noVoiceChannel:"You need to be in a voice channel to play radio!",
noQuery:"You need to use a number or search for a supported station!",
noPermsConnect:"I cannot connect to your voice channel.",
noPermsSpeak:"I cannot speak in your voice channel.",
wrongStationNumber:"No such station!",
tooShortSearch:"Station must be over 2 characters!",
noSearchResults:"No stations found!",
errorPlaying:"An error has occured while playing radio!",
play:"Start playing:",
stop:"Stopped playback!",
errorToGetPlaylist:"You can't use this bot because it has no playlist available. Check more information in our Discord support server %client.config.supportGuild% !",
notAllowed:"You are not allowed to do that!",
sendedMaintenanceMessage:"This bot is going to be under maintenance!",