192 lines
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192 lines
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![]() |
// Heading
$_['heading_title'] = 'PayPal (Powered by Braintree)';
// Text
$_['text_extension'] = 'Extensions';
$_['text_pp_braintree'] = '<img src="view/image/payment/paypal.png" alt="PayPal (Powered by Braintree)" title="PayPal (Powered by Braintree)" style="border: 1px solid #EEEEEE;" />';
$_['text_payment'] = 'Payment';
$_['text_success'] = 'Success: You have modified Braintree account details!';
$_['text_success_connect'] = 'Success: You have connected your PayPal (Powered by Braintree) account!';
$_['text_edit'] = 'Edit PayPal (Powered by Braintree)';
$_['text_production'] = 'Production';
$_['text_sandbox'] = 'Sandbox';
$_['text_currency'] = 'Currency';
$_['text_immediate'] = 'Immediate';
$_['text_deferred'] = 'Deferred';
$_['text_merchant_account_id'] = 'Merchant Account ID (Leave blank to use default merchant account)';
$_['text_payment_info'] = 'Payment information';
$_['text_confirm_void'] = 'Are you sure you want to void this transaction?';
$_['text_avs_response'] = 'Street Address: %s, Postal Code: %s';
$_['text_confirm_settle'] = 'Are you sure you want to settle/capture';
$_['text_confirm_refund'] = 'Are you sure you want to refund';
$_['text_success_action'] = 'Success';
$_['text_error_settle'] = 'Error: %s';
$_['text_error_generic'] = 'Error: There was an error with your request.';
$_['text_na'] = 'N/A';
$_['text_all'] = 'All';
$_['text_sale'] = 'Sale';
$_['text_credit'] = 'Credit';
$_['text_credit_card'] = 'Credit Card';
$_['text_paypal'] = 'PayPal';
$_['text_enable_transactions'] = 'Please enable Braintree before viewing transactions.';
$_['text_yes'] = 'Yes';
$_['text_no'] = 'No';
$_['text_no_refund'] = 'No refund history';
$_['text_app_connected'] = 'Module is connected via Braintree auth';
$_['text_braintree'] = '<img width="100" src="https://s3-us-west-1.amazonaws.com/bt-partner-assets/paypal-braintree.png" alt="PayPal powered by Braintree" style="border: 1px solid #EEEEEE;">';
$_['text_paypal_gold'] = 'Gold';
$_['text_paypal_blue'] = 'Blue';
$_['text_paypal_silver'] = 'Silver';
$_['text_paypal_tiny'] = 'Tiny';
$_['text_paypal_small'] = 'Small';
$_['text_paypal_medium'] = 'Medium';
$_['text_paypal_pill'] = 'Pill';
$_['text_paypal_rectangular'] = 'Rectangular';
$_['text_paypal_preview'] = 'Button preview<br />Save to view changes';
$_['text_braintree_learn'] = 'To start accepting credit/debit cards and PayPal, click Connect with Braintree. <a href="https://www.braintreepayments.com/partners/learn-more" target="_blank">Learn more</a>';
$_['text_3ds'] = '3D Secure';
$_['text_cvv'] = 'CVV Number';
$_['text_promotion_main'] = 'Designed for businesses of all sizes, from small to large enterprise, easily accept and process payments to help maximise business opportunities and revenue growth, with no setup or monthly fees';
$_['text_promotion_li_1'] = 'All the benefits of PayPal, plus cards acceptance on your checkout page';
$_['text_promotion_li_2'] = 'Fast configuration and setup';
$_['text_promotion_li_3'] = 'Achieve PCI DSS v3.0 SAQ-A compliance using Hosted Fields';
$_['text_promotion_li_4'] = 'Allow customers to vault card details';
$_['text_learn_more'] = '(Learn more)';
$_['text_accept'] = 'Accept';
$_['text_decline'] = 'Decline';
$_['text_merchant_connected'] = 'Connected Merchant ID: ';
$_['text_enable_button'] = 'We recommend offering PayPal Express Shortcut to maximise checkout conversion, this allows customers to use their PayPal address book and <strong>checkout is as little as three taps</strong> from the basket page. Click enable to install the extension and access the layout manager, you will ned to add "PayPal (Powered by Braintree) Button" to the checkout layout';
$_['text_3ds_ssl'] = '3D Secure requires the store to be using an SSL certificate';
$_['text_unlink'] = 'Delete link';
// Column
$_['column_void'] = 'Void';
$_['column_settle'] = 'Settle';
$_['column_refund'] = 'Refund';
$_['column_transaction_id'] = 'Transaction ID';
