Looping the queue now!",
@ -52,6 +63,7 @@ module.exports = {
noResults: "<:redx:674263474704220182> I could not obtain any search results!",
noServerQueue: "<:redx:674263474704220182> There is nothing playing!",
noSongs: "'<:redx:674263474704220182> That song does not exist!",
nowPlayingDesc: "<a:aNotes:674602408105476106>**Now playing:**",
notAllowed: "<:redx:674263474704220182> You are not allowed to do that!",
notEnoughVotes: "<:redx:674263474704220182> Not enough votes!",
notPaused: "<:redx:674263474704220182> The music in not paused!",
@ -72,7 +84,11 @@ module.exports = {
provideANumber: "Please provide a number ranging from 1-10 to select one of the search results.",
provideASong: "<:redx:674263474704220182> Please provide a song position in queue for me to remove!",
queueDeleted: "Queue deleted!",
queueDesc: "**Now playing:** %SONG%<a:aNotes:674602408105476106>",
queueFirstPage: ":page_facing_up: Page: ${page} :page_facing_up:",
queueLength: "<:redx:674263474704220182> There are only %SONGS% amount of songs in the queue!",
queuePages: ":arrow_down: Next in queue :arrow_down:",
queueTitle: "__Song queue__",
reloaded: "All files reloaded!",
removed: "🗑️ removed \`%SONG%\` from the queue!",
reset: "<:green_check_mark:674265384777416705> Reset __all__ guild settings!",
@ -80,12 +96,30 @@ module.exports = {
resumed: "<:resume:674685585478254603> Resumed the music!",
seekingPointPositive: "<:redx:674263474704220182> The seeking point needs to be a positive number!",
seekMax: "<:redx:674263474704220182> The lenght of this song is %LENGTH% seconds! You can't seek further than that!",
settingsAnnounceSongs: "announcesongs",
settingsAnnounceSongsDesc: "Whether to announce songs that start playing or not.",
settingsBass: "bass",
settingsBassDesc: "Change the default bass level `Not supported`",
settingsFooter: "how to use: %PREFIX%settings <Setting name> <value>",
settingsPermissions: "permissions",
settingsPermissionsDesc: "Change whether to require permissions to use eg `skip, stop, pause, loop, etc...`",
settingsPrefix: "prefix",
settingsPrefixDesc: "Change the guild specific prefix. (string)",
settingsSetDj: "setdj",
settingsSetDjDesc: "Set a DJ role. This will allow chosen users to freely use all Musix commands. This will automatically set the `permissions` settings to true in order for the `DJ` role to have effect!",
settingsTitle: "Guild settings for Musix",
settingsVolume: "volume",
settingsVolumeDesc: "Change the default volume that the bot will start playing at. (number)",
setVolume: "<:volumehigh:674685637626167307> I set the volume to: ",
shuffled: "<:shuffle:674685595980791871> Queue suffled!",
skipped: "<:skip:674685614221688832> Skipped the song!",
songAdded: "<:green_check_mark:674265384777416705> **%TITLE%** has been added to the queue!",
songSelection: "__Song Selection__",
startPlaying: "<a:aNotes:674602408105476106> Start playing: ",
statusField1: ":signal_strength: Ping",
statusField2: "Latency",
statusField3: ":stopwatch: Uptime",
statusTitle: "Status for Musix",
stop: "<:stop:674685626108477519> Stopped the music!",
validNumber: "<:redx:674263474704220182> I\'m sorry, But you need to enter a valid __number__.",
wrongVoiceChannel: "<:redx:674263474704220182> I'm sorry but you need to be in the same voice channel as Musix to use this command!",
@ -3,6 +3,6 @@ module.exports = async function (client) {
await client.channels.fetch(client.config.secondary_test_channel)
.then(x => x.join());
} catch (error) {
client.debug_channel.send("Error detected: " + error);
client.debug_channel.send(client.messages.errorDetected + error);
@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ module.exports = async function (guild, song, client, seek, play) {
dispatcher.on('error', error => {
client.debug_channel.send('Error with the dispatcher: ' + error);
client.debug_channel.send(client.messages.dispatcherError + error);
return serverQueue.textChannel.send(client.messages.errorDispatcher);
Reference in New Issue
Block a user