2020-02-12 23:25:39 +02:00
< ? php
// Heading
$_ [ 'heading_title' ] = 'PayPal Pro iFrame' ;
// Text
$_ [ 'text_extension' ] = 'Extensions' ;
$_ [ 'text_success' ] = 'Success: You have modified PayPal Pro iFrame account details!' ;
$_ [ 'text_edit' ] = 'Edit PayPal Pro iFrame' ;
2021-10-08 18:17:57 +03:00
$_ [ 'text_pp_pro_iframe' ] = '<a target="_BLANK" href="https://www.paypal.com/uk/mrb/pal=V4T754QB63XXL"><img src="view/image/payment/paypal.png" alt="PayPal Website Payment Pro" title="PayPal Website Payment Pro iFrame" style="border: 1px solid #EEEEEE;" /></a>' ;
2020-02-12 23:25:39 +02:00
$_ [ 'text_authorization' ] = 'Authorization' ;
$_ [ 'text_sale' ] = 'Sale' ;
$_ [ 'text_payment_info' ] = 'Payment information' ;
$_ [ 'text_capture_status' ] = 'Capture status' ;
$_ [ 'text_amount_auth' ] = 'Amount authorised' ;
$_ [ 'text_amount_captured' ] = 'Amount captured' ;
$_ [ 'text_amount_refunded' ] = 'Amount refunded' ;
$_ [ 'text_capture_amount' ] = 'Capture amount' ;
$_ [ 'text_complete_capture' ] = 'Complete capture' ;
$_ [ 'text_transactions' ] = 'Transactions' ;
$_ [ 'text_complete' ] = 'Complete' ;
$_ [ 'text_confirm_void' ] = 'If you void you cannot capture any further funds' ;
$_ [ 'text_view' ] = 'View' ;
$_ [ 'text_refund' ] = 'Refund' ;
$_ [ 'text_resend' ] = 'Resend' ;
$_ [ 'text_reauthorise' ] = 'Reauthorise' ;
$_ [ 'text_reauthorised' ] = 'Transaction was reauthorised' ;
$_ [ 'text_transaction' ] = 'Transaction' ;
$_ [ 'text_product_lines' ] = 'Product lines' ;
$_ [ 'text_ebay_txn_id' ] = 'eBay transaction ID' ;
$_ [ 'text_name' ] = 'Name' ;
$_ [ 'text_qty' ] = 'Quantity' ;
$_ [ 'text_price' ] = 'Price' ;
$_ [ 'text_number' ] = 'Number' ;
$_ [ 'text_coupon_id' ] = 'Coupon ID' ;
$_ [ 'text_coupon_amount' ] = 'Coupon amount' ;
$_ [ 'text_coupon_currency' ] = 'Coupon currency' ;
$_ [ 'text_loyalty_disc_amt' ] = 'Loyalty card disc amount' ;
$_ [ 'text_loyalty_currency' ] = 'Loyalty card currency' ;
$_ [ 'text_options_name' ] = 'Options name' ;
$_ [ 'text_tax_amt' ] = 'Tax amount' ;
$_ [ 'text_currency_code' ] = 'Currency code' ;
$_ [ 'text_amount' ] = 'Amount' ;
$_ [ 'text_gift_msg' ] = 'Gift message' ;
$_ [ 'text_gift_receipt' ] = 'Gift receipt' ;
$_ [ 'text_gift_wrap_name' ] = 'Gift wrap name' ;
$_ [ 'text_gift_wrap_amt' ] = 'Gift wrap amount' ;
$_ [ 'text_buyer_email_market' ] = 'Buyer marketing email' ;
$_ [ 'text_survey_question' ] = 'Survey question' ;
$_ [ 'text_survey_chosen' ] = 'Survey choice selected' ;
$_ [ 'text_receiver_business' ] = 'Receiver business' ;
$_ [ 'text_receiver_email' ] = 'Receiver email' ;
$_ [ 'text_receiver_id' ] = 'Receiver ID' ;
$_ [ 'text_buyer_email' ] = 'Buyer email' ;
$_ [ 'text_payer_id' ] = 'Payer ID' ;
$_ [ 'text_payer_status' ] = 'Payer status' ;
