$_['text_payment'] = 'Payment';
$_['text_success'] = 'Success: You have modified Braintree account details!';
$_['text_success_connect'] = 'Success: You have connected your PayPal (Powered by Braintree) account!';
$_['text_edit'] = 'Edit PayPal (Powered by Braintree)';
$_['text_production'] = 'Production';
$_['text_sandbox'] = 'Sandbox';
$_['text_currency'] = 'Currency';
$_['text_immediate'] = 'Immediate';
$_['text_deferred'] = 'Deferred';
$_['text_merchant_account_id'] = 'Merchant Account ID (Leave blank to use default merchant account)';
$_['text_payment_info'] = 'Payment information';
$_['text_confirm_void'] = 'Are you sure you want to void this transaction?';
$_['text_avs_response'] = 'Street Address: %s, Postal Code: %s';
$_['text_confirm_settle'] = 'Are you sure you want to settle/capture';
$_['text_confirm_refund'] = 'Are you sure you want to refund';
$_['text_success_action'] = 'Success';
$_['text_error_settle'] = 'Error: %s';
$_['text_error_generic'] = 'Error: There was an error with your request.';
$_['text_na'] = 'N/A';
$_['text_all'] = 'All';
$_['text_sale'] = 'Sale';
$_['text_credit'] = 'Credit';
$_['text_credit_card'] = 'Credit Card';
$_['text_paypal'] = 'PayPal';
$_['text_enable_transactions'] = 'Please enable Braintree before viewing transactions.';
$_['text_yes'] = 'Yes';
$_['text_no'] = 'No';
$_['text_no_refund'] = 'No refund history';
$_['text_app_connected'] = 'Module is connected via Braintree auth';
$_['text_braintree'] = '
$_['text_paypal_gold'] = 'Gold';
$_['text_paypal_blue'] = 'Blue';
$_['text_paypal_silver'] = 'Silver';
$_['text_paypal_tiny'] = 'Tiny';
$_['text_paypal_small'] = 'Small';
$_['text_paypal_medium'] = 'Medium';
$_['text_paypal_pill'] = 'Pill';
$_['text_paypal_rectangular'] = 'Rectangular';
$_['text_paypal_preview'] = 'Button preview
Save to view changes';
$_['text_braintree_learn'] = 'To start accepting credit/debit cards and PayPal, click Connect with Braintree. Learn more';
$_['text_3ds'] = '3D Secure';
$_['text_cvv'] = 'CVV Number';
$_['text_promotion_main'] = 'Designed for businesses of all sizes, from small to large enterprise, easily accept and process payments to help maximise business opportunities and revenue growth, with no setup or monthly fees';
$_['text_promotion_li_1'] = 'All the benefits of PayPal, plus cards acceptance on your checkout page';
$_['text_promotion_li_2'] = 'Fast configuration and setup';
$_['text_promotion_li_3'] = 'Achieve PCI DSS v3.0 SAQ-A compliance using Hosted Fields';
$_['text_promotion_li_4'] = 'Allow customers to vault card details';
$_['text_learn_more'] = '(Learn more)';
$_['text_accept'] = 'Accept';
$_['text_decline'] = 'Decline';
$_['text_merchant_connected'] = 'Connected Merchant ID: ';
$_['text_enable_button'] = 'We recommend offering PayPal Express Shortcut to maximise checkout conversion, this allows customers to use their PayPal address book and checkout is as little as three taps from the basket page. Click enable to install the extension and access the layout manager, you will ned to add "PayPal (Powered by Braintree) Button" to the checkout layout';
$_['text_3ds_ssl'] = '3D Secure requires the store to be using an SSL certificate';
$_['text_unlink'] = 'Delete link';
// Column
$_['column_void'] = 'Void';
$_['column_settle'] = 'Settle';
$_['column_refund'] = 'Refund';
$_['column_transaction_id'] = 'Transaction ID';
$_['column_transaction_type'] = 'Transaction Type';
$_['column_transaction_date'] = 'Transaction Date';
$_['column_merchant_account'] = 'Merchant Account';
$_['column_payment_type'] = 'Payment Type';
$_['column_order_id'] = 'Order ID';
