Globalpay'; $_['text_void'] = 'Void'; $_['text_payment'] = 'Payment'; $_['text_rebate'] = 'Rebate'; // Column $_['text_column_amount'] = 'Amount'; $_['text_column_type'] = 'Type'; $_['text_column_date_added'] = 'Created'; // Entry $_['entry_merchant_id'] = 'Merchant ID'; $_['entry_secret'] = 'Shared secret'; $_['entry_rebate_password'] = 'Rebate password'; $_['entry_total'] = 'Total'; $_['entry_sort_order'] = 'Sort order'; $_['entry_geo_zone'] = 'Geo zone'; $_['entry_status'] = 'Status'; $_['entry_debug'] = 'Debug logging'; $_['entry_auto_settle'] = 'Settlement type'; $_['entry_tss_check'] = 'TSS checks'; $_['entry_card_data_status'] = 'Card info logging'; $_['entry_3d'] = 'Enable 3D secure'; $_['entry_liability_shift'] = 'Accept non-liability shifting scenarios'; $_['entry_status_success_settled'] = 'Success - settled'; $_['entry_status_success_unsettled'] = 'Success - not settled'; $_['entry_status_decline'] = 'Decline'; $_['entry_status_decline_pending'] = 'Decline - offline auth'; $_['entry_status_decline_stolen'] = 'Decline - lost or stolen card'; $_['entry_status_decline_bank'] = 'Decline - bank error'; $_['entry_status_void'] = 'Voided'; $_['entry_status_rebate'] = 'Rebated'; // Help $_['help_total'] = 'The checkout total the order must reach before this payment method becomes active'; $_['help_card_select'] = 'Ask the user to choose thier card type before they are redirected'; $_['help_notification'] = 'You need to supply this URL to Globalpay to get payment notifications'; $_['help_debug'] = 'Enabling debug will write sensitive data to a log file. You should always disable unless instructed otherwise.'; $_['help_liability'] = 'Accepting liability means you will still accept payments when a user fails 3D secure.'; $_['help_card_data_status'] = 'Logs last 4 cards digits, expire, name, type and issuing bank information'; // Tab $_['tab_api'] = 'API Details'; $_['tab_account'] = 'Accounts'; $_['tab_order_status'] = 'Order Status'; $_['tab_payment'] = 'Payment Settings'; // Button $_['button_capture'] = 'Capture'; $_['button_rebate'] = 'Rebate / refund'; $_['button_void'] = 'Void'; // Error $_['error_merchant_id'] = 'Merchant ID is required'; $_['error_secret'] = 'Shared secret is required';