mirror of https://github.com/musix-org/musix-oss synced 2024-10-18 18:30:42 +00:00
2024-02-09 11:53:30 +02:00

87 lines
3.6 KiB

const YouTube = require("simple-youtube-api");
const he = require('he');
const { EmbedBuilder, PermissionFlagsBits } = require("discord.js");
module.exports = {
name: 'play',
description: 'Play command.',
usage: '[song name]',
alias: 'p',
args: true,
cooldown: 3,
async execute(message, args, client, prefix) {
const youtube = new YouTube(client.config.youtube_api_key);
const searchString = args.slice(1).join(" ");
const url = args[1] ? args[1].replace(/<(.+)>/g, "$1") : "";
const serverQueue = client.queue.get(message.guild.id);
const voiceChannel = message.member.voice.channel;
if (!serverQueue) {
if (!voiceChannel) return message.channel.send(':x: I\'m sorry but you need to be in a voice channel to play music!');
} else {
if (voiceChannel !== serverQueue.voiceChannel) return message.channel.send(':x: I\'m sorry but you need to be in the same voice channel as Musix to play music!');
if (!args[1]) return message.channel.send(':x: You need to use a link or search for a song!');
const permissions = voiceChannel.permissionsFor(message.client.user);
if (!permissions.has(PermissionFlagsBits.Connect)) {
return message.channel.send(':x: I cannot connect to your voice channel, make sure I have the proper permissions!');
if (!permissions.has(PermissionFlagsBits.Speak)) {
return message.channel.send(':x: I cannot speak in your voice channel, make sure I have the proper permissions!');
if (url.match(/^https?:\/\/(www.youtube.com|youtube.com)\/playlist(.*)$/)) {
const playlist = await youtube.getPlaylist(url);
const videos = await playlist.getVideos();
for (const video of Object.values(videos)) {
const video2 = await youtube.getVideoByID(video.id);
await client.funcs.handleVideo(video2, message, voiceChannel, client, true);
return message.channel.send(`:white_check_mark: Playlist: **${playlist.title}** has been added to the queue!`);
} else if (client.global.db.guilds[message.guild.id].songSelection) {
try {
var video = await youtube.getVideo(url);
} catch (error) {
try {
var videos = await youtube.searchVideos(searchString, 10);
let index = 0;
const embed = new EmbedBuilder()
.setTitle("__Song Selection__")
.setDescription(`${videos.map(video2 => `**${++index}** ${he.decode(video2.title)} `).join('\n')}`)
.setFooter({ text: "Please provide a number ranging from 1-10 to select one of the search results." })
message.channel.send({ embeds: [embed] });
try {
var response = await message.channel.awaitMessages({
filter: message2 => message2.content > 0 && message2.content < 11 && message2.author === message.author,
max: 1,
time: 10000,
errors: ['time']
} catch (err) {
return message.channel.send(':x: Cancelling video selection');
const videoIndex = parseInt(response.first().content);
var video = await youtube.getVideoByID(videos[videoIndex - 1].id);
} catch (err) {
return message.channel.send(':x: I could not obtain any search results!');
return client.funcs.handleVideo(video, message, voiceChannel, client, false);
} else {
try {
var video = await youtube.getVideo(url);
} catch (error) {
try {
var videos = await youtube.searchVideos(searchString, 1);
var video = await youtube.getVideoByID(videos[0].id);
} catch (err) {
return message.channel.send(':x: I could not obtain any search results!');
return client.funcs.handleVideo(video, message, voiceChannel, client, false);