import Discord, { Client, Collection } from "discord.js"; import fs from "fs"; const events = "./client/events/"; import Datastore from "./client/datastore.js"; import { command, radio } from "./client/utils/typings.js"; import config from "./config.js"; import messages from "./client/messages.js"; import path from "path"; const GatewayIntents = new Discord.Intents(); GatewayIntents.add( 1 << 0, // GUILDS 1 << 7, // GUILD_VOICE_STATES 1 << 9 // GUILD_MESSAGES ); class RadioClient extends Client { readonly commands: Collection; readonly radio: Map; public funcs: any; readonly config = config; readonly messages = messages; public datastore: Datastore | null; constructor() { super({ intents: GatewayIntents }); this.commands = new Collection(); = new Map(); this.datastore = null; this.funcs = {}; this.funcs.check = require("./client/funcs/check.js"); this.funcs.checkFetchStatus = require("./client/funcs/checkFetchStatus.js"); this.funcs.isDev = require("./client/funcs/isDev.js"); this.funcs.logger = require("./client/funcs/logger.js"); this.funcs.msToTime = require("./client/funcs/msToTime.js"); this.funcs.statisticsUpdate = require("./client/funcs/statisticsUpdate.js"); const commandFiles = fs.readdirSync(path.join("./src/client/commands")).filter(f => f.endsWith(".js")); for (const file of commandFiles) { const command = require(`./client/commands/${file}`); this.commands.set(, command); } this.on("ready", () => { require(`${events}ready`).execute(this); this.datastore = new Datastore(); }); this.on("messageCreate", msg => { require(`${events}messageCreate`).execute(this, msg); }); this.on("interactionCreate", interaction => { require(`${events}interactionCreate`).execute(this, interaction); }); this.on("voiceStateUpdate", (oldState, newState) => { require(`${events}voiceStateUpdate`).execute(this, oldState, newState); }); this.on("error", error => { console.error(error); }); this.login(this.config.token).catch(err => console.log("Failed to login: " + err)); } } export default RadioClient