using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.IO; using System.Linq; using System.Security; using System.Security.Cryptography; using System.Text; using System.Text.RegularExpressions; using Packages.Rider.Editor.Util; using UnityEditor; using UnityEditor.Compilation; using UnityEditor.PackageManager; using UnityEditorInternal; using UnityEngine; namespace Packages.Rider.Editor { public interface IGenerator { bool SyncIfNeeded(IEnumerable affectedFiles, IEnumerable reimportedFiles); void Sync(); bool HasSolutionBeenGenerated(); string SolutionFile(); string ProjectDirectory { get; } void GenerateAll(bool generateAll); } public interface IAssemblyNameProvider { string GetAssemblyNameFromScriptPath(string path); IEnumerable GetAllAssemblies(Func shouldFileBePartOfSolution); IEnumerable GetAllAssetPaths(); UnityEditor.PackageManager.PackageInfo FindForAssetPath(string assetPath); } public struct TestSettings { public bool ShouldSync; public Dictionary SyncPath; } class AssemblyNameProvider : IAssemblyNameProvider { public string GetAssemblyNameFromScriptPath(string path) { return CompilationPipeline.GetAssemblyNameFromScriptPath(path); } public IEnumerable GetAllAssemblies(Func shouldFileBePartOfSolution) { return CompilationPipeline.GetAssemblies() .Where(i => 0 < i.sourceFiles.Length && i.sourceFiles.Any(shouldFileBePartOfSolution)); } public IEnumerable GetAllAssetPaths() { return AssetDatabase.GetAllAssetPaths(); } public UnityEditor.PackageManager.PackageInfo FindForAssetPath(string assetPath) { return UnityEditor.PackageManager.PackageInfo.FindForAssetPath(assetPath); } } public class ProjectGeneration : IGenerator { enum ScriptingLanguage { None, CSharp } public static readonly string MSBuildNamespaceUri = ""; const string k_WindowsNewline = "\r\n"; /// /// Map source extensions to ScriptingLanguages /// static readonly Dictionary k_BuiltinSupportedExtensions = new Dictionary { {"cs", ScriptingLanguage.CSharp}, {"uxml", ScriptingLanguage.None}, {"uss", ScriptingLanguage.None}, {"shader", ScriptingLanguage.None}, {"compute", ScriptingLanguage.None}, {"cginc", ScriptingLanguage.None}, {"hlsl", ScriptingLanguage.None}, {"glslinc", ScriptingLanguage.None} }; string m_SolutionProjectEntryTemplate = string.Join("\r\n", @"Project(""{{{0}}}"") = ""{1}"", ""{2}"", ""{{{3}}}""", @"EndProject").Replace(" ", "\t"); string m_SolutionProjectConfigurationTemplate = string.Join("\r\n", @" {{{0}}}.Debug|Any CPU.ActiveCfg = Debug|Any CPU", @" {{{0}}}.Debug|Any CPU.Build.0 = Debug|Any CPU", @" {{{0}}}.Release|Any CPU.ActiveCfg = Release|Any CPU", @" {{{0}}}.Release|Any CPU.Build.0 = Release|Any CPU").Replace(" ", "\t"); static readonly string[] k_ReimportSyncExtensions = {".dll", ".asmdef"}; /// /// Map ScriptingLanguages to project extensions /// /*static readonly Dictionary k_ProjectExtensions = new Dictionary { { ScriptingLanguage.CSharp, ".csproj" }, { ScriptingLanguage.None, ".csproj" }, };*/ static readonly Regex k_ScriptReferenceExpression = new Regex( @"^Library.ScriptAssemblies.(?(?.*)\.dll$)", RegexOptions.Compiled | RegexOptions.IgnoreCase); string[] m_ProjectSupportedExtensions = new string[0]; bool m_ShouldGenerateAll; public string ProjectDirectory { get; } public void GenerateAll(bool generateAll) { m_ShouldGenerateAll = generateAll; } public TestSettings Settings { get; set; } readonly string m_ProjectName; readonly IAssemblyNameProvider m_AssemblyNameProvider; const string k_ToolsVersion = "4.0"; const string k_ProductVersion = "10.0.20506"; const string k_BaseDirectory = "."; const string k_TargetFrameworkVersion = "v4.7.1"; const string k_TargetLanguageVersion = "latest"; public ProjectGeneration() : this(Directory.GetParent(Application.dataPath).FullName, new AssemblyNameProvider()) { } public ProjectGeneration(string tempDirectory) : this(tempDirectory, new