$_['column_processor_code'] = 'Processor Authorization Code';
$_['column_cvv_response'] = 'CVV Response';
$_['column_avs_response'] = 'AVS Response';
$_['column_3ds_enrolled'] = '3DS Enrolled';
$_['column_3ds_status'] = '3DS Status';
$_['column_3ds_shifted'] = '3DS Liability Shifted';
$_['column_3ds_shift_possible'] = '3DS Liability Shift Possible';
$_['column_transaction_history'] = 'Transaction Status History';
$_['column_date'] = 'Date';
$_['column_refund_history'] = 'Refund History';
$_['column_action'] = 'Action';
$_['column_amount'] = 'Amount';
$_['column_status'] = 'Status';
$_['column_type'] = 'Type';
$_['column_customer'] = 'Customer';
$_['column_order'] = 'Order';
$_['column_date_added'] = 'Date Added';
// Entry
$_['entry_merchant_id'] = 'Merchant ID';
$_['entry_public_key'] = 'Public Key';
$_['entry_private_key'] = 'Private Key';
$_['entry_environment'] = 'Environment';
$_['entry_settlement_type'] = 'Settlement Type';
$_['entry_card_vault'] = 'Enable card vault';
$_['entry_card_check_vault'] = 'Card vault is pre-checked';
$_['entry_paypal_vault'] = 'Enable PayPal vault';
$_['entry_paypal_check_vault'] = 'PayPal vault is pre-checked';
$_['entry_vault_cvv_3ds'] = 'Require CVV2 or 3D secure?';
$_['entry_debug'] = 'Debug Logging';
$_['entry_total'] = 'Total';
$_['entry_geo_zone'] = 'Geo Zone';
$_['entry_status'] = 'Status';
$_['entry_sort_order'] = 'Sort Order';
$_['entry_authorization_expired'] = 'Authorization Expired';
$_['entry_authorized'] = 'Authorized';
$_['entry_authorizing'] = 'Authorizing';
$_['entry_settlement_pending'] = 'Settlement Pending';
$_['entry_failed'] = 'Failed';
$_['entry_gateway_rejected'] = 'Gateway Rejected';
$_['entry_processor_declined'] = 'Processor Declined';
$_['entry_settled'] = 'Settled';
$_['entry_settling'] = 'Settling';
$_['entry_submitted_for_settlement'] = 'Submitted For Settlement';
$_['entry_voided'] = 'Voided';
$_['entry_transaction_id'] = 'Transaction ID';
$_['entry_transaction_type'] = 'Transaction Type';
$_['entry_date_from'] = 'Date From';
$_['entry_date_to'] = 'Date To';
$_['entry_payment_type'] = 'Payment Type';
$_['entry_card_type'] = 'Card Type';
$_['entry_amount_from'] = 'Amount From';
$_['entry_amount_to'] = 'Amount To';
$_['entry_transaction_status'] = 'Transaction Status';
$_['entry_merchant_account_id'] = 'Merchant Account ID';
$_['entry_connection'] = 'API Connection Status';
$_['entry_paypal_option'] = 'Display PayPal Option';
$_['entry_paypal_button_colour'] = 'Button Colour';
$_['entry_paypal_button_shape'] = 'Button Shape';
$_['entry_paypal_button_size'] = 'Button Size';
$_['entry_paypal_billing_agreement'] = 'Billing agreement description';
$_['entry_3ds_status'] = 'Enable 3-D Secure';
$_['entry_3ds_unsupported_card'] = 'Unsupported Card
Default: Accept';
$_['entry_3ds_lookup_error'] = 'Lookup Error
Default: Accept';
$_['entry_3ds_lookup_enrolled'] = 'Lookup Enrolled
Default: Accept';
$_['entry_3ds_lookup_not_enrolled'] = 'Lookup Not Enrolled
Default: Accept';
$_['entry_3ds_not_participating'] = 'Auth Success, Issuer Not Participating
Default: Accept';
$_['entry_3ds_unavailable'] = 'Auth Unavailable
Default: Accept';
$_['entry_3ds_signature_failed'] = 'Auth Signature Verification Failed
Default: Decline';
$_['entry_3ds_successful'] = 'Auth Successful
Default: Accept';
$_['entry_3ds_attempt_successful'] = 'Auth Attempt Successful
Default: Accept';
$_['entry_3ds_failed'] = 'Auth Failed
Default: Decline';
$_['entry_3ds_unable_to_auth'] = 'Unable To Authenticate
Default: Accept';
$_['entry_3ds_error'] = 'Authentication Error
Default: Accept';
// Help
