%s'; $_['text_address_new'] = 'I want to use a new address'; $_['text_address_existing'] = 'I want to use an existing address'; $_['text_shipping_method'] = 'Please select the preferred shipping method to use on this order.'; $_['text_payment_method'] = 'Please select the preferred payment method to use on this order.'; $_['text_comments'] = 'Add Comments About Your Order'; $_['text_recurring_item'] = 'Recurring Item'; $_['text_payment_recurring'] = 'Payment Profile'; $_['text_trial_description'] = '%s every %d %s(s) for %d payment(s) then'; $_['text_payment_description'] = '%s every %d %s(s) for %d payment(s)'; $_['text_payment_cancel'] = '%s every %d %s(s) until canceled'; $_['text_day'] = 'päivä'; $_['text_week'] = 'viikko'; $_['text_semi_month'] = 'half-month'; $_['text_month'] = 'kuukausi'; $_['text_year'] = 'vuosi'; // Column $_['column_name'] = 'Tuotteen nimi'; $_['column_model'] = 'Malli'; $_['column_quantity'] = 'Määrä'; $_['column_price'] = 'Yksikköhinta'; $_['column_total'] = 'Total'; // Entry $_['entry_email_address'] = 'E-Mail Address'; $_['entry_email'] = 'E-Mail'; $_['entry_password'] = 'Password'; $_['entry_confirm'] = 'Password Confirm'; $_['entry_firstname'] = 'Etunimi'; $_['entry_lastname'] = 'Sukunimi'; $_['entry_telephone'] = 'Telephone'; $_['entry_address'] = 'Choose Address'; $_['entry_company'] = 'Yritys'; $_['entry_customer_group'] = 'Asiakasryhmä'; $_['entry_address_1'] = 'Address 1'; $_['entry_address_2'] = 'Address 2'; $_['entry_postcode'] = 'Postinumero'; $_['entry_city'] = 'City'; $_['entry_country'] = 'Country'; $_['entry_zone'] = 'Region / State'; $_['entry_newsletter'] = 'I wish to subscribe to the %s newsletter.'; $_['entry_shipping'] = 'My delivery and billing addresses are the same.'; // Error $_['error_warning'] = 'There was a problem while trying to process your order! If the problem persists please try selecting a different payment method or you can contact the store owner by clicking here.'; $_['error_login'] = 'Varoitus: No match for E-Mail Address and/or Password.'; $_['error_attempts'] = 'Varoitus: Your account has exceeded allowed number of login attempts. Please try again in 1 hour.'; $_['error_approved'] = 'Varoitus: Your account requires approval before you can login.'; $_['error_exists'] = 'Varoitus: E-Mail Address is already registered!'; $_['error_firstname'] = 'First Name must be between 1 and 32 characters!'; $_['error_lastname'] = 'Last Name must be between 1 and 32 characters!'; $_['error_email'] = 'E-Mail address does not appear to be valid!'; $_['error_telephone'] = 'Telephone must be between 3 and 32 characters!'; $_['error_password'] = 'Password must be between 4 and 20 characters!'; $_['error_confirm'] = 'Password confirmation does not match password!'; $_['error_address_1'] = 'Address 1 must be between 3 and 128 characters!'; $_['error_city'] = 'City must be between 2 and 128 characters!'; $_['error_postcode'] = 'Postcode must be between 2 and 10 characters!'; $_['error_country'] = 'Please select a country!'; $_['error_zone'] = 'Please select a region / state!'; $_['error_agree'] = 'Varoitus: You must agree to the %s!'; $_['error_address'] = 'Varoitus: You must select address!'; $_['error_shipping'] = 'Varoitus: Shipping method required!'; $_['error_no_shipping'] = 'Varoitus: No Shipping options are available. Please contact us for assistance!'; $_['error_payment'] = 'Varoitus: Payment method required!'; $_['error_no_payment'] = 'Varoitus: No Payment options are available. Please contact us for assistance!'; $_['error_custom_field'] = '%s vaaditaan!';