AssemblyNameProvider()) { } public ProjectGeneration(string tempDirectory, IAssemblyNameProvider assemblyNameProvider) { Settings = new TestSettings {ShouldSync = true}; ProjectDirectory = tempDirectory.Replace('\\', '/'); m_ProjectName = Path.GetFileName(ProjectDirectory); m_AssemblyNameProvider = assemblyNameProvider; } /// /// Syncs the scripting solution if any affected files are relevant. /// /// /// Whether the solution was synced. /// /// /// A set of files whose status has changed /// /// /// A set of files that got reimported /// public bool SyncIfNeeded(IEnumerable affectedFiles, IEnumerable reimportedFiles) { SetupProjectSupportedExtensions(); if (HasFilesBeenModified(affectedFiles, reimportedFiles)) { Sync(); return true; } return false; } bool HasFilesBeenModified(IEnumerable affectedFiles, IEnumerable reimportedFiles) { return affectedFiles.Any(ShouldFileBePartOfSolution) || reimportedFiles.Any(ShouldSyncOnReimportedAsset); } static bool ShouldSyncOnReimportedAsset(string asset) { return k_ReimportSyncExtensions.Contains(new FileInfo(asset).Extension); } public void Sync() { SetupProjectSupportedExtensions(); var types = GetAssetPostprocessorTypes(); bool externalCodeAlreadyGeneratedProjects = OnPreGeneratingCSProjectFiles(types); if (!externalCodeAlreadyGeneratedProjects) { GenerateAndWriteSolutionAndProjects(types); } OnGeneratedCSProjectFiles(types); } public bool HasSolutionBeenGenerated() { return File.Exists(SolutionFile()); } void SetupProjectSupportedExtensions() { m_ProjectSupportedExtensions = EditorSettings.projectGenerationUserExtensions; } bool ShouldFileBePartOfSolution(string file) { string extension = Path.GetExtension(file); // Exclude files coming from packages except if they are internalized. if (!m_ShouldGenerateAll && IsInternalizedPackagePath(file)) { return false; } // Dll's are not scripts but still need to be included.. if (extension == ".dll") return true; if (file.ToLower().EndsWith(".asmdef")) return true; return IsSupportedExtension(extension); } bool IsSupportedExtension(string extension) { extension = extension.TrimStart('.'); if (k_BuiltinSupportedExtensions.ContainsKey(extension)) return true; if (m_ProjectSupportedExtensions.Contains(extension)) return true; return false; } static ScriptingLanguage ScriptingLanguageFor(Assembly island) { return ScriptingLanguageFor(GetExtensionOfSourceFiles(island.sourceFiles)); } static string GetExtensionOfSourceFiles(string[] files) { return files.Length > 0 ? GetExtensionOfSourceFile(files[0]) : "NA"; } static string GetExtensionOfSourceFile(string file) { var ext = Path.GetExtension(file).ToLower(); ext = ext.Substring(1); //strip dot return ext; } static ScriptingLanguage ScriptingLanguageFor(string extension) { return k_BuiltinSupportedExtensions.TryGetValue(extension.TrimStart('.'), out var result) ? result : ScriptingLanguage.None; } public void GenerateAndWriteSolutionAndProjects(Type[] types) { // Only synchronize islands that have associated source files and ones that we actually want in the project. // This also filters out DLLs coming from .asmdef files in packages. var assemblies = m_AssemblyNameProvider.GetAllAssemblies(ShouldFileBePartOfSolution); var allAssetProjectParts = GenerateAllAssetProjectParts(); var monoIslands = assemblies.ToList(); SyncSolution(monoIslands, types); var allProjectIslands = RelevantIslandsForMode(monoIslands).ToList(); foreach (Assembly assembly in allProjectIslands) { var responseFileData = ParseResponseFileData(assembly); SyncProject(assembly, allAssetProjectParts, responseFileData, allProjectIslands, types); } } IEnumerable ParseResponseFileData(Assembly assembly) { var systemReferenceDirectories = CompilationPipeline.GetSystemAssemblyDirectories(assembly.compilerOptions.ApiCompatibilityLevel); Dictionary responseFilesData = assembly.compilerOptions.ResponseFiles.ToDictionary( x => x, x => CompilationPipeline.ParseResponseFile( Path.Combine(ProjectDirectory, x), ProjectDirectory, systemReferenceDirectories )); Dictionary responseFilesWithErrors = responseFilesData.Where(x => x.Value.Errors.Any()) .ToDictionary(x => x.Key, x => x.Value); if (responseFilesWithErrors.Any()) { foreach (var error in responseFilesWithErrors) foreach (var valueError in error.Value.Errors) { Debug.LogError($"{error.Key} Parse Error : {valueError}"); } } return responseFilesData.Select(x => x.Value); } Dictionary GenerateAllAssetProjectParts() { Dictionary stringBuilders = new Dictionary(); foreach (string asset in m_AssemblyNameProvider.GetAllAssetPaths()) { // Exclude files coming from packages except if they are internalized. if (!m_ShouldGenerateAll && IsInternalizedPackagePath(asset)) { continue; } string extension = Path.GetExtension(asset); if (IsSupportedExtension(extension) && ScriptingLanguage.None == ScriptingLanguageFor(extension)) { // Find assembly the asset belongs to by adding script extension and using compilation pipeline. var assemblyName = m_AssemblyNameProvider.GetAssemblyNameFromScriptPath(asset + ".cs"); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(assemblyName)) { continue; } assemblyName = FileSystemUtil.FileNameWithoutExtension(assemblyName); if (!stringBuilders.TryGetValue(assemblyName, out var projectBuilder)) { projectBuilder = new StringBuilder(); stringBuilders[assemblyName] = projectBuilder; } projectBuilder.Append(" ") .Append(k_WindowsNewline); } } var result = new Dictionary(); foreach (var entry in stringBuilders) result[entry.Key] = entry.Value.ToString(); return result; } bool IsInternalizedPackagePath(string file) { if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(file)) { return false; } var packageInfo = m_AssemblyNameProvider.FindForAssetPath(file); if (packageInfo == null) { return false; } var packageSource = packageInfo.source; return packageSource != PackageSource.Embedded && packageSource != PackageSource.Local; } void SyncProject( Assembly island, Dictionary allAssetsProjectParts, IEnumerable responseFilesData, List allProjectIslands, Type[] types) { SyncProjectFileIfNotChanged(ProjectFile(island), ProjectText(island, allAssetsProjectParts, responseFilesData, allProjectIslands), types); } void SyncProjectFileIfNotChanged(string path, string newContents, Type[] types) { if (Path.GetExtension(path) == ".csproj") { newContents = OnGeneratedCSProject(path, newContents, types); } SyncFileIfNotChanged(path, newContents); } void SyncSolutionFileIfNotChanged(string path, string newContents, Type[] types) { newContents = OnGeneratedSlnSolution(path, newContents, types); SyncFileIfNotChanged(path, newContents); } static List SafeGetTypes(System.Reflection.Assembly a) { List ret; try { ret = a.GetTypes().ToList(); } catch (System.Reflection.ReflectionTypeLoadException rtl) { ret = rtl.Types.ToList(); } catch (Exception) { return new List(); } return ret.Where(r => r != null).ToList(); } static void OnGeneratedCSProjectFiles(Type[] types) { var args = new object[0]; foreach (var type in types) { var method = type.GetMethod("OnGeneratedCSProjectFiles", System.Reflection.BindingFlags.Public | System.Reflection.BindingFlags.NonPublic | System.Reflection.BindingFlags.Static); if (method == null) { continue; } method.Invoke(null, args); } } public static Type[] GetAssetPostprocessorTypes() { return TypeCache.GetTypesDerivedFrom().ToArray(); // doesn't find types from EditorPlugin, which is fine } static bool OnPreGeneratingCSProjectFiles(Type[] types) { bool result = false; foreach (var type in types) { var args = new object[0]; var method = type.GetMethod("OnPreGeneratingCSProjectFiles", System.Reflection.BindingFlags.Public | System.Reflection.BindingFlags.NonPublic | System.Reflection.BindingFlags.Static); if (method == null) { continue; } var returnValue = method.Invoke(null, args); if (method.ReturnType == typeof(bool)) { result |= (bool) returnValue; } } return result; } static string OnGeneratedCSProject(string path, string content, Type[] types) { foreach (var type in types) { var args = new[] {path, content}; var method = type.GetMethod("OnGeneratedCSProject", System.Reflection.BindingFlags.Public | System.Reflection.BindingFlags.NonPublic | System.Reflection.BindingFlags.Static); if (method == null) { continue; } var returnValue = method.Invoke(null, args); if (method.ReturnType == typeof(string)) { content = (string) returnValue; } } return content; } static string OnGeneratedSlnSolution(string path, string content, Type[] types) { foreach (var type in types) { var args = new[] {path, content}; var method = type.GetMethod("OnGeneratedSlnSolution", System.Reflection.BindingFlags.Public | System.Reflection.BindingFlags.NonPublic | System.Reflection.BindingFlags.Static); if (method == null) { continue; } var returnValue = method.Invoke(null, args); if (method.ReturnType == typeof(string)) { content = (string) returnValue; } } return content; } void SyncFileIfNotChanged(string filename, string newContents) { if (File.Exists(filename) && newContents == File.ReadAllText(filename)) { return; } if (Settings.ShouldSync) { File.WriteAllText(filename, newContents, Encoding.UTF8); } else { var utf8 = Encoding.UTF8; byte[] utfBytes = utf8.GetBytes(newContents); Settings.SyncPath[filename] = utf8.GetString(utfBytes, 0, utfBytes.Length); } } string ProjectText(Assembly assembly, Dictionary allAssetsProjectParts, IEnumerable responseFilesData, List allProjectIslands) { var projectBuilder = new StringBuilder(ProjectHeader(assembly, responseFilesData)); var references = new List(); var projectReferences = new List(); foreach (string file in assembly.sourceFiles) { if (!ShouldFileBePartOfSolution(file)) continue; var extension = Path.GetExtension(file).ToLower(); var fullFile = EscapedRelativePathFor(file); if (".dll" != extension) { projectBuilder.Append(" ").Append(k_WindowsNewline); } else { references.Add(fullFile); } } var assemblyName = FileSystemUtil.FileNameWithoutExtension(assembly.outputPath); // Append additional non-script files that should be included in project generation. if (allAssetsProjectParts.TryGetValue(assemblyName, out var additionalAssetsForProject)) projectBuilder.Append(additionalAssetsForProject); var islandRefs = references.Union(assembly.allReferences); foreach (string reference in islandRefs) { if (reference.EndsWith("/UnityEditor.dll", StringComparison.Ordinal) || reference.EndsWith("/UnityEngine.dll", StringComparison.Ordinal) || reference.EndsWith("\\UnityEditor.dll", StringComparison.Ordinal) || reference.EndsWith("\\UnityEngine.dll", StringComparison.Ordinal)) continue; var match = k_ScriptReferenceExpression.Match(reference); if (match.Success) { // assume csharp language // Add a reference to a project except if it's a reference to a script assembly // that we are not generating a project for. This will be the case for assemblies // coming from .assembly.json files in non-internalized packages. var dllName = match.Groups["dllname"].Value; if (allProjectIslands.Any(i => Path.GetFileName(i.outputPath) == dllName)) { projectReferences.Add(match); continue; } } string fullReference = Path.IsPathRooted(reference) ? reference : Path.Combine(ProjectDirectory, reference); AppendReference(fullReference, projectBuilder); } var responseRefs = responseFilesData.SelectMany(x => x.FullPathReferences.Select(r => r)); foreach (var reference in responseRefs) { AppendReference(reference, projectBuilder); } if (0 < projectReferences.Count) { projectBuilder.AppendLine(" "); projectBuilder.AppendLine(" "); foreach (Match reference in projectReferences) { var