2020-02-16 13:32:04 +02:00

178 lines
9.6 KiB

// Heading
$_['heading_title'] = 'Klarna Checkout';
// Text
$_['text_extension'] = 'Extensions';
$_['text_success'] = 'Success: You have modified Klarna Checkout account details!';
$_['text_edit'] = 'Edit Klarna Checkout';
$_['text_live'] = 'Live';
$_['text_test'] = 'Test';
$_['text_payment_info'] = 'Payment information';
$_['text_na'] = 'N/A';
$_['text_confirm_cancel'] = 'Are you sure you want to cancel this transaction?';
$_['text_confirm_capture'] = 'Are you sure you want to capture';
$_['text_confirm_refund'] = 'Are you sure you want to refund';
$_['text_confirm_extend_authorization'] = 'Are you sure you want to extend the authorization?';
$_['text_confirm_release_authorization'] = 'Are you sure you want to release the remaining authorization?';
$_['text_confirm_merchant_reference'] = 'Are you sure you want to update merchant reference 1?';
$_['text_confirm_shipping_info'] = 'Are you sure you want to save shipping information?';
$_['text_confirm_billing_address'] = 'Are you sure you want to update the billing address?';
$_['text_confirm_shipping_address'] = 'Are you sure you want to extend the shipping address?';
$_['text_confirm_trigger_send_out'] = 'Are you sure you want to trigger a new send out?';
$_['text_confirm_settlement'] = 'Are you sure you want to process settlement files?';
$_['text_no_capture'] = 'No captures';
$_['text_no_refund'] = 'No refunds';
$_['text_success_action'] = 'Success';
$_['text_error_generic'] = 'Error: There was an error with your request.';
$_['text_capture_shipping_info_title'] = 'Capture %d - Shipping Info';
$_['text_capture_billing_address_title'] = 'Capture %d - Billing Address';
$_['text_new_capture_title'] = 'New Capture';
$_['text_new_refund_title'] = 'New Refund';
$_['text_downloading_settlement'] = 'Downloading settlement files...';
$_['text_processing_orders'] = 'Processing orders...';
$_['text_processing_order'] = 'Processing order';
$_['text_no_files'] = 'No files to download.';
$_['text_version'] = '1.2';
// Column
$_['column_order_id'] = 'Order ID';
$_['column_capture_id'] = 'Capture ID';
$_['column_reference'] = 'Klarna Reference';
$_['column_status'] = 'Status';
$_['column_merchant_reference_1'] = 'Merchant Reference 1';
$_['column_customer_details'] = 'Customer Details';
$_['column_billing_address'] = 'Billing Details';
$_['column_shipping_address'] = 'Shipping Details';
$_['column_order_lines'] = 'Item Details';
$_['column_amount'] = 'Amount';
$_['column_authorization_remaining'] = 'Authorization Remaining';
$_['column_authorization_expiry'] = 'Authorization Expiry Date';
$_['column_item_reference'] = 'Reference';
$_['column_type'] = 'Type';
$_['column_quantity'] = 'Quantity';
$_['column_quantity_unit'] = 'Quantity Unit';
$_['column_name'] = 'Name';
$_['column_total_amount'] = 'Total Amount';
$_['column_unit_price'] = 'Unit Price';
$_['column_total_discount_amount'] = 'Total Discount Amount';
$_['column_tax_rate'] = 'Tax Rate';
$_['column_total_tax_amount'] = 'Total Tax Amount';
$_['column_action'] = 'Action';
$_['column_cancel'] = 'Cancel';
$_['column_capture'] = 'Captures';
$_['column_refund'] = 'Refunds';
$_['column_date'] = 'Date';
$_['column_title'] = 'Title';
$_['column_given_name'] = 'Given Name';
$_['column_family_name'] = 'Family Name';
$_['column_street_address'] = 'Street Address';
$_['column_street_address2'] = 'Street Address 2';
$_['column_city'] = 'City';
$_['column_postal_code'] = 'Postal Code';
$_['column_region'] = 'Region';
$_['column_country'] = 'Country';
$_['column_email'] = 'Email';
$_['column_phone'] = 'Phone';
$_['column_action'] = 'Action';
$_['column_shipping_info'] = 'Shipping Info';
$_['column_shipping_company'] = 'Shipping Company';
$_['column_shipping_method'] = 'Shipping Method';
$_['column_tracking_number'] = 'Tracking Number';
$_['column_tracking_uri'] = 'Tracking URI';
$_['column_return_shipping_company'] = 'Return Shipping Company';
$_['column_return_tracking_number'] = 'Return Tracking Number';
$_['column_return_tracking_uri'] = 'Return Tracking URI';
// Entry
$_['entry_debug'] = 'Debug Logging';
$_['entry_colour_button'] = 'Button Background Colour';
$_['entry_colour_button_text'] = 'Button Text Colour';
$_['entry_colour_checkbox'] = 'Checkbox Background Colour';
$_['entry_colour_checkbox_checkmark'] = 'Checkbox Tick Colour';
$_['entry_colour_header'] = 'Heading Text Colour';
$_['entry_colour_link'] = 'Link Text Colour';
$_['entry_separate_shipping_address'] = 'Allow Separate Shipping Address';
$_['entry_dob_mandatory'] = 'Date Of Birth Mandatory (UK stores only)';
