2021-10-08 18:17:57 +03:00

207 lines
16 KiB

// Heading
$_['heading_title'] = 'Asetukset';
// Text
$_['text_stores'] = 'Kaupat';
$_['text_success'] = 'Success: You have modified settings!';
$_['text_edit'] = 'Edit Setting';
$_['text_product'] = 'Tuotteet';
$_['text_review'] = 'Reviews';
$_['text_voucher'] = 'Vouchers';
$_['text_tax'] = 'Taxes';
$_['text_account'] = 'Tili';
$_['text_checkout'] = 'Checkout';
$_['text_stock'] = 'Stock';
$_['text_affiliate'] = 'Affiliates';
$_['text_captcha'] = 'Captcha';
$_['text_register'] = 'Register';
$_['text_guest'] = 'Guest Checkout';
$_['text_return'] = 'Returns';
$_['text_contact'] = 'Contact';
$_['text_shipping'] = 'Shipping Address';
$_['text_payment'] = 'Payment Address';
$_['text_mail'] = 'Mail';
$_['text_smtp'] = 'SMTP';
$_['text_mail_alert'] = 'Mail Alerts';
$_['text_mail_account'] = 'Register';
$_['text_mail_affiliate'] = 'Affiliate';
$_['text_mail_order'] = 'Orders';
$_['text_mail_review'] = 'Reviews';
$_['text_general'] = 'General';
$_['text_security'] = 'Security';
$_['text_upload'] = 'Uploads';
$_['text_error'] = 'Error Handling';
// Entry
$_['entry_meta_title'] = 'Meta Title';
$_['entry_meta_description'] = 'Meta Tag Description';
$_['entry_meta_keyword'] = 'Meta Tag Keywords';
$_['entry_layout'] = 'Default Layout';
$_['entry_theme'] = 'Theme';
$_['entry_name'] = 'Store Name';
$_['entry_owner'] = 'Store Owner';
$_['entry_address'] = 'Address';
$_['entry_geocode'] = 'Geocode';
$_['entry_email'] = 'E-Mail';
$_['entry_telephone'] = 'Telephone';
$_['entry_fax'] = 'Fax';
$_['entry_image'] = 'Image';
$_['entry_open'] = 'Opening Times';
$_['entry_comment'] = 'Comment';
$_['entry_location'] = 'Store Location';
$_['entry_country'] = 'Country';
$_['entry_zone'] = 'Region / State';
$_['entry_timezone'] = 'Time Zone';
$_['entry_language'] = 'Language';
$_['entry_admin_language'] = 'Administration Language';
$_['entry_currency'] = 'Currency';
$_['entry_currency_auto'] = 'Auto Update Currency';
$_['entry_length_class'] = 'Length Class';
$_['entry_weight_class'] = 'Weight Class';
$_['entry_limit_admin'] = 'Default Items Per Page (Admin)';
$_['entry_product_count'] = 'Category Product Count';
$_['entry_review'] = 'Allow Reviews';
$_['entry_review_guest'] = 'Allow Guest Reviews';
$_['entry_voucher_min'] = 'Voucher Min';
$_['entry_voucher_max'] = 'Voucher Max';
$_['entry_tax'] = 'Display Prices With Tax';
$_['entry_tax_default'] = 'Use Store Tax Address';
$_['entry_tax_customer'] = 'Use Customer Tax Address';
$_['entry_customer_online'] = 'Customers Online';
$_['entry_customer_activity'] = 'Customers Activity';
$_['entry_customer_search'] = 'Log Customer Searches';
$_['entry_customer_group'] = 'Customer Group';
$_['entry_customer_group_display'] = 'Customer Groups';
$_['entry_customer_price'] = 'Login Display Prices';
$_['entry_login_attempts'] = 'Max Login Attempts';
$_['entry_account'] = 'Account Terms';
$_['entry_cart_weight'] = 'Display Weight on Cart Page';
$_['entry_checkout_guest'] = 'Guest Checkout';
$_['entry_checkout'] = 'Checkout Terms';
$_['entry_invoice_prefix'] = 'Invoice Prefix';
$_['entry_order_status'] = 'Order Status';
$_['entry_processing_status'] = 'Processing Order Status';
$_['entry_complete_status'] = 'Complete Order Status';
$_['entry_fraud_status'] = 'Fraud Order Status';
$_['entry_api'] = 'API User';
$_['entry_stock_display'] = 'Display Stock';
$_['entry_stock_warning'] = 'Show Out Of Stock Warning';
$_['entry_stock_checkout'] = 'Stock Checkout';
$_['entry_affiliate_group'] = 'Affiliate Group';
$_['entry_affiliate_approval'] = 'Affiliate Requires Approval';
$_['entry_affiliate_auto'] = 'Automatic Commission';
$_['entry_affiliate_commission'] = 'Affiliate Commission (%)';
$_['entry_affiliate'] = 'Affiliate Terms';
$_['entry_return'] = 'Return Terms';
$_['entry_return_status'] = 'Return Status';
$_['entry_captcha'] = 'Captcha';
$_['entry_captcha_page'] = 'Captcha Page';
$_['entry_logo'] = 'Store Logo';
$_['entry_icon'] = 'Icon';
$_['entry_mail_engine'] = 'Mail Engine';
$_['entry_mail_parameter'] = 'Mail Parameters';
$_['entry_mail_smtp_hostname'] = 'SMTP Hostname';
$_['entry_mail_smtp_username'] = 'SMTP Username';
$_['entry_mail_smtp_password'] = 'SMTP Password';
$_['entry_mail_smtp_port'] = 'SMTP Port';
$_['entry_mail_smtp_timeout'] = 'SMTP Timeout';
$_['entry_mail_alert'] = 'Alert Mail';
$_['entry_mail_alert_email'] = 'Additional Alert Mail';
$_['entry_secure'] = 'Use SSL';
$_['entry_shared'] = 'Use Shared Sessions';