referencedProject = reference.Groups["project"].Value; projectBuilder.Append(" ").Append(k_WindowsNewline); projectBuilder.Append(" {") .Append(ProjectGuid(Path.Combine("Temp", reference.Groups["project"].Value + ".dll"))).Append("}") .Append(k_WindowsNewline); projectBuilder.Append(" ").Append(referencedProject).Append("").Append(k_WindowsNewline); projectBuilder.AppendLine(" "); } } projectBuilder.Append(ProjectFooter()); return projectBuilder.ToString(); } static void AppendReference(string fullReference, StringBuilder projectBuilder) { //replace \ with / and \\ with / var escapedFullPath = SecurityElement.Escape(fullReference); escapedFullPath = escapedFullPath.Replace("\\\\", "/").Replace("\\", "/"); projectBuilder.Append(" ").Append(k_WindowsNewline); projectBuilder.Append(" ").Append(escapedFullPath).Append("").Append(k_WindowsNewline); projectBuilder.Append(" ").Append(k_WindowsNewline); } public string ProjectFile(Assembly assembly) { return Path.Combine(ProjectDirectory, $"{FileSystemUtil.FileNameWithoutExtension(assembly.outputPath)}.csproj"); } public string SolutionFile() { return Path.Combine(ProjectDirectory, $"{m_ProjectName}.sln"); } string ProjectHeader( Assembly island, IEnumerable responseFilesData ) { var arguments = new object[] { k_ToolsVersion, k_ProductVersion, ProjectGuid(island.outputPath), InternalEditorUtility.GetEngineAssemblyPath(), InternalEditorUtility.GetEditorAssemblyPath(), string.Join(";", new[] {"DEBUG", "TRACE"}.Concat(EditorUserBuildSettings.activeScriptCompilationDefines).Concat(island.defines) .Concat(responseFilesData.SelectMany(x => x.Defines)).Distinct().ToArray()), MSBuildNamespaceUri, FileSystemUtil.FileNameWithoutExtension(island.outputPath), EditorSettings.projectGenerationRootNamespace, k_TargetFrameworkVersion, PluginSettings.OverrideLangVersion?PluginSettings.LangVersion:k_TargetLanguageVersion, k_BaseDirectory, island.compilerOptions.AllowUnsafeCode | responseFilesData.Any(x => x.Unsafe) }; try { return string.Format(GetProjectHeaderTemplate(), arguments); } catch (Exception) { throw new NotSupportedException( "Failed creating c# project because the c# project header did not have the correct amount of arguments, which is " + arguments.Length); } } static string GetSolutionText() { return string.Join("\r\n", @"", @"Microsoft Visual Studio Solution File, Format Version {0}", @"# Visual Studio {1}", @"{2}", @"Global", @" GlobalSection(SolutionConfigurationPlatforms) = preSolution", @" Debug|Any CPU = Debug|Any CPU", @" Release|Any CPU = Release|Any CPU", @" EndGlobalSection", @" GlobalSection(ProjectConfigurationPlatforms) = postSolution", @"{3}", @" EndGlobalSection", @" GlobalSection(SolutionProperties) = preSolution", @" HideSolutionNode = FALSE", @" EndGlobalSection", @"EndGlobal", @"").Replace(" ", "\t"); } static string GetProjectFooterTemplate() { return string.Join("\r\n", @" ", @" ", @" ", @"", @""); } static string GetProjectHeaderTemplate() { var header = new[] { @"", @"", @" ", @" {10}", @" <_TargetFrameworkDirectories>non_empty_path_generated_by_unity.rider.package", @" <_FullFrameworkReferenceAssemblyPaths>non_empty_path_generated_by_unity.rider.package", @" true", @" ", @" ", @" Debug", @" AnyCPU", @" {1}", @" 2.0", @" {8}", @" {{{2}}}", @" Library", @" Properties", @" {7}", @" {9}", @" 512", @" {11}", @" ", @" ", @" true", @" full", @" false", @" Temp\bin\Debug\", @" {5}", @" prompt", @" 4", @" 0169", @" {12}", @" ", @" ", @" pdbonly", @" true", @" Temp\bin\Release\", @" prompt", @" 4", @" 0169", @" {12}", @" " }; var forceExplicitReferences = new[] { @" ", @" true", @" true", @" false", @" false", @" false", @" " }; var itemGroupStart = new[] { @" " }; var footer = new[] { @" ", @" {3}", @" ", @" ", @" {4}", @" ", @" ", @" ", @"" }; var text = header.Concat(forceExplicitReferences).Concat(itemGroupStart).Concat(footer).ToArray(); return