$_ [ 'text_country_code' ] = 'Country code' ;
$_ [ 'text_payer_business' ] = 'Payer business' ;
$_ [ 'text_payer_salute' ] = 'Payer salutation' ;
$_ [ 'text_payer_firstname' ] = 'Payer first name' ;
$_ [ 'text_payer_middlename' ] = 'Payer middle name' ;
$_ [ 'text_payer_lastname' ] = 'Payer last name' ;
$_ [ 'text_payer_suffix' ] = 'Payer suffix' ;
$_ [ 'text_address_owner' ] = 'Address owner' ;
$_ [ 'text_address_status' ] = 'Address status' ;
$_ [ 'text_ship_sec_name' ] = 'Ship to secondary name' ;
$_ [ 'text_ship_name' ] = 'Ship to name' ;
$_ [ 'text_ship_street1' ] = 'Ship to address 1' ;
$_ [ 'text_ship_street2' ] = 'Ship to address 2' ;
$_ [ 'text_ship_city' ] = 'Ship to city' ;
$_ [ 'text_ship_state' ] = 'Ship to state' ;
$_ [ 'text_ship_zip' ] = 'Ship to ZIP' ;
$_ [ 'text_ship_country' ] = 'Ship to country code' ;
$_ [ 'text_ship_phone' ] = 'Ship to phone number' ;
$_ [ 'text_ship_sec_add1' ] = 'Ship to secondary address 1' ;
$_ [ 'text_ship_sec_add2' ] = 'Ship to secondary address 2' ;
$_ [ 'text_ship_sec_city' ] = 'Ship to secondary city' ;
$_ [ 'text_ship_sec_state' ] = 'Ship to secondary state' ;
$_ [ 'text_ship_sec_zip' ] = 'Ship to secondary ZIP' ;
$_ [ 'text_ship_sec_country' ] = 'Ship to secondary country code' ;
$_ [ 'text_ship_sec_phone' ] = 'Ship to secondary phone' ;
$_ [ 'text_trans_id' ] = 'Transaction ID' ;
$_ [ 'text_receipt_id' ] = 'Receipt ID' ;
$_ [ 'text_parent_trans_id' ] = 'Parent transaction ID' ;
$_ [ 'text_trans_type' ] = 'Transaction type' ;
$_ [ 'text_payment_type' ] = 'Payment type' ;
$_ [ 'text_order_time' ] = 'Order time' ;
$_ [ 'text_fee_amount' ] = 'Fee amount' ;
$_ [ 'text_settle_amount' ] = 'Settle amount' ;
$_ [ 'text_tax_amount' ] = 'Tax amount' ;
$_ [ 'text_exchange' ] = 'Exchange rate' ;
$_ [ 'text_payment_status' ] = 'Payment status' ;
$_ [ 'text_pending_reason' ] = 'Pending reason' ;
$_ [ 'text_reason_code' ] = 'Reason code' ;
$_ [ 'text_protect_elig' ] = 'Protection eligibility' ;
$_ [ 'text_protect_elig_type' ] = 'Protection eligibility type' ;
$_ [ 'text_store_id' ] = 'Store ID' ;
$_ [ 'text_terminal_id' ] = 'Terminal ID' ;
$_ [ 'text_invoice_number' ] = 'Invoice number' ;
$_ [ 'text_custom' ] = 'Custom' ;
$_ [ 'text_note' ] = 'Note' ;
$_ [ 'text_sales_tax' ] = 'Sales tax' ;
$_ [ 'text_buyer_id' ] = 'Buyer ID' ;
$_ [ 'text_close_date' ] = 'Closing date' ;
$_ [ 'text_multi_item' ] = 'Multi item' ;
$_ [ 'text_sub_amt' ] = 'Subscription amount' ;
$_ [ 'text_sub_period' ] = 'Subscription period' ;
$_ [ 'text_redirect' ] = 'Redirect' ;
$_ [ 'text_iframe' ] = 'Iframe' ;
$_ [ 'help_checkout_method' ] = 'Please use Redirect method if do not have SSL installed or if you do not have Pay with PayPal option disabled on your hosted payment page.' ;
$_ [ 'help_debug' ] = 'Logs additional information.' ;