$_['entry_robots'] = 'Robots';
$_['entry_seo_url'] = 'Use SEO URLs';
$_['entry_file_max_size'] = 'Max File Size';
$_['entry_file_ext_allowed'] = 'Allowed File Extensions';
$_['entry_file_mime_allowed'] = 'Allowed File Mime Types';
$_['entry_maintenance'] = 'Maintenance Mode';
$_['entry_password'] = 'Allow Forgotten Password';
$_['entry_encryption'] = 'Encryption Key';
$_['entry_compression'] = 'Output Compression Level';
$_['entry_error_display'] = 'Display Errors';
$_['entry_error_log'] = 'Log Errors';
$_['entry_error_filename'] = 'Error Log Filename';
$_['entry_status'] = 'Tila';
// Help
$_['help_geocode'] = 'Please enter your store location geocode manually.';
$_['help_open'] = 'Fill in your store\'s opening times.';
$_['help_comment'] = 'This field is for any special notes you would like to tell the customer i.e. Store does not accept cheques.';
$_['help_location'] = 'The different store locations you have that you want displayed on the contact us form.';
$_['help_currency'] = 'Change the default currency. Clear your browser cache to see the change and reset your existing cookie.';
$_['help_currency_auto'] = 'Set your store to automatically update currencies daily.';
$_['help_limit_admin'] = 'Determines how many admin items are shown per page (orders, customers, etc).';
$_['help_product_count'] = 'Show the number of products inside the subcategories in the storefront header category menu. Be warned, this will cause an extreme performance hit for stores with a lot of subcategories!';
$_['help_review'] = 'Enable/Disable new review entry and display of existing reviews.';
$_['help_review_guest'] = 'Allow guests to post reviews.';
$_['help_voucher_min'] = 'Minimum amount a customer can purchase a voucher for.';
$_['help_voucher_max'] = 'Maximum amount a customer can purchase a voucher for.';
$_['help_tax_default'] = 'Use the store address to calculate taxes if customer is not logged in. You can choose to use the store address for the customer\'s shipping or payment address.';
$_['help_tax_customer'] = 'Use the customer\'s default address when they login to calculate taxes. You can choose to use the default address for the customer\'s shipping or payment address.';
$_['help_customer_online'] = 'Track customers online via the customer reports section.';
$_['help_customer_activity'] = 'Track customers activity via the customer reports section.';
$_['help_customer_group'] = 'Default customer group.';
$_['help_customer_group_display'] = 'Display customer groups that new customers can select to use such as wholesale and business when signing up.';
$_['help_customer_price'] = 'Only show prices when a customer is logged in.';
$_['help_login_attempts'] = 'Maximum login attempts allowed before the account is locked for 1 hour. Customer and affliate accounts can be unlocked on the customer or affliate admin pages. Admin account can be unlocked on reset password.';
$_['help_account'] = 'Forces people to agree to terms before an account can be created.';
$_['help_invoice_prefix'] = 'Set the invoice prefix (e.g. INV-2011-00). Invoice IDs will start at 1 for each unique prefix.';
$_['help_cart_weight'] = 'Show the cart weight on the cart page.';
$_['help_checkout_guest'] = 'Allow customers to checkout without creating an account. This will not be available when a downloadable product is in the shopping cart.';
$_['help_checkout'] = 'Forces people to agree to terms before a customer can checkout.';
$_['help_order_status'] = 'Set the default order status when an order is processed.';
$_['help_processing_status'] = 'Set the order status the customer\'s order must reach before the order starts stock subtraction and coupon, voucher and rewards redemption.';
$_['help_complete_status'] = 'Set the order status the customer\'s order must reach before they are allowed to access their downloadable products and gift vouchers.';
$_['help_fraud_status'] = 'Set the order status when a customer is suspected of trying to alter the order payment details or use a coupon, gift voucher or reward points that have already been used.';
$_['help_api'] = 'Default API user the admin should use.';
$_['help_stock_display'] = 'Display stock quantity on the product page.';
$_['help_stock_warning'] = 'Display out of stock message on the shopping cart page if a product is out of stock but stock checkout is yes. (Warning always shows if stock checkout is no)';
$_['help_stock_checkout'] = 'Allow customers to still checkout if the products they are ordering are not in stock.';