$_['column_transaction_type'] = 'Transaction Type';
$_['column_transaction_date'] = 'Transaction Date';
$_['column_merchant_account'] = 'Merchant Account';
$_['column_payment_type'] = 'Payment Type';
$_['column_order_id'] = 'Order ID';
$_['column_processor_code'] = 'Processor Authorization Code';
$_['column_cvv_response'] = 'CVV Response';
$_['column_avs_response'] = 'AVS Response';
$_['column_3ds_enrolled'] = '3DS Enrolled';
$_['column_3ds_status'] = '3DS Status';
$_['column_3ds_shifted'] = '3DS Liability Shifted';
$_['column_3ds_shift_possible'] = '3DS Liability Shift Possible';
$_['column_transaction_history'] = 'Transaction Status History';
$_['column_date'] = 'Date';
$_['column_refund_history'] = 'Refund History';
$_['column_action'] = 'Action';
$_['column_amount'] = 'Amount';
$_['column_status'] = 'Status';
$_['column_type'] = 'Type';
$_['column_customer'] = 'Customer';
$_['column_order'] = 'Order';
$_['column_date_added'] = 'Date Added';
// Entry
$_['entry_merchant_id'] = 'Merchant ID';
$_['entry_public_key'] = 'Public Key';
$_['entry_private_key'] = 'Private Key';
$_['entry_environment'] = 'Environment';
$_['entry_settlement_type'] = 'Settlement Type';
$_['entry_card_vault'] = 'Enable card vault';
$_['entry_card_check_vault'] = 'Card vault is pre-checked';
$_['entry_paypal_vault'] = 'Enable PayPal vault';
$_['entry_paypal_check_vault'] = 'PayPal vault is pre-checked';
$_['entry_vault_cvv_3ds'] = 'Require CVV2 or 3D secure?';
$_['entry_debug'] = 'Debug Logging';
$_['entry_total'] = 'Total';
$_['entry_geo_zone'] = 'Geo Zone';
$_['entry_status'] = 'Status';
$_['entry_sort_order'] = 'Sort Order';
$_['entry_authorization_expired'] = 'Authorization Expired';
$_['entry_authorized'] = 'Authorized';
$_['entry_authorizing'] = 'Authorizing';
$_['entry_settlement_pending'] = 'Settlement Pending';
$_['entry_failed'] = 'Failed';
$_['entry_gateway_rejected'] = 'Gateway Rejected';
$_['entry_processor_declined'] = 'Processor Declined';
$_['entry_settled'] = 'Settled';
$_['entry_settling'] = 'Settling';
$_['entry_submitted_for_settlement'] = 'Submitted For Settlement';
$_['entry_voided'] = 'Voided';
$_['entry_transaction_id'] = 'Transaction ID';
$_['entry_transaction_type'] = 'Transaction Type';
$_['entry_date_from'] = 'Date From';
$_['entry_date_to'] = 'Date To';
$_['entry_payment_type'] = 'Payment Type';
$_['entry_card_type'] = 'Card Type';
$_['entry_amount_from'] = 'Amount From';
$_['entry_amount_to'] = 'Amount To';
$_['entry_transaction_status'] = 'Transaction Status';
$_['entry_merchant_account_id'] = 'Merchant Account ID';
$_['entry_connection'] = 'API Connection Status';
$_['entry_paypal_option'] = 'Display PayPal Option';
$_['entry_paypal_button_colour'] = 'Button Colour';
$_['entry_paypal_button_shape'] = 'Button Shape';
$_['entry_paypal_button_size'] = 'Button Size';
$_['entry_paypal_billing_agreement'] = 'Billing agreement description';
$_['entry_3ds_status'] = 'Enable 3-D Secure';
$_['entry_3ds_unsupported_card'] = 'Unsupported Card<br />Default: Accept';
$_['entry_3ds_lookup_error'] = 'Lookup Error<br />Default: Accept';
$_['entry_3ds_lookup_enrolled'] = 'Lookup Enrolled<br />Default: Accept';
$_['entry_3ds_lookup_not_enrolled'] = 'Lookup Not Enrolled<br />Default: Accept';
$_['entry_3ds_not_participating'] = 'Auth Success, Issuer Not Participating<br />Default: Accept';
$_['entry_3ds_unavailable'] = 'Auth Unavailable<br />Default: Accept';
$_['entry_3ds_signature_failed'] = 'Auth Signature Verification Failed<br />Default: Decline';
$_['entry_3ds_successful'] = 'Auth Successful<br />Default: Accept';
$_['entry_3ds_attempt_successful'] = 'Auth Attempt Successful<br />Default: Accept';
$_['entry_3ds_failed'] = 'Auth Failed<br />Default: Decline';
$_['entry_3ds_unable_to_auth'] = 'Unable To Authenticate<br />Default: Accept';
$_['entry_3ds_error'] = 'Authentication Error<br />Default: Accept';
// Help
$_['help_settlement_type'] = 'Immediate will Submit For Settlement straight away. Deferred will set the transaction to Authorized and the merchant must Submit For Settlement manually in the OpenCart order details.';
