%s total amount. You may use the Standard Checkout instead.';
$_['error_payment_method'] = 'Please select a payment method';
$_['error_process_order'] = 'There was an error processing your order. Please contact the shop administrator for help.';
$_['error_session_expired'] = 'Your session has expired. Please sign in again by clicking on the Amazon Pay Button.';
$_['error_shipping'] = 'Please select a shipping method';
$_['error_shipping_address'] = 'Please select a delivery address';
$_['error_shipping_methods'] = 'There was an error retrieving your address from Amazon. Please contact the shop administrator for help.';
$_['heading_address'] = 'Please choose a delivery address';
$_['heading_confirm'] = 'Order summary';
$_['heading_payment'] = 'Please select a payment method';
$_['heading_title'] = 'Amazon Pay and Login with Amazon';
$_['text_amount_converted'] = 'Warning: The total paid amount will be converted into %s at a conversion rate of %s. The expected transaction amount will be %s.';
$_['text_back'] = 'Back';
$_['text_cart'] = 'Cart';
$_['text_confirm'] = 'Confirm';
$_['text_continue'] = 'Continue';
$_['text_continue_checkout'] = 'Continue Checkout Here';
$_['text_coupon'] = 'Coupon';
$_['text_enter_coupon'] = 'Enter your coupon code here.';
$_['text_lpa'] = 'Amazon Pay and Login with Amazon';
$_['text_must_apply_coupon'] = 'Please apply your coupon.';
$_['text_payment_success'] = 'Your order was successfully placed. Order details are below';
$_['text_success_title'] = 'Your order has been placed!';
$_['text_tax_other'] = 'Taxes / Other handling fees';
$_['error_failure_mfa'] = 'There was a problem with your payment. Your order hasn\'t been placed, and you haven\'t been charged.';
$_['error_unexpected_network_error'] = 'Unexpected network error';
$_['error_invaild_request'] = 'Invaild request, please post your order again';
$_['error_abandoned_mfa'] = 'Something\'s wrong with your payment method. To place your order, try another.';
$_['text_created_by'] = 'created by iSenseLabs, OpenCart, V%s';