string.Join("\r\n", text); } void SyncSolution(IEnumerable islands, Type[] types) { SyncSolutionFileIfNotChanged(SolutionFile(), SolutionText(islands), types); } string SolutionText(IEnumerable islands) { var fileversion = "11.00"; var vsversion = "2010"; var relevantIslands = RelevantIslandsForMode(islands); string projectEntries = GetProjectEntries(relevantIslands); string projectConfigurations = string.Join(k_WindowsNewline, relevantIslands.Select(i => GetProjectActiveConfigurations(ProjectGuid(i.outputPath))).ToArray()); return string.Format(GetSolutionText(), fileversion, vsversion, projectEntries, projectConfigurations); } static IEnumerable RelevantIslandsForMode(IEnumerable islands) { IEnumerable relevantIslands = islands.Where(i => ScriptingLanguage.CSharp == ScriptingLanguageFor(i)); return relevantIslands; } /// /// Get a Project("{guid}") = "MyProject", "MyProject.unityproj", "{projectguid}" /// entry for each relevant language /// string GetProjectEntries(IEnumerable islands) { var projectEntries = islands.Select(i => string.Format( m_SolutionProjectEntryTemplate, SolutionGuid(i), FileSystemUtil.FileNameWithoutExtension(i.outputPath), Path.GetFileName(ProjectFile(i)), ProjectGuid(i.outputPath) )); return string.Join(k_WindowsNewline, projectEntries.ToArray()); } /// /// Generate the active configuration string for a given project guid /// string GetProjectActiveConfigurations(string projectGuid) { return string.Format( m_SolutionProjectConfigurationTemplate, projectGuid); } string EscapedRelativePathFor(string file) { var projectDir = ProjectDirectory.Replace('/', '\\'); file = file.Replace('/', '\\'); var path = SkipPathPrefix(file, projectDir); var packageInfo = m_AssemblyNameProvider.FindForAssetPath(path.Replace('\\', '/')); if (packageInfo != null) { // We have to normalize the path, because the PackageManagerRemapper assumes // dir seperators will be os specific. var absolutePath = Path.GetFullPath(NormalizePath(path)).Replace('/', '\\'); path = SkipPathPrefix(absolutePath, projectDir); } return SecurityElement.Escape(path); } static string SkipPathPrefix(string path, string prefix) { if (path.Replace("\\", "/").StartsWith($"{prefix}/")) return path.Substring(prefix.Length + 1); return path; } static string NormalizePath(string path) { if (Path.DirectorySeparatorChar == '\\') return path.Replace('/', Path.DirectorySeparatorChar); return path.Replace('\\', Path.DirectorySeparatorChar); } string ProjectGuid(string assembly) { return SolutionGuidGenerator.GuidForProject(m_ProjectName + FileSystemUtil.FileNameWithoutExtension(assembly)); } string SolutionGuid(Assembly island) { return SolutionGuidGenerator.GuidForSolution(m_ProjectName, GetExtensionOfSourceFiles(island.sourceFiles)); } static string ProjectFooter() { return GetProjectFooterTemplate(); } static string GetProjectExtension() { return ".csproj"; } } public static class SolutionGuidGenerator { public static string GuidForProject(string projectName) { return ComputeGuidHashFor(projectName + "salt"); } public static string GuidForSolution(string projectName, string sourceFileExtension) { if (sourceFileExtension.ToLower() == "cs") // GUID for a C# class library: return "FAE04EC0-301F-11D3-BF4B-00C04F79EFBC"; return ComputeGuidHashFor(projectName); } static string ComputeGuidHashFor(string input) { var hash = MD5.Create().ComputeHash(Encoding.Default.GetBytes(input)); return HashAsGuid(HashToString(hash)); } static string HashAsGuid(string hash) { var guid = hash.Substring(0, 8) + "-" + hash.Substring(8, 4) + "-" + hash.Substring(12, 4) + "-" + hash.Substring(16, 4) + "-" + hash.Substring(20, 12); return guid.ToUpper(); } static string HashToString(byte[] bs) { var sb = new StringBuilder(); foreach (byte b in bs) sb.Append(b.ToString("x2")); return sb.ToString(); } } }