$_['help_settlement_type'] = 'Immediate will Submit For Settlement straight away. Deferred will set the transaction to Authorized and the merchant must Submit For Settlement manually in the OpenCart order details.';
$_['help_card_vault'] = 'Allow customer to remember their card';
$_['help_paypal_vault'] = 'Allow customer to remember their PayPal account';
$_['help_card_check_vault'] = 'The checkbox for card vault is already checked when the page loads';
$_['help_paypal_check_vault'] = 'The checkbox for PayPal vault is already checked when the page loads';
$_['help_vault_cvv_3ds'] = 'This will require customers using a vaulted card to re-enter the CVV2 number or use 3D secure. It is not possible to enable both options for a vaulted card.';
$_['help_debug'] = 'Enabling debug will write sensitive data to a log file. You should always disable unless instructed otherwise';
$_['help_total'] = 'The checkout total the order must reach before this payment method becomes active';
$_['help_paypal_option'] = 'If you have your PayPal account linked with Braintree you can display the PayPal payment option as well';
$_['help_paypal_billing_agreement'] = 'You can add a billing agreement description that will be shown to users in the PayPal window when opting to vault their PayPal account';
// Button
$_['button_void'] = 'Void';
$_['button_settle'] = 'Settle';
$_['button_refund'] = 'Refund';
$_['button_filter'] = 'Filter';
// Error
$_['error_permission'] = 'Varoitus: You do not have permission to modify payment Braintree!';
$_['error_php_version'] = 'Minimum version of PHP 5.4.0 is required!';
$_['error_merchant_id'] = 'Merchant ID Required!';
$_['error_public_key'] = 'Public Key Required!';
$_['error_private_key'] = 'Private Key Required!';
$_['error_connection'] = 'There was a problem establishing a connection to the Braintree API. Please check your Merchant ID, Public Key, Private Key and Environment settings.';
$_['error_account'] = 'Please enter a valid Merchant Account ID as specified in your Braintree Account';
$_['error_warning'] = 'Varoitus: Please check the form carefully for errors!';
$_['error_3ds_not_ready'] = 'You have enabled 3D secure however your Braintree account does not have it configured, please check your Braintree Control Panel or contact Braintree support';
$_['error_paypal_not_ready'] = 'You have enabled PayPal however your Braintree account does not have it configured, please check your Braintree Control Panel or contact Braintree support';
$_['error_paypal_billing_not_ready'] = 'You have enabled PayPal vaulting/billing agreements however your Braintree account does not have it configured, please check your Braintree Control Panel or contact Braintree support';
$_['error_braintree_account_3ds'] = '3DS is not enabled in your Braintree account yet, however it is not available for all countries. Please check your Braintree Control Panel or contact Braintree support';
$_['error_braintree_account_paypal'] = 'PayPal is not enabled in your Braintree account yet. Please check your Braintree Control Panel or contact Braintree support';
$_['error_braintree_account_billing'] = 'Billing agreements are not enabled in your Braintree account yet. Please check your Braintree Control Panel or contact Braintree support';
$_['error_environment'] = 'You cannot set your environment to %s when your credentials are for the %s environment in Braintree';
// Tab
$_['tab_setting'] = 'Settings';
$_['tab_currency'] = 'Currencies';
$_['tab_order_status'] = 'Order Statuses (New Orders)';
$_['tab_3ds'] = '3-D Secure';
$_['tab_transaction'] = 'Transaction Search';
$_['tab_vault'] = 'Vault';
$_['tab_paypal'] = 'PayPal';