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2020-03-14 23:17:16 +02:00

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module.exports = {
alreadyPaused: "<:redx:674263474704220182> The music is already paused!",
alreadyVoted: "<:redx:674263474704220182> You have already voted to skip!",
announceSongsFalse: "<:green_check_mark:674265384777416705> announcesongs now set to `false`!",
announceSongsTrue: "<:green_check_mark:674265384777416705> announcesongs now set to `true`!",
bassApplied: "<:volumehigh:674685637626167307> The bass level **%BASS%** will be applied when the next song starts playing!",
bassFalse: "<:green_check_mark:674265384777416705> Bass is now false!",
bassLevel: "<:green_check_mark:674265384777416705> Bass level is now",
boolean: "<:redx:674263474704220182> Please define a boolean! (true/false)",
bugDesc: "Matte#0002\nOr join the support server: https://discord.gg/rvHuJtB",
bugTitle: "Found a bug with Musix?\nDM the core developer:",
cancellingVideoSelection: "<:redx:674263474704220182> Cancelling video selection",
cantSkipToCurrent: "<:redx:674263474704220182> You can't skip to the song currently playing!",
channelFull: "<:redx:674263474704220182> Your voice channel is full!",
cmdUsesFooter: "These statistics are from the current uptime.",
cmdUsesTitle: "Musix Command Usage During Current Uptime",
correctUsage: "<:redx:674263474704220182> correct usage: ",
currentBass: ":loud_sound: The current bass is: ",
currentDefaultBass: ":speaker: Currect default bass level: ",
currentDefaultVolume: ":speaker: Current default volume is:",
currentPrefix: "Current prefix:",
currentVolume: ":loud_sound: The current volume is: ",
defaultVolumeMax: "<:redx:674263474704220182> The default volume must be below `100` for quality and safety resons.",
defaultVolumeNumber: "<:redx:674263474704220182> I'm sorry, But the default volume needs to be a valid __number__.",
defaultVolumeSet: "<:green_check_mark:674265384777416705> Default volume set to:",
devMode: "<:redx:674263474704220182> Dev mode has been turned on! Commands are only available to developer(s)!",
dispatcherError: "Error with the dispatcher: ",
djFalse: "<:green_check_mark:674265384777416705> `DJ` now set to `false`",
djRoleCreated: "<:green_check_mark:674265384777416705> I did not find a role `DJ` so i have created one for you!",
djRoleFound: "<:green_check_mark:674265384777416705> I found a `DJ` role from this guild! This role is now the DJ role.",
error: "<:redx:674263474704220182> An error occured!",
errorConnecting: "Error with connecting to voice channel: ",
errorDetected: "Error detected: ",
errorDispatcher: "<:redx:674263474704220182> An error has occured while playing music! The queue has been deleted.",
errorExe: "<:redx:674263474704220182> there was an error trying to execute that command! Please contact support with the `bug` command!",
errorExeOpt: "<:redx:674263474704220182> there was an error trying to execute that option! Please contact support with the `bug` command!",
evalTitle: "Evaluation Command",
helpCmdFooter: "Command Alias:",
helpFooter: "\"%PREFIX%help <command>\" to see more information about a command.",
helpTitle: "help",
inviteTitle: "Invite Musix to your Discord server!",
joined: "<:green_check_mark:674265384777416705> Joined",
loadingSongs: "<a:loading:674284196700618783> Loading song(s)",
looping: "<:repeat1:674685561377914892> Looping the queue now!",
loopingSong: "<:repeatsong:674685573419761716> Looping **%TITLE%** now!",
maxBass: "<:redx:674263474704220182> The max bass is `100`!",
maxVolume: "<:redx:674263474704220182> The max volume is `100`!",
noDj: "<:redx:674263474704220182> You need the `DJ` role to use this command!",
noLooping: "<:repeat1:674685561377914892> No longer looping the queue!",
noLoopingSong: "<:repeatsong:674685573419761716> No longer looping the song!",
noPerms: `<:redx:674263474704220182> You need the %PERMS% permission to use this command!`,
noPermsConnect: "<:redx:674263474704220182> I cannot connect to your voice channel, make sure I have the proper permissions!",
noPermsEmbed: "<:redx:674263474704220182> I cannot send embeds (Embed links), make sure I have the proper permissions!",
noPermsManageRoles: "<:redx:674263474704220182> I cannot create roles (Manage roles), make sure I have the proper permissions! I will need this permission to create a `DJ` role since i did not find one!",
noPermsManageSettings: "<:redx:674263474704220182> You need the `MANAGE_SERVER` permission to change the settings!",
noPermsSpeak: "<:redx:674263474704220182> I cannot speak in your voice channel, make sure I have the proper permissions!",