// Column
$_ [ 'column_trans_id' ] = 'Transaction ID' ;
$_ [ 'column_amount' ] = 'Amount' ;
$_ [ 'column_type' ] = 'Payment type' ;
$_ [ 'column_status' ] = 'Status' ;
$_ [ 'column_pending_reason' ] = 'Pending reason' ;
$_ [ 'column_date_added' ] = 'Created' ;
$_ [ 'column_action' ] = 'Action' ;
// Tab
$_ [ 'tab_settings' ] = 'Settings' ;
$_ [ 'tab_order_status' ] = 'Order Status' ;
$_ [ 'tab_checkout_customisation' ] = 'Checkout Customisation' ;
// Entry
$_ [ 'entry_username' ] = 'API Username' ;
$_ [ 'entry_password' ] = 'API Password' ;
$_ [ 'entry_signature' ] = 'API Signature' ;
$_ [ 'entry_test' ] = 'Test Mode' ;
$_ [ 'entry_total' ] = 'Total' ;
$_ [ 'entry_order_status' ] = 'Order Status:' ;
$_ [ 'entry_geo_zone' ] = 'Geo Zone:' ;
$_ [ 'entry_status' ] = 'Status:' ;
$_ [ 'entry_sort_order' ] = 'Sort Order:' ;
$_ [ 'entry_transaction_method' ] = 'Transaction method:' ;
$_ [ 'entry_transaction_id' ] = 'Transaction ID' ;
$_ [ 'entry_full_refund' ] = 'Full refund' ;
$_ [ 'entry_amount' ] = 'Amount' ;
$_ [ 'entry_message' ] = 'Message' ;
$_ [ 'entry_ipn_url' ] = 'IPN URL:' ;
$_ [ 'entry_checkout_method' ] = 'Checkout Method:' ;
$_ [ 'entry_debug' ] = 'Debug mode:' ;
$_ [ 'entry_canceled_reversal_status' ] = 'Canceled Reversal Status:' ;
$_ [ 'entry_completed_status' ] = 'Completed Status:' ;
$_ [ 'entry_denied_status' ] = 'Denied Status:' ;
$_ [ 'entry_expired_status' ] = 'Expired Status:' ;
$_ [ 'entry_failed_status' ] = 'Failed Status:' ;
$_ [ 'entry_pending_status' ] = 'Pending Status:' ;
$_ [ 'entry_processed_status' ] = 'Processed Status:' ;
$_ [ 'entry_refunded_status' ] = 'Refunded Status:' ;
$_ [ 'entry_reversed_status' ] = 'Reversed Status:' ;
$_ [ 'entry_voided_status' ] = 'Voided Status:' ;
// Help
$_ [ 'help_test' ] = 'Use the live or testing (sandbox) gateway server to process transactions? Test may fail in Internet Explorer' ;
$_ [ 'help_total' ] = 'The checkout total the order must reach before this payment method becomes active' ;
// Button
$_ [ 'button_refund' ] = 'Refund' ;
$_ [ 'button_void' ] = 'Void' ;
$_ [ 'button_capture' ] = 'Capture' ;
$_ [ 'button_reauthorise' ] = 'Reauthorise' ;
// Error
2021-10-08 18:17:57 +03:00
$_ [ 'error_permission' ] = 'Varoitus: You do not have permission to modify payment PayPal Website Payment Pro iFrame (UK)!' ;
2020-02-12 23:25:39 +02:00
$_ [ 'error_sig' ] = 'Signature Required!' ;
$_ [ 'error_user' ] = 'User Required!' ;
$_ [ 'error_password' ] = 'Password Required!' ;
$_ [ 'error_timeout' ] = 'Request timed out' ;
$_ [ 'error_transaction_missing' ] = 'Could not find the transaction' ;
$_ [ 'error_missing_data' ] = 'Missing data' ;
$_ [ 'error_general' ] = 'There was an error' ;
$_ [ 'error_capture' ] = 'Enter an amount to capture' ;