module.exports = { wrongVoiceChannel: "You need to be in the same voice channel as RadioX to use this command!", noPerms: "You need the %command.permission% permission to use this command!", notPlaying: "There is nothing playing!", runningCommandFailed: "Running this command failed!", noPermsEmbed: "I cannot send embeds (Embed links).", bugTitle: "Found a bug with %client.user.username%?", bugDescription: "Join the support server" + "\n" + "%client.config.supportGuild%", helpTitle: "%client.user.username% help:", helpDescription: "%commands%", inviteTitle: "Invite %client.user.username% to your Discord server!", listTitle: "Radio Stations", nowplayingTitle: "Now Playing", nowplayingDescription: "****" + "\n"+ "Owner: %radio.station.owner%" + "\n" + "%client.funcs.msToTime(completed)%", noVoiceChannel: "You need to be in a voice channel to play radio!", noQuery: "You need to use a number or search for a supported station!", noPermsConnect: "I cannot connect to your voice channel.", noPermsSpeak: "I cannot speak in your voice channel.", wrongStationNumber: "No such station!", tooShortSearch: "Station must be over 2 characters!", noSearchResults: "No stations found!", errorPlaying: "An error has occured while playing radio!", play: "Start playing:", stop: "Stopped playback!", statisticsTitle: "Statistics", maintenanceTitle: "Maintenance", errorToGetPlaylist: "You can't use this bot because it has no playlist available. Check more information in our Discord support server %client.config.supportGuild% !", notAllowed: "You are not allowed to do that!", sendedMaintenanceMessage: "This bot is going to be under maintenance!", footerText: "EximiaBots by Warén Group", statusTitle: "%client.user.username% Status", statusField1: "Bot Latency", statusField2: "API Latency", statusField3: "Uptime", statusField4: "Version", statusField5: "Hosted by", errorStationURL: "Station can't be URL", messageCommandsDeprecatedTitle: "%client.user.username%", messageCommandsDeprecatedDescription: "We recommend you to reauthorize our bot by clicking the invite link down below, because Discord is planning to remove message content from verified bots [Read More](" + "\n\n" + "**Invite Bot**" + "\n" + "" + "\n\n" + "This bot now supports slash commands, you should start using them instead. Type / into the message box and select the bot you wish to use. Remember to be careful as there are a few bugs here and there on Discord." + "\n\n" + "We will remove this deprecation message in March of 2022 when RadioX 1.0.0 is released." };