noPermsUseExternalEmojis: "<:redx:674263474704220182> I cannot use external emojis, make sure I have the proper permissions!",
noQuery: "<:redx:674263474704220182> You need to use a link or search for a song!",
noResults: "<:redx:674263474704220182> I could not obtain any search results!",
noServerQueue: "<:redx:674263474704220182> There is nothing playing!",
noSongs: "'<:redx:674263474704220182> That song does not exist!",
nowPlayingDesc: "<a:aNotes:674602408105476106>**Now playing:**",
notAllowed: "<:redx:674263474704220182> You are not allowed to do that!",
notEnoughVotes: "<:redx:674263474704220182> Not enough votes!",
notPaused: "<:redx:674263474704220182> The music in not paused!",
noVoiceChannel: "<:redx:674263474704220182> I'm sorry but you need to be in a voice channel to play music!",
nowPlaying: "__Now playing__",
paused: "<:pause:674685548610322462> Paused the music!",
permission: "🔒 Permission requirement:",
permissionsFalse: "<:redx:674263474704220182> That value is already `false`!",
permissionsSetFalse: "<:green_check_mark:674265384777416705> Permissions requirement now set to: `false`",
permissionsSetTrue: "<:green_check_mark:674265384777416705> Permissions requirement now set to: `true`",
permissionsTrue: "<:redx:674263474704220182> That value is already `true`!",
pinging: "<a:loading:674284196700618783> Pinging...",
playlistAdded: "<:green_check_mark:674265384777416705> Playlist: **%TITLE%** has been added to the queue!",
positiveBass: "<:redx:674263474704220182> The bass needs to be a positive number!",
positiveVolume: "<:redx:674263474704220182> The volume needs to be a positive number!",
prefixHere: "My prefix here is: ",
prefixSet: "<:green_check_mark:674265384777416705> New prefix set to:",
provideANumber: "Please provide a number ranging from 1-10 to select one of the search results.",
provideASong: "<:redx:674263474704220182> Please provide a song position in queue for me to remove!",
queueDeleted: "Queue deleted!",
queueDesc: "**Now playing:** %SONG%<a:aNotes:674602408105476106>\n:arrow_down: Next in queue :arrow_down:",
queueFooter: "songs in the queue!",
queueLength: "<:redx:674263474704220182> There are only %SONGS% amount of songs in the queue!",
queueTitle: "__Song queue__",
reloaded: "All files reloaded!",
removed: "🗑 removed `%SONG%` from the queue!",
reset: "<:green_check_mark:674265384777416705> Reset __all__ guild settings!",
restart: "restarting all shards...",
resumed: "<:resume:674685585478254603> Resumed the music!",
seekingPointPositive: "<:redx:674263474704220182> The seeking point needs to be a positive number!",
seekMax: "<:redx:674263474704220182> The lenght of this song is %LENGTH% seconds! You can't seek further than that!",
settingsAnnounceSongs: "announcesongs",
settingsAnnounceSongsDesc: "Whether to announce songs that start playing or not.",
settingsBass: "bass",
settingsBassDesc: "Change the default bass level `Not supported`",
settingsFooter: "how to use: %PREFIX%settings <Setting name> <value>",
settingsPermissions: "permissions",
settingsPermissionsDesc: "Change whether to require permissions to use eg `skip, stop, pause, loop, etc...`",
settingsPrefix: "prefix",
settingsPrefixDesc: "Change the guild specific prefix. (string)",
settingsSetDj: "setdj",
settingsSetDjDesc: "Set a DJ role. This will allow chosen users to freely use all Musix commands. This will automatically set the `permissions` settings to true in order for the `DJ` role to have effect!",
settingsTitle: "Guild settings for Musix",
settingsVolume: "volume",
settingsVolumeDesc: "Change the default volume that the bot will start playing at. (number)",
setVolume: "<:volumehigh:674685637626167307> I set the volume to: ",
shuffled: "<:shuffle:674685595980791871> Queue suffled!",
skipped: "<:skip:674685614221688832> Skipped the song!",
songAdded: "<:green_check_mark:674265384777416705> **%TITLE%** has been added to the queue!",
songBlockedWMG: "<:redx:674263474704220182> This song had been blocked by WMG (Warner Music Groud).\n<:skip:674685614221688832> Skipped to next song.",
songSelection: "__Song Selection__",
startPlaying: "<a:aNotes:674602408105476106> Start playing: ",
statusField1: ":signal_strength: Ping",
statusField2: "Latency",
statusField3: ":stopwatch: Uptime",
statusField4: "Shard: ",
statusTitle: "Status for Musix",
stop: "<:stop:674685626108477519> Stopped the music!",
validNumber: "<:redx:674263474704220182> I'm sorry, But you need to enter a valid __number__.",
wrongVoiceChannel: "<:redx:674263474704220182> I'm sorry but you need to be in the same voice channel as Musix to use this command!",