2021-01-03 17:01:01 +02:00

45 lines
2.6 KiB

module.exports = {
wrongVoiceChannel: "You need to be in the same voice channel as RadioX to use this command!",
noPerms: "You need the %command.permission% permission to use this command!",
notPlaying: "There is nothing playing!",
runningCommandFailed: "Running this command failed!",
noPermsEmbed: "I cannot send embeds (Embed links).",
bugTitle: "Found a bug with %client.user.username%?",
bugDescription: "Join the support server \n %client.config.supportGuild%",
helpTitle: "%client.user.username% help:",
helpDescription: "%commands% \n %client.config.prefix%help <command> to see more information about a command.",
helpCommandTitle: "%client.config.prefix%%command.name% %command.usage%",
helpCommandDescription: "%command.description% \n Command Alias: %command.alias%",
inviteTitle: "Invite %client.user.username% to your Discord server!",
listTitle: "Radio Stations",
nowplayingTitle: "Now Playing",
nowplayingDescription: "**%radio.station.name%** \n Owner: %radio.station.owner% \n %client.funcs.msToTime(completed, \"hh:mm:ss\")%",
noVoiceChannel: "You need to be in a voice channel to play radio!",
noQuery: "You need to use a number or search for a supported station!",
noPermsConnect: "I cannot connect to your voice channel.",
noPermsSpeak: "I cannot speak in your voice channel.",
wrongStationNumber: "No such station!",
tooShortSearch: "Station must be over 2 characters!",
noSearchResults: "No stations found!",
errorPlaying: "An error has occured while playing radio!",
play: "Start playing: %radio.station.name%",
stop: "Stopped playback!",
currentVolume: "Current volume: **%radio.volume%**",
maxVolume: "The max volume is `100`!",
invalidVolume: "You need to enter a valid __number__.",
negativeVolume: "The volume needs to be a positive number!",
newVolume: "Volume is now: **%volume%**",
statisticsTitle: "Statistics",
maintenanceTitle: "Maintenance",
errorToGetPlaylist: "You can't use this bot because it has no playlist available. Check more information in our Discord support server %client.config.supportGuild% !",
notAllowed: "You are not allowed to do that!",
sendedMaintenanceMessage: "This bot is going to be under maintenance!",
footerText: "EximiaBots by Warén Group",
statusTitle: "%client.user.username% Status",
statusField1: "Bot Latency",
statusField2: "API Latency",
statusField3: "Uptime",
statusField4: "Version",
statusField5: "Hosted by",
errorStationURL: "Station can't be URL"