or <'; $_['error_tracking_courier'] = 'You must select a courier if you want to add a tracking ID'; $_['error_tracking_custom'] = 'Please leave courier field empty if you want to use custom courier'; $_['error_permission'] = 'You do not have permission to modify the OpenBay Pro extension'; $_['error_file_delete'] = 'Unable to remove these files, you should delete them manually'; $_['error_mkdir'] = 'PHP function "mkdir" is disabled, contact your host'; $_['error_openssl_encrypt'] = 'PHP function "openssl_encrypt" is not enabled. Contact your hosting provider.'; $_['error_openssl_decrypt'] = 'PHP function "openssl_decrypt" is not enabled. Contact your hosting provider.'; $_['error_fopen'] = 'PHP function "fopen" is not enabled. Contact your hosting provider.'; $_['error_url_fopen'] = '"allow_url_fopen" directive is disabled by your host - you will be unable to import images when importing products from eBay'; $_['error_curl'] = 'PHP library "CURL" is not enabled. Contact your hosting provider.'; $_['error_zip'] = 'ZIP extension needs to be loaded. Contact your hosting provider.'; $_['error_mbstring'] = 'PHP library "mb strings" is not enabled. Contact your hosting provider.'; $_['error_oc_version'] = 'Your version of OpenCart is not tested to work with this module. You may experience problems.'; // Help $_['help_clear_faq'] = 'Show all of the help notifications again'; $_['help_empty_data'] = 'This can cause serious damage, do not use it if you do not know what it does!'; $_['help_easy_update'] = 'Click update to install the latest version of OpenBay Pro automatically'; $_['help_patch'] = 'Click to run the patch scripts'; $_['help_beta'] = 'Caution! The beta version is the latest development version. It may not be stable and could contain bugs.';