BluePay Hosted Form'; $_['text_test'] = 'Test'; $_['text_live'] = 'Live'; $_['text_sale'] = 'Sale'; $_['text_authenticate'] = 'Authorize'; $_['text_release_ok'] = 'Release was successful'; $_['text_release_ok_order'] = 'Release was successful'; $_['text_rebate_ok'] = 'Rebate was successful'; $_['text_rebate_ok_order'] = 'Rebate was successful, order status updated to rebated'; $_['text_void_ok'] = 'Void was successful, order status updated to voided'; $_['text_payment_info'] = 'Payment information'; $_['text_release_status'] = 'Payment released'; $_['text_void_status'] = 'Payment voided'; $_['text_rebate_status'] = 'Payment rebated'; $_['text_order_ref'] = 'Order ref'; $_['text_order_total'] = 'Total authorised'; $_['text_total_released'] = 'Total released'; $_['text_transactions'] = 'Transactions'; $_['text_column_amount'] = 'Amount'; $_['text_column_type'] = 'Type'; $_['text_column_date_added'] = 'Date Added'; $_['text_confirm_void'] = 'Are you sure you want to void the payment?'; $_['text_confirm_release'] = 'Are you sure you want to release the payment?'; $_['text_confirm_rebate'] = 'Are you sure you want to rebate the payment?'; $_['text_payment'] = "Payment"; $_['text_rebate'] = "Rebate"; // Entry $_['entry_account_name'] = 'Account Name'; $_['entry_account_id'] = 'Account ID'; $_['entry_secret_key'] = 'Secret Key'; $_['entry_test'] = 'Transaction Mode'; $_['entry_transaction'] = 'Transaction Method'; $_['entry_card_amex'] = 'Amex'; $_['entry_card_discover'] = 'Discover'; $_['entry_total'] = 'Total'; $_['entry_order_status'] = 'Order Status'; $_['entry_geo_zone'] = 'Geo Zone'; $_['entry_status'] = 'Status'; $_['entry_sort_order'] = 'Sort Order'; $_['entry_debug'] = 'Debug logging'; // Help $_['help_total'] = 'The checkout total the order must reach before this payment method becomes active.'; $_['help_debug'] = 'Enabling debug will write sensitive data to a log file. You should always disable unless instructed otherwise'; $_['help_transaction'] = 'Sale will charge customer immediately. Authorization will put funds on hold for future capture.'; $_['help_cron_job_token'] = 'Make this long and hard to guess'; $_['help_cron_job_url'] = 'Set a cron job to call this URL'; // Button $_['button_release'] = 'Release'; $_['button_rebate'] = 'Rebate / refund'; $_['button_void'] = 'Void'; // Error $_['error_permission'] = 'Varoitus: You do not have permission to modify payment BluePay!'; $_['error_account_name'] = 'Account Name Required!'; $_['error_account_id'] = 'Account ID Required!'; $_['error_secret_key'] = 'Secret Key Required!';