// Heading
$_['express_text_title']      = 'Confirm order';

// Text
$_['text_title']              = 'PayPal Express Checkout';
$_['text_cart']               = 'Shopping Cart';
$_['text_shipping_updated']   = 'Shipping service updated';
$_['text_trial']              = '%s every %s %s for %s payments then ';
$_['text_recurring']          = '%s every %s %s';
$_['text_recurring_item']     = 'Recurring Item';
$_['text_length']             = ' for %s payments';

// Entry
$_['express_entry_coupon']    = 'Enter your coupon here:';

// Button
$_['button_express_coupon']   = 'Add';
$_['button_express_confirm']  = 'Confirm';
$_['button_express_login']    = 'Continue to PayPal';
$_['button_express_shipping'] = 'Update shipping';

// Error
$_['error_heading_title']	  = 'There was an error';
$_['error_too_many_failures'] = 'Your payment has failed too many times';
$_['error_unavailable'] 	  = 'Please use the full checkout with this order';
$_['error_no_shipping']    	  = 'Warning: No Shipping options are available. Please <a href="%s">contact us</a> for assistance!';