2Checkout'; // Entry $_['entry_account'] = '2Checkout Account ID'; $_['entry_secret'] = 'Secret Word'; $_['entry_display'] = 'Direct Checkout'; $_['entry_test'] = 'Test Mode'; $_['entry_total'] = 'Total'; $_['entry_order_status'] = 'Order Status'; $_['entry_geo_zone'] = 'Geo Zone'; $_['entry_status'] = 'Status'; $_['entry_sort_order'] = 'Sort Order'; // Help $_['help_secret'] = 'The secret word to confirm transactions with (must be the same as defined on the merchant account configuration page).'; $_['help_total'] = 'The checkout total the order must reach before this payment method becomes active.'; // Error $_['error_permission'] = 'Warning: You do not have permission to modify payment 2Checkout!'; $_['error_account'] = 'Account No. Required!'; $_['error_secret'] = 'Secret Word Required!';