$_['help_affiliate_approval'] = 'Automatically approve any new affiliates who sign up.';
$_['help_affiliate_auto'] = 'Automatically add commission when each order reaches the complete status.';
$_['help_affiliate_commission'] = 'The default affiliate commission percentage.';
$_['help_affiliate'] = 'Forces people to agree to terms before an affiliate account can be created.';
$_['help_return'] = 'Forces people to agree to terms before a return can be created.';
$_['help_return_status'] = 'Set the default return status when a return request is submitted.';
$_['help_captcha'] = 'Captcha to use for registration, login, contact and reviews.';
$_['help_icon'] = 'The icon should be a PNG that is 16px x 16px.';
$_['help_mail_engine'] = 'Only choose \'Mail\' unless your host has disabled the php mail function.';
$_['help_mail_parameter'] = 'When using \'Mail\', additional mail parameters can be added here (e.g. -f email@storeaddress.com).';
$_['help_mail_smtp_hostname'] = 'Add \'tls://\' or \'ssl://\' prefix if security connection is required. (e.g. tls://smtp.gmail.com, ssl://smtp.gmail.com).';
$_['help_mail_smtp_password'] = 'For gmail you might need to setup a application specific password here: https://security.google.com/settings/security/apppasswords.';
$_['help_mail_alert'] = 'Select which features you would like to receive an alert email on when a customer uses them.';
$_['help_mail_alert_email'] = 'Any additional emails you want to receive the alert email, in addition to the main store email. (comma separated).';
$_['help_secure'] = 'To use SSL check with your host if a SSL certificate is installed and add the SSL URL to the catalog and admin config files.';
$_['help_shared'] = 'Try to share the session cookie between stores so the cart can be passed between different domains.';
$_['help_robots'] = 'A list of web crawler user agents that shared sessions will not be used with. Use separate lines for each user agent.';
$_['help_seo_url'] = 'To use SEO URLs, apache module mod-rewrite must be installed and you need to rename the htaccess.txt to .htaccess.';
$_['help_file_max_size'] = 'The maximum image file size you can upload in Image Manager. Enter as byte.';
$_['help_file_ext_allowed'] = 'Add which file extensions are allowed to be uploaded. Use a new line for each value.';
$_['help_file_mime_allowed'] = 'Add which file mime types are allowed to be uploaded. Use a new line for each value.';
$_['help_maintenance'] = 'Prevents customers from browsing your store. They will instead see a maintenance message. If logged in as admin, you will see the store as normal.';
$_['help_password'] = 'Allow forgotten password to be used for the admin. This will be disabled automatically if the system detects a hack attempt.';
$_['help_encryption'] = 'Please provide a secret key that will be used to encrypt private information when processing orders.';
$_['help_compression'] = 'GZIP for more efficient transfer to requesting clients. Compression level must be between 0 - 9.';
// Error
$_['error_warning'] = 'Varoitus: Please check the form carefully for errors!';
$_['error_permission'] = 'Varoitus: You do not have permission to modify settings!';
$_['error_meta_title'] = 'Title must be between 3 and 32 characters!';
$_['error_name'] = 'Store Name must be between 3 and 32 characters!';
$_['error_owner'] = 'Store Owner must be between 3 and 64 characters!';
$_['error_address'] = 'Store Address must be between 10 and 256 characters!';
$_['error_email'] = 'E-Mail Address does not appear to be valid!';
$_['error_telephone'] = 'Telephone must be between 3 and 32 characters!';
$_['error_limit'] = 'Limit required!';
$_['error_login_attempts'] = 'Login Attempts must be greater than 0!';
$_['error_customer_group_display'] = 'You must include the default customer group if you are going to use this feature!';
$_['error_voucher_min'] = 'Minimum voucher amount required!';
$_['error_voucher_max'] = 'Maximum voucher amount required!';
$_['error_processing_status'] = 'You must choose at least 1 order process status';
$_['error_complete_status'] = 'You must choose at least 1 order complete status';
$_['error_log_required'] = 'Error Log Filename required!';
$_['error_log_invalid'] = 'Error Log Filename invalid!';
$_['error_log_extension'] = 'Error Log Filename extension needs to be .log!';
$_['error_encryption'] = 'Encryption Key must be between 32 and 1024 characters!';