PayPal Payments Standard'; $_['text_authorization'] = 'Authorization'; $_['text_sale'] = 'Sale'; // Entry $_['entry_email'] = 'E-Mail'; $_['entry_test'] = 'Sandbox Mode'; $_['entry_transaction'] = 'Transaction Method'; $_['entry_debug'] = 'Debug Mode'; $_['entry_total'] = 'Total'; $_['entry_canceled_reversal_status'] = 'Canceled Reversal Status'; $_['entry_completed_status'] = 'Completed Status'; $_['entry_denied_status'] = 'Denied Status'; $_['entry_expired_status'] = 'Expired Status'; $_['entry_failed_status'] = 'Failed Status'; $_['entry_pending_status'] = 'Pending Status'; $_['entry_processed_status'] = 'Processed Status'; $_['entry_refunded_status'] = 'Refunded Status'; $_['entry_reversed_status'] = 'Reversed Status'; $_['entry_voided_status'] = 'Voided Status'; $_['entry_geo_zone'] = 'Geo Zone'; $_['entry_status'] = 'Status'; $_['entry_sort_order'] = 'Sort Order'; // Tab $_['tab_general'] = 'General'; $_['tab_order_status'] = 'Order Status'; // Help $_['help_test'] = 'Use the live or testing (sandbox) gateway server to process transactions?'; $_['help_debug'] = 'Logs additional information to the system log'; $_['help_total'] = 'The checkout total the order must reach before this payment method becomes active'; // Error $_['error_permission'] = 'Warning: You do not have permission to modify payment PayPal Payments Standard!'; $_['error_email'] = 'E-Mail required!';