$_['help_card_vault'] = 'Allow customer to remember their card';
$_['help_paypal_vault'] = 'Allow customer to remember their PayPal account';
$_['help_card_check_vault'] = 'The checkbox for card vault is already checked when the page loads';
$_['help_paypal_check_vault'] = 'The checkbox for PayPal vault is already checked when the page loads';
$_['help_vault_cvv_3ds'] = 'This will require customers using a vaulted card to re-enter the CVV2 number or use 3D secure. It is not possible to enable both options for a vaulted card.';
$_['help_debug'] = 'Enabling debug will write sensitive data to a log file. You should always disable unless instructed otherwise';
$_['help_total'] = 'The checkout total the order must reach before this payment method becomes active';
$_['help_paypal_option'] = 'If you have your PayPal account linked with Braintree you can display the PayPal payment option as well';
$_['help_paypal_billing_agreement'] = 'You can add a billing agreement description that will be shown to users in the PayPal window when opting to vault their PayPal account';
// Button
$_['button_void'] = 'Void';
$_['button_settle'] = 'Settle';
$_['button_refund'] = 'Refund';
$_['button_filter'] = 'Filter';
// Error
$_['error_permission'] = 'Warning: You do not have permission to modify payment Braintree!';
$_['error_php_version'] = 'Minimum version of PHP 5.4.0 is required!';
$_['error_merchant_id'] = 'Merchant ID Required!';
$_['error_public_key'] = 'Public Key Required!';
$_['error_private_key'] = 'Private Key Required!';
$_['error_connection'] = 'There was a problem establishing a connection to the Braintree API. Please check your Merchant ID, Public Key, Private Key and Environment settings.';
$_['error_account'] = 'Please enter a valid Merchant Account ID as specified in your Braintree Account';
$_['error_warning'] = 'Warning: Please check the form carefully for errors!';
$_['error_3ds_not_ready'] = 'You have enabled 3D secure however your Braintree account does not have it configured, please check your <a href="https://www.braintreegateway.com/login" title="Braintree login" target="_blank">Braintree Control Panel</a> or contact Braintree support';
$_['error_paypal_not_ready'] = 'You have enabled PayPal however your Braintree account does not have it configured, please check your <a href="https://www.braintreegateway.com/login" title="Braintree login" target="_blank">Braintree Control Panel</a> or contact Braintree support';
$_['error_paypal_billing_not_ready'] = 'You have enabled PayPal vaulting/billing agreements however your Braintree account does not have it configured, please check your <a href="https://www.braintreegateway.com/login" title="Braintree login" target="_blank">Braintree Control Panel</a> or contact Braintree support';
$_['error_braintree_account_3ds'] = '3DS is not enabled in your Braintree account yet, however it is not available for all countries. Please check your <a href="https://www.braintreegateway.com/login" title="Braintree login" target="_blank">Braintree Control Panel</a> or contact Braintree support';
$_['error_braintree_account_paypal'] = 'PayPal is not enabled in your Braintree account yet. Please check your <a href="https://www.braintreegateway.com/login" title="Braintree login" target="_blank">Braintree Control Panel</a> or contact Braintree support';
$_['error_braintree_account_billing'] = 'Billing agreements are not enabled in your Braintree account yet. Please check your <a href="https://www.braintreegateway.com/login" title="Braintree login" target="_blank">Braintree Control Panel</a> or contact Braintree support';
$_['error_environment'] = 'You cannot set your environment to %s when your credentials are for the %s environment in Braintree';
// Tab
$_['tab_setting'] = 'Settings';
$_['tab_currency'] = 'Currencies';
$_['tab_order_status'] = 'Order Statuses (New Orders)';
$_['tab_3ds'] = '3-D Secure';
$_['tab_transaction'] = 'Transaction Search';
$_['tab_vault'] = 'Vault';
$_['tab_paypal'] = 'PayPal';