Privacy Policy

Your privacy is imporatant to us. By using our products, you agree to this policy and to our Terms of Service. Our products include all of our official bots (Musix, Musix-Beta, Musix 2 and Musix-Dev

For any questions please contact support on our discord support server or by email to musixdiscordbot(a)
1. Data collection We only collect data on your guild. We do not collect any usage or user data individually. By using our products you agree for us to save the following data from your discord guild:
- The ID of your guild
- IDs of some channels
- IDs of some roles
- and the current state for different settings in musix.
2. Location of your data We have servers in the US and Europe (Germany and Finland)
By using our products you agree for the aforementioned data to be stored in these locations
3. Third parties This Privacy Policy only applies to our prodcuts. You may find links to 3rd party sites within our prodcuts. The data these sites collect is out of our control and thus we have no authority over the data they may collect.
Effective as of April 1, 2022 and updated on 20th of July 2022