$_['entry_title_mandatory'] = 'Title Mandatory (UK stores only)';
$_['entry_additional_text_box'] = 'Allow Newsletter Signup';
$_['entry_total'] = 'Total';
$_['entry_order_status'] = 'Order Status';
$_['entry_order_status_authorised'] = 'Authorized';
$_['entry_order_status_part_captured'] = 'Part Captured';
$_['entry_order_status_captured'] = 'Captured';
$_['entry_order_status_cancelled'] = 'Cancelled';
$_['entry_order_status_refund'] = 'Full Refund';
$_['entry_order_status_fraud_rejected'] = 'Fraud - Rejected';
$_['entry_order_status_fraud_pending'] = 'Fraud - Pending Decision';
$_['entry_order_status_fraud_accepted'] = 'Fraud - Accepted';
$_['entry_status'] = 'Status';
$_['entry_terms'] = 'Terms & Conditions';
$_['entry_locale'] = 'Locale';
$_['entry_currency'] = 'Currency';
$_['entry_merchant_id'] = 'Merchant ID (MID)';
$_['entry_secret'] = 'Shared Secret';
$_['entry_environment'] = 'Environment (Live/Test)';
$_['entry_country'] = 'Country';
$_['entry_shipping'] = 'Shipping Countries';
$_['entry_api'] = 'API Location';
$_['entry_shipping_company'] = 'Shipping Company';
$_['entry_shipping_method'] = 'Shipping Method';
$_['entry_tracking_number'] = 'Tracking Number';
$_['entry_tracking_uri'] = 'Tracking URI';
$_['entry_return_shipping_company'] = 'Return Shipping Company';
$_['entry_return_tracking_number'] = 'Return Tracking Number';
$_['entry_return_tracking_uri'] = 'Return Tracking URI';
$_['entry_sftp_username'] = 'SFTP Username';
$_['entry_sftp_password'] = 'SFTP Password';
$_['entry_process_settlement'] = 'Process Settlement Files';
$_['entry_settlement_order_status'] = 'Order Status';
$_['entry_version'] = 'Extension Version';
// Help
$_['help_debug'] = 'Enabling debug will write sensitive data to a log file. You should always disable unless instructed otherwise.';
$_['help_separate_shipping_address'] = 'If yes, the consumer can enter different billing and shipping addresses.';
$_['help_dob_mandatory'] = 'If yes, the consumer cannot skip date of birth.';
$_['help_title_mandatory'] = 'If specified to no, title becomes optional in countries that by default require title.';
$_['help_additional_text_box'] = 'Allows newsletter signup within the iFrame for logged in users.';
$_['help_total'] = 'The checkout total the order must reach before this payment method becomes active.';
$_['help_locale'] = 'Locale code for each account. Two-letter language code combined with two-letter country code according to RFC 1766. (e.g. en-gb for British English or sv-se for Swedish)';
$_['help_api'] = 'For Europe users, Klarna Checkout doesn\'t provide the customer region. This means that region specific shipping options will not work (Country specific shipping is fine)';
$_['help_sftp_username'] = 'SFTP username provided by your account manager';
$_['help_sftp_password'] = 'SFTP password provided by your account manager';
$_['help_settlement_order_status'] = 'Order status that processed settlement orders will change to.';
$_['help_shipping'] = 'All countries within this geo zone will be available to select in the Klarna iFrame.';
// Button
$_['button_account_remove'] = 'Remove Account';
$_['button_account_add'] = 'Add Account';
$_['button_capture'] = 'Capture';
$_['button_refund'] = 'Refund';
$_['button_extend_authorization'] = 'Extend';
$_['button_release_authorization'] = 'Release';
$_['button_update'] = 'Update';
$_['button_add_shipping_info'] = 'Add Shipping Info';
$_['button_trigger_send_out'] = 'Trigger New Send Out';
$_['button_edit_shipping_info'] = 'Edit Shipping Info';
$_['button_edit_billing_address'] = 'Edit Billing Address';
$_['button_new_capture'] = 'New Capture';
$_['button_new_refund'] = 'New Refund';
$_['button_process_settlement'] = 'Process Settlement Files';
// Error
$_['error_warning'] = 'Varoitus: Please check the form carefully for errors!';
$_['error_php_version'] = 'Minimum version of PHP 5.4.0 is required!';
$_['error_ssl'] = 'You must enable "Use SSL" in the store settings and have an SSL certificate installed!';
$_['error_account_minimum'] = 'Please add at least one account.';
$_['error_locale'] = 'Please enter a valid locale.';
$_['error_account_currency'] = 'Account list contains one or more duplicate currencies.';
$_['error_merchant_id'] = 'Merchant ID Required!';
$_['error_secret'] = 'Shared Secret Required!';
$_['error_tax_warning'] = 'Varoitus: Some of your products use a Payment Address based Tax Class. Klarna Checkout will not work when any of these are placed in the cart.';
// Tab
$_['tab_setting'] = 'Settings';
$_['tab_order_status'] = 'Order Statuses';
$_['tab_account'] = 'Accounts';
$_['tab_settlement'] = 'Settlement';