2020-02-16 13:32:04 +02:00

29 lines
1.7 KiB

// Heading
$_['heading_title'] = 'Parcelforce 48';
// Text
$_['text_extension'] = 'Extensions';
$_['text_success'] = 'Success: You have modified Parcelforce 48 shipping!';
$_['text_edit'] = 'Edit Parcelforce 48 Shipping';
// Entry
$_['entry_rate'] = 'Parcelforce 48 Rates';
$_['entry_insurance'] = 'Parcelforce48 Compensation Rates';
$_['entry_display_weight'] = 'Display Delivery Weight';
$_['entry_display_insurance'] = 'Display Insurance';
$_['entry_display_time'] = 'Display Delivery Time';
$_['entry_tax_class'] = 'Tax Class';
$_['entry_geo_zone'] = 'Geo Zone';
$_['entry_status'] = 'Status';
$_['entry_sort_order'] = 'Sort Order';
// Help
$_['help_rate'] = 'Enter values upto 5,2 decimal places. (12345.67) Example: .1:1,.25:1.27 - Weights less than or equal to 0.1Kg would cost 1.00, Weights less than or equal to 0.25g but more than 0.1Kg will cost 1.27. Do not enter KG or symbols.';
$_['help_insurance'] = 'Enter values upto 5,2 decimal places. (12345.67) Example: 34:0,100:1,250:2.25 - Insurance cover for cart values upto 34 would cost 0.00 extra, those values more than 100 and upto 250 will cost 2.25 extra. Do not enter currency symbols.';
$_['help_display_weight'] = 'Do you want to display the shipping weight? (e.g. Delivery Weight : 2.7674 kg)';
$_['help_display_insurance'] = 'Do you want to display the shipping insurance? (e.g. Insured upto 500)';
$_['help_display_time'] = 'Do you want to display the shipping time? (e.g. Ships within 3 to 5 days)';
// Error
$_['error_permission'] = 'Varoitus: You do not have permission to modify Parcelforce 48 shipping!';