<?php // Heading $_['heading_title'] = 'Tilaukset'; // Text $_['text_success'] = 'Success: You have modified orders!'; $_['text_list'] = 'Order List'; $_['text_add'] = 'Add Order'; $_['text_edit'] = 'Edit Order'; $_['text_filter'] = 'Suodatin'; $_['text_order_detail'] = 'Order Details'; $_['text_customer_detail'] = 'Customer Details'; $_['text_option'] = 'Options'; $_['text_store'] = 'Store'; $_['text_date_added'] = 'Date Added'; $_['text_payment_method'] = 'Payment Method'; $_['text_shipping_method'] = 'Shipping Method'; $_['text_customer'] = 'Asiakas'; $_['text_customer_group'] = 'Asiakasryhmä'; $_['text_email'] = 'Sähköpostiosoite'; $_['text_telephone'] = 'Telephone'; $_['text_fax'] = 'Fax'; $_['text_invoice'] = 'Invoice'; $_['text_reward'] = 'Reward Points'; $_['text_affiliate'] = 'Affiliate'; $_['text_order'] = 'Order (#%s)'; $_['text_payment_address'] = 'Payment Address'; $_['text_shipping_address'] = 'Shipping Address'; $_['text_comment'] = 'Customer Comment'; $_['text_history'] = 'Order History'; $_['text_history_add'] = 'Add Order History'; $_['text_account_custom_field'] = 'Account Custom Fields'; $_['text_payment_custom_field'] = 'Payment Address Custom Fields'; $_['text_shipping_custom_field'] = 'Shipping Address Custom Fields'; $_['text_browser'] = 'Browser'; $_['text_ip'] = 'IP Address'; $_['text_forwarded_ip'] = 'Forwarded IP'; $_['text_user_agent'] = 'User Agent'; $_['text_accept_language'] = 'Accept Language'; $_['text_order_id'] = 'Order ID:'; $_['text_website'] = 'Web Site:'; $_['text_invoice_no'] = 'Invoice No.'; $_['text_invoice_date'] = 'Invoice Date:'; $_['text_sku'] = 'SKU:'; $_['text_upc'] = 'UPC:'; $_['text_ean'] = 'EAN:'; $_['text_jan'] = 'JAN:'; $_['text_isbn'] = 'ISBN:'; $_['text_mpn'] = 'MPN:'; $_['text_missing'] = 'Missing Orders'; $_['text_default'] = 'Default'; $_['text_product'] = 'Add Product(s)'; $_['text_voucher'] = 'Add Voucher(s)'; $_['text_shipping'] = 'Shipping'; $_['text_contact'] = 'Contact'; $_['text_reward_added'] = 'Success: Reward points added!'; $_['text_reward_removed'] = 'Success: Reward points removed!'; $_['text_commission_added'] = 'Success: Commission added!'; $_['text_commission_removed'] = 'Success: Commission removed!'; $_['text_restock'] = 'Success: Products have been restocked!'; $_['text_upload'] = 'Your file was successfully uploaded!'; $_['text_picklist'] = 'Dispatch Note'; // Column $_['column_order_id'] = 'Order ID'; $_['column_customer'] = 'Asiakas'; $_['column_status'] = 'Tila'; $_['column_date_added'] = 'Lisäyspäivä'; $_['column_date_modified'] = 'Muokkauspäivä'; $_['column_total'] = 'Total'; $_['column_product'] = 'Tuote'; $_['column_model'] = 'Model'; $_['column_quantity'] = 'Quantity'; $_['column_price'] = 'Unit Price'; $_['column_comment'] = 'Kommentti'; $_['column_notify'] = 'Customer Notified'; $_['column_location'] = 'Sijainti'; $_['column_reference'] = 'Reference'; $_['column_action'] = 'Toiminto'; $_['column_weight'] = 'Product Weight'; // Entry $_['entry_store'] = 'Store'; $_['entry_customer'] = 'Asiakas'; $_['entry_customer_group'] = 'Asiakasryhmä'; $_['entry_firstname'] = 'Etunimi'; $_['entry_lastname'] = 'Sukunimi'; $_['entry_email'] = 'Sähköpostiosoite'; $_['entry_telephone'] = 'Telephone'; $_['entry_address'] = 'Choose Address'; $_['entry_company'] = 'Yritys'; $_['entry_address_1'] = 'Address 1'; $_['entry_address_2'] = 'Address 2'; $_['entry_city'] = 'City'; $_['entry_postcode'] = 'Postinumero'; $_['entry_country'] = 'Country'; $_['entry_zone'] = 'Region / State'; $_['entry_zone_code'] = 'Region / State Code'; $_['entry_product'] = 'Choose Product'; $_['entry_option'] = 'Choose Option(s)'; $_['entry_quantity'] = 'Quantity'; $_['entry_to_name'] = 'Recipient\'s Name'; $_['entry_to_email'] = 'Recipient\'s E-mail'; $_['entry_from_name'] = 'Sender\'s Name'; $_['entry_from_email'] = 'Sender\'s E-mail'; $_['entry_theme'] = 'Gift Certificate Theme'; $_['entry_message'] = 'Viesti'; $_['entry_amount'] = 'Amount'; $_['entry_affiliate'] = 'Affiliate'; $_['entry_order_status'] = 'Order Status'; $_['entry_notify'] = 'Notify Customer'; $_['entry_override'] = 'Override'; $_['entry_comment'] = 'Kommentti'; $_['entry_currency'] = 'Currency'; $_['entry_shipping_method'] = 'Shipping Method'; $_['entry_payment_method'] = 'Payment Method'; $_['entry_coupon'] = 'Coupon'; $_['entry_voucher'] = 'Voucher'; $_['entry_reward'] = 'Reward'; $_['entry_order_id'] = 'Order ID'; $_['entry_total'] = 'Total'; $_['entry_date_added'] = 'Lisäyspäivä'; $_['entry_date_modified'] = 'Muokkauspäivä'; // Help $_['help_override'] = 'If the customers order is being blocked from changing the order status due to an anti-fraud extension enable override.'; // Error $_['error_warning'] = 'Varoitus: Please check the form carefully for errors!'; $_['error_permission'] = 'Varoitus: You do not have permission to modify orders!'; $_['error_action'] = 'Varoitus: Could not complete this action!'; $_['error_filetype'] = 'Invalid file type!';