2020-02-12 23:25:39 +02:00
< ? php
// Heading
$_ [ 'heading_title' ] = 'OpenBay Pro' ;
// Buttons
$_ [ 'button_retry' ] = 'Retry' ;
$_ [ 'button_update' ] = 'Update' ;
$_ [ 'button_patch' ] = 'Patch' ;
$_ [ 'button_faq' ] = 'View FAQ topic' ;
// Tab
$_ [ 'tab_setting' ] = 'Settings' ;
$_ [ 'tab_update' ] = 'Software updates' ;
$_ [ 'tab_developer' ] = 'Developer' ;
// Text
$_ [ 'text_dashboard' ] = 'Dashboard' ;
$_ [ 'text_success' ] = 'Success: Settings have been saved' ;
$_ [ 'text_products' ] = 'Items' ;
$_ [ 'text_orders' ] = 'Orders' ;
$_ [ 'text_manage' ] = 'Manage' ;
$_ [ 'text_help' ] = 'Help' ;
$_ [ 'text_tutorials' ] = 'Tutorials' ;
$_ [ 'text_suggestions' ] = 'Ideas' ;
$_ [ 'text_version_latest' ] = 'You are running the latest version' ;
$_ [ 'text_version_check' ] = 'Checking software version' ;
$_ [ 'text_version_installed' ] = 'Installed version of OpenBay Pro: v' ;
$_ [ 'text_version_current' ] = 'Your version is' ;
$_ [ 'text_version_available' ] = 'the latest is' ;
$_ [ 'text_language' ] = 'API response language' ;
$_ [ 'text_getting_messages' ] = 'Getting OpenBay Pro messages' ;
$_ [ 'text_complete' ] = 'Complete' ;
$_ [ 'text_patch_complete' ] = 'Patch has been applied' ;
$_ [ 'text_updated' ] = 'Module has been updated (v.%s)' ;
$_ [ 'text_update_description' ] = 'The update tool will make changes to your shop file system. Make sure you have a complete file and database backup before updating.' ;
$_ [ 'text_patch_description' ] = 'If you uploaded the update files manually, you need to run the patch to complete the update' ;
$_ [ 'text_clear_faq' ] = 'Clear hidden FAQ popups' ;
$_ [ 'text_clear_faq_complete' ] = 'Notifications will now show again' ;
$_ [ 'text_install_success' ] = 'Marketplace has been installed' ;
$_ [ 'text_uninstall_success' ] = 'Marketplace has been removed' ;
$_ [ 'text_title_messages' ] = 'Messages & notifications' ;
$_ [ 'text_marketplace_shipped' ] = 'The order status will be updated to shipped on the marketplace' ;
$_ [ 'text_action_warning' ] = 'This action is dangerous so is password protected.' ;
$_ [ 'text_check_new' ] = 'Checking for newer version' ;
$_ [ 'text_downloading' ] = 'Downloading update files' ;
$_ [ 'text_extracting' ] = 'Extracting files' ;
$_ [ 'text_running_patch' ] = 'Running patch files' ;
$_ [ 'text_fail_patch' ] = 'Unable to extract update files' ;
$_ [ 'text_updated_ok' ] = 'Update complete, installed version is now ' ;
$_ [ 'text_check_server' ] = 'Checking server requirements' ;
$_ [ 'text_version_ok' ] = 'Software is already up to date, installed version is ' ;
$_ [ 'text_remove_files' ] = 'Removing files no longer required' ;
$_ [ 'text_confirm_backup' ] = 'Ensure that you have a full backup before continuing' ;
$_ [ 'text_software_update' ] = 'OpenBay Pro software update' ;
$_ [ 'text_patch_option' ] = 'Manual patching' ;
// Column
$_ [ 'column_name' ] = 'Plugin name' ;
$_ [ 'column_status' ] = 'Status' ;
2020-03-02 02:28:04 +02:00
$_ [ 'column_action' ] = 'Toiminto' ;
2020-02-12 23:25:39 +02:00
// Entry
$_ [ 'entry_patch' ] = 'Manual update patch' ;
$_ [ 'entry_courier' ] = 'Courier' ;
$_ [ 'entry_courier_other' ] = 'Other courier' ;
$_ [ 'entry_tracking' ] = 'Tracking #' ;
$_ [ 'entry_empty_data' ] = 'Empty store data?' ;
$_ [ 'entry_password_prompt' ] = 'Please enter the data wipe password' ;
$_ [ 'entry_update' ] = 'Easy 1 click update' ;
$_ [ 'entry_beta' ] = 'Use beta version' ;
// Error
$_ [ 'error_admin' ] = 'Admin directory expected' ;
$_ [ 'error_failed' ] = 'Failed to load, retry?' ;
$_ [ 'error_tracking_id_format' ] = 'Your tracking ID cannot contain the characters > or <' ;
$_ [ 'error_tracking_courier' ] = 'You must select a courier if you want to add a tracking ID' ;
$_ [ 'error_tracking_custom' ] = 'Please leave courier field empty if you want to use custom courier' ;
$_ [ 'error_permission' ] = 'You do not have permission to modify the OpenBay Pro extension' ;
$_ [ 'error_file_delete' ] = 'Unable to remove these files, you should delete them manually' ;
$_ [ 'error_mkdir' ] = 'PHP function "mkdir" is disabled, contact your host' ;
$_ [ 'error_openssl_encrypt' ] = 'PHP function "openssl_encrypt" is not enabled. Contact your hosting provider.' ;
$_ [ 'error_openssl_decrypt' ] = 'PHP function "openssl_decrypt" is not enabled. Contact your hosting provider.' ;
$_ [ 'error_fopen' ] = 'PHP function "fopen" is not enabled. Contact your hosting provider.' ;
$_ [ 'error_url_fopen' ] = '"allow_url_fopen" directive is disabled by your host - you will be unable to import images when importing products from eBay' ;
$_ [ 'error_curl' ] = 'PHP library "CURL" is not enabled. Contact your hosting provider.' ;
$_ [ 'error_zip' ] = 'ZIP extension needs to be loaded. Contact your hosting provider.' ;
$_ [ 'error_mbstring' ] = 'PHP library "mb strings" is not enabled. Contact your hosting provider.' ;
$_ [ 'error_oc_version' ] = 'Your version of OpenCart is not tested to work with this module. You may experience problems.' ;
// Help
$_ [ 'help_clear_faq' ] = 'Show all of the help notifications again' ;
$_ [ 'help_empty_data' ] = 'This can cause serious damage, do not use it if you do not know what it does!' ;
$_ [ 'help_easy_update' ] = 'Click update to install the latest version of OpenBay Pro automatically' ;
$_ [ 'help_patch' ] = 'Click to run the patch scripts' ;
$_ [ 'help_beta' ] = 'Caution! The beta version is the latest development version. It may not be stable and could contain bugs.' ;