// Headings
$_['heading_title']      	 = 'New listing';
$_['text_openbay']           = 'OpenBay Pro';
$_['text_etsy']              = 'Etsy';

// Tabs
$_['tab_additional']      	 = 'Additional information';

// Text
$_['text_option']      		 = 'Select option';
$_['text_category_selected'] = 'Category selected';
$_['text_material_add']  	 = 'Add Material';
$_['text_material_remove']   = 'Remove Material';
$_['text_tag_add']  		 = 'Add Tag';
$_['text_tag_remove']  		 = 'Remove Tag';
$_['text_created']  		 = 'Your listing has been created';
$_['text_listing_id']  		 = 'Listing ID';
$_['text_img_upload']  		 = 'Uploading image';
$_['text_img_upload_done']   = 'Uploaded image';
$_['text_create']  			 = 'Create a new Etsy listing';

// Entry
$_['entry_title']      		 = 'Product title';
$_['entry_description']      = 'Description';
$_['entry_price']      		 = 'Price';
$_['entry_non_taxable']      = 'Non taxable';
$_['entry_category']     	 = 'Category selection';
$_['entry_who_made']		 = 'Who made it?';
$_['entry_when_made']		 = 'When was it made?';
$_['entry_recipient']		 = 'Who is it for?';
$_['entry_occasion']		 = 'What occasion is it for?';
$_['entry_is_supply']		 = 'Is this a supply?';
$_['entry_state']      		 = 'Listing status';
$_['entry_style']      		 = 'Style Tag 1';
$_['entry_style_2']      	 = 'Style Tag 2';
$_['entry_processing_min']   = 'Processing time min';
$_['entry_processing_max']   = 'Processing time max';
$_['entry_materials']  		 = 'Materials';
$_['entry_tags']  			 = 'Tags';
$_['entry_shipping']  		 = 'Shipping profile';
$_['entry_shop']  			 = 'Shop section';
$_['entry_is_custom']  		 = 'Can it be customised?';
$_['entry_image']  			 = 'Main image';
$_['entry_image_other']		 = 'Other images';

// Help
$_['help_description']		 = 'All HTML has been removed from your description as it is not supported on Etsy';

// Errors
$_['error_no_shipping']  	 = 'You have not setup any shipping profiles!';
$_['error_no_shop_secton']   = 'You have not setup any shop sections!';
$_['error_no_img_url']  	 = 'No image selected for upload';
$_['error_no_listing_id']  	 = 'No listing ID supplied';
$_['error_title_length']  	 = 'Title is too long';
$_['error_title_missing']  	 = 'Title is missing';
$_['error_desc_missing']  	 = 'Description is missing or empty';
$_['error_price_missing']  	 = 'Price is missing or empty';
$_['error_category']  		 = 'Category not selected';
$_['error_style_1_tag']  	 = 'Style 1 tag is not valid';
$_['error_style_2_tag']  	 = 'Style 2 tag is not valid';
$_['error_materials']  		 = 'You can only add 13 materials';
$_['error_tags']  			 = 'You can only add 13 tags';
$_['error_stock_max']  		 = 'The maximum stock you can list on Etsy is 999, you have %s in stock';
$_['error_image_max']  		 = 'The maximum number of images you can use on Etsy is 5, you have chosen %s';
$_['error_variant']			 = 'Variant items on Etsy.com are not yet supported by OpenBay Pro';