Amazon Pay and Login with Amazon'; $_['text_amazon_join'] = 'Sign-up to Amazon Pay'; $_['text_payment_info'] = 'Payment information'; $_['text_capture_ok'] = 'Capture was successful'; $_['text_capture_ok_order'] = 'Capture was successful, authorization has been fully captured'; $_['text_refund_ok'] = 'Refund was successfully requested'; $_['text_refund_ok_order'] = 'Refund was successfully requested, amount fully refunded'; $_['text_cancel_ok'] = 'Cancel was successful, order status updated to canceled'; $_['text_capture_status'] = 'Payment captured'; $_['text_cancel_status'] = 'Payment canceled'; $_['text_refund_status'] = 'Payment refunded'; $_['text_order_ref'] = 'Order ref'; $_['text_order_total'] = 'Total authorized'; $_['text_total_captured'] = 'Total captured'; $_['text_transactions'] = 'Transactions'; $_['text_column_authorization_id'] = 'Amazon Authorization ID'; $_['text_column_capture_id'] = 'Amazon Capture ID'; $_['text_column_refund_id'] = 'Amazon Refund ID'; $_['text_column_amount'] = 'Amount'; $_['text_column_type'] = 'Type'; $_['text_column_status'] = 'Status'; $_['text_column_date_added'] = 'Date added'; $_['text_confirm_cancel'] = 'Are you sure you want to cancel the payment?'; $_['text_confirm_capture'] = 'Are you sure you want to capture the payment?'; $_['text_confirm_refund'] = 'Are you sure you want to refund the payment?'; $_['text_minimum_total'] = 'Minimum Order Total'; $_['text_geo_zone'] = 'Geo Zone'; $_['text_buyer_multi_currency'] = 'Multi-Currency function'; $_['text_status'] = 'Status'; $_['text_declined_codes'] = 'Test Decline Codes'; $_['text_sort_order'] = 'Sort Order'; $_['text_amazon_invalid'] = 'InvalidPaymentMethod'; $_['text_amazon_rejected'] = 'AmazonRejected'; $_['text_amazon_timeout'] = 'TransactionTimedOut'; $_['text_amazon_no_declined'] = '--- No Automatic Declined Authorization ---'; $_['text_amazon_signup'] = 'Sign-up to Amazon Pay'; $_['text_credentials'] = 'Please paste your keys here (in JSON format)'; $_['text_validate_credentials'] = 'Validate and Use Credentials'; $_['text_extension'] = 'Extensions'; $_['text_info_ssl'] = 'Important: SSL (https://) is a requirement and must be enabled on your website for the Amazon Pay and Login with Amazon buttons to work.'; $_['text_info_buyer_multi_currencies'] = 'This extension supports the Multi-Currency functionality. If you would like to use it, please make sure you have enabled at least one of the Amazon Pay supported currencies in your on-line store settings (%s > %s > %s ), and then enable the Multi-Currency function'; // Columns $_['column_status'] = 'Status'; //entry $_['entry_merchant_id'] = 'Merchant ID'; $_['entry_access_key'] = 'Access Key'; $_['entry_access_secret'] = 'Secret Key'; $_['entry_client_id'] = 'Client ID'; $_['entry_client_secret'] = 'Client Secret'; $_['entry_language'] = 'Default Language'; $_['entry_login_pay_test'] = 'Test mode'; $_['entry_login_pay_mode'] = 'Payment mode'; $_['entry_checkout'] = 'Checkout mode'; $_['entry_payment_region'] = 'Payment Region'; $_['entry_capture_status'] = 'Status for automatic capture'; $_['entry_pending_status'] = 'Pending Order Status'; $_['entry_capture_oc_status'] = 'Capture Order Status'; $_['entry_ipn_url'] = 'IPN\'s URL'; $_['entry_ipn_token'] = 'Secret Token'; $_['entry_debug'] = 'Debug logging'; // Help $_['help_pay_mode'] = 'Choose Payment if you would like the payment to get captured automatically, or Authorization to capture it manually.'; $_['help_checkout'] = 'Should payment button also login customer'; $_['help_capture_status'] = 'Choose the order status that will trigger automatic capture of an authorized payment.'; $_['help_capture_oc_status'] = 'Choose the order status that the order will get once it is captured in Amazon Seller Central or from the capture function in OpenCart Admin > %s > %s > %s.'; $_['help_ipn_url'] = 'Set this as you merhcant URL in Amazon Seller Central'; $_['help_ipn_token'] = 'Make this long and hard to guess. The resulting IPN URL must not be longer than 150 characters.'; $_['help_minimum_total'] = 'This must be above zero'; $_['help_debug'] = 'Enabling debug will write sensitive data to a log file. You should always disable unless instructed otherwise'; $_['help_declined_codes'] = 'This is for testing purposes only'; $_['help_buyer_multi_currency'] = 'Enable this option if you would like the buyer to shop in any of the Amazon Pay supported currencies available in your on-line store: %s'; $_['help_buyer_multi_currency_no_available_currency'] = 'There are no Amazon Pay supported currencies available in your on-line store, please add/enable such currencies in order to use this functionality.'; // Order Info $_['tab_order_adjustment'] = 'Order Adjustment'; // Errors $_['error_permission'] = 'You do not have permissions to modify this module!'; $_['error_merchant_id'] = 'Merchant ID is required'; $_['error_access_key'] = 'Access Key is required'; $_['error_access_secret'] = 'Secret Key is required'; $_['error_client_id'] = 'Client ID is required'; $_['error_client_secret'] = 'Client Key is required'; $_['error_pay_mode'] = 'Payment is only available for US marketplace'; $_['error_minimum_total'] = 'Minimum order total must be above zero'; $_['error_curreny'] = 'Your shop must have %s currency installed and enabled'; $_['error_upload'] = 'Upload failed'; $_['error_data_missing'] = 'Required data is missing'; $_['error_credentials'] = 'Please enter the keys in a valid JSON format'; $_['error_no_supported_currencies'] = 'There are no supported currencies available in your store, please add/enable Buyer Multi-Currency supported currencies in order to use this feature.'; // Buttons $_['button_capture'] = 'Capture'; $_['button_refund'] = 'Refund'; $_['button_cancel'] = 'Cancel';