%s to your shopping cart!'; $_['text_remove'] = 'Success: You have modified your shopping cart!'; $_['text_login'] = 'Attention: You must login or create an account to view prices!'; $_['text_items'] = '%s tuote(tta) - %s'; $_['text_points'] = 'Palkintopisteet: %s'; $_['text_next'] = 'What would you like to do next?'; $_['text_next_choice'] = 'Choose if you have a discount code or reward points you want to use or would like to estimate your delivery cost.'; $_['text_empty'] = 'Ostoskorisi on tyhjä!'; $_['text_day'] = 'päivä'; $_['text_week'] = 'viikko'; $_['text_semi_month'] = 'half-month'; $_['text_month'] = 'kuukausi'; $_['text_year'] = 'vuosi'; $_['text_trial'] = '%s every %s %s for %s payments then '; $_['text_recurring'] = '%s every %s %s'; $_['text_recurring_item'] = 'Recurring Item'; $_['text_payment_recurring'] = 'Maksuprofiili'; $_['text_trial_description'] = '%s every %d %s(s) for %d payment(s) then'; $_['text_payment_description'] = '%s every %d %s(s) for %d payment(s)'; $_['text_payment_cancel'] = '%s every %d %s(s) until canceled'; // Column $_['column_image'] = 'Kuva'; $_['column_name'] = 'Tuotteen nimi'; $_['column_model'] = 'Malli'; $_['column_quantity'] = 'Määrä'; $_['column_price'] = 'Yksikköhinta'; $_['column_total'] = 'Total'; // Error $_['error_stock'] = 'Products marked with *** are not available in the desired quantity or not in stock!'; $_['error_minimum'] = 'Minimum order amount for %s is %s!'; $_['error_required'] = '%s vaaditaan!'; $_['error_product'] = 'Varoitus: There are no products in your cart!'; $_['error_recurring_required'] = 'Please select a payment recurring!';