# Contributing

:+1::tada: First off, thanks for taking the time to contribute! :tada::+1:

If you haven't already, come find us in [Discord](https://waren.io/r/eximiabots-discord). We want you working on things you're excited about.

Here are some important resources:

    * [Discord](https://waren.io/r/eximiabots-discord) Join our Discord guild.

## Coding

### Pull Requests
    * Open a new PR from your fork's new branch into develop branch.
    * Ensure the PR description clearly describes the problem and solution. Include the relevant issue number if applicable.
    * Try to fix all merge conflicts.

### Coding conventions
    * We indent using four spaces (soft tabs)
    * We ALWAYS put spaces after list items and method parameters (`[1, 2, 3]`, not `[1,2,3]`), around operators (`x += 1`, not `x+=1`), and around hash arrows.
    * This is open source software. Consider the people who will read your code, and make it look nice for them. It's sort of like driving a car: Perhaps you love doing donuts when you're alone, but with passengers the goal is to make the ride as smooth as possible.

## Testing

We have currently automated testing in Github Workflows, you can suggest new Github Workflows to us by making PR.

Every release is manually tested by [cwchristerw](https://github.com/cwchristerw) or [MatteZ02](https://github.com/MatteZ02).