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2019-05-30 12:06:47 +03:00

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const browser = typeof window !== 'undefined';
const querystring = require('querystring');
const transport = browser ? require('./browser') : require('./node');
* Snekfetch
* @extends Stream.Readable
* @extends Promise
class Snekfetch extends transport.Extension {
* Options to pass to the Snekfetch constructor
* @typedef {object} SnekfetchOptions
* @memberof Snekfetch
* @property {object} [headers] Headers to initialize the request with
* @property {object|string|Buffer} [data] Data to initialize the request with
* @property {string|Object} [query] Query to intialize the request with
* @property {boolean} [followRedirects=true] If the request should follow redirects
* @property {object} [qs=querystring] Querystring module to use, any object providing
* `stringify` and `parse` for querystrings
* @property {number} [version = 1] The http version to use [1 or 2]
* @property {external:Agent} [agent] Whether to use an http agent
* Create a request.
* Usually you'll want to do `Snekfetch#method(url [, options])` instead of
* `new Snekfetch(method, url [, options])`
* @param {string} method HTTP method
* @param {string} url URL
* @param {SnekfetchOptions} [opts] Options
constructor(method, url, opts = {}) {
this.options = Object.assign({ version: 1, qs: querystring, followRedirects: true }, opts);
this.request = transport.buildRequest.call(this, method, url, opts);
if (opts.headers)
if (opts.query)
if (opts.data)
* Add a query param to the request
* @param {string|Object} name Name of query param or object to add to query
* @param {string} [value] If name is a string value, this will be the value of the query param
* @returns {Snekfetch} This request
query(name, value) {
if (!this.request.query)
this.request.query = {};
if (name !== null && typeof name === 'object') {
for (const [k, v] of Object.entries(name))
this.query(k, v);
} else {
this.request.query[name] = value;
return this;
* Add a header to the request
* @param {string|Object} name Name of query param or object to add to headers
* @param {string} [value] If name is a string value, this will be the value of the header
* @returns {Snekfetch} This request
set(name, value) {
if (name !== null && typeof name === 'object') {
for (const key of Object.keys(name))
this.set(key, name[key]);
} else {
this.request.setHeader(name, value);
return this;
* Attach a form data object
* @param {string} name Name of the form attachment
* @param {string|Object|Buffer} data Data for the attachment
* @param {string} [filename] Optional filename if form attachment name needs to be overridden
* @returns {Snekfetch} This request
attach(...args) {
const form = this.data instanceof transport.FormData ? this.data : this.data = new transport.FormData();
if (typeof args[0] === 'object') {
for (const [k, v] of Object.entries(args[0]))
this.attach(k, v);
} else {
return this;
* Send data with the request
* @param {string|Buffer|Object} data Data to send
* @returns {Snekfetch} This request
send(data) {
if (data instanceof transport.FormData || transport.shouldSendRaw(data)) {
this.data = data;
} else if (data !== null && typeof data === 'object') {
const header = this.request.getHeader('content-type');
let serialize;
if (header) {
if (header.includes('json'))
serialize = JSON.stringify;
else if (header.includes('urlencoded'))
serialize = this.options.qs.stringify;
} else {
this.set('Content-Type', 'application/json');
serialize = JSON.stringify;
this.data = serialize(data);
} else {
this.data = data;
return this;
then(resolver, rejector) {
if (this._response)
return this._response.then(resolver, rejector);
// eslint-disable-next-line no-return-assign
return this._response = transport.finalizeRequest.call(this)
.then(({ response, raw, redirect, headers }) => {
if (redirect) {
let method = this.request.method;
if ([301, 302].includes(response.statusCode)) {
if (method !== 'HEAD')
method = 'GET';
this.data = null;
} else if (response.statusCode === 303) {
method = 'GET';
const redirectHeaders = this.request.getHeaders();
delete redirectHeaders.host;
return new Snekfetch(method, redirect, {
data: this.data,
headers: redirectHeaders,
version: this.options.version,
const statusCode = response.statusCode || response.status;
// forgive me :(
const self = this; // eslint-disable-line consistent-this
* Response from Snekfetch
* @typedef {Object} SnekfetchResponse
* @memberof Snekfetch
* @prop {HTTP.Request} request
* @prop {?string|object|Buffer} body Processed response body
* @prop {string} text Raw response body
* @prop {boolean} ok If the response code is >= 200 and < 300
* @prop {number} status HTTP status code
* @prop {string} statusText Human readable HTTP status
const res = {
request: this.request,
get body() {
delete res.body;
const type = this.headers['content-type'];
if (type && type.includes('application/json')) {
try {
res.body = JSON.parse(res.text);
} catch (err) {
res.body = res.text;
} else if (type && type.includes('application/x-www-form-urlencoded')) {
res.body = self.options.qs.parse(res.text);
} else {
res.body = raw;
return res.body;
text: raw.toString(),
ok: statusCode >= 200 && statusCode < 400,
headers: headers || response.headers,
status: statusCode,
statusText: response.statusText || transport.STATUS_CODES[response.statusCode],
if (res.ok) {
return res;
} else {
const err = new Error(`${res.status} ${res.statusText}`.trim());
Object.assign(err, res);
return Promise.reject(err);
.then(resolver, rejector);
catch(rejector) {
return this.then(null, rejector);
* End the request
* @param {Function} [cb] Optional callback to handle the response
* @returns {Promise} This request
end(cb) {
return this.then(
(res) => cb ? cb(null, res) : res,
(err) => cb ? cb(err, err.status ? err : null) : Promise.reject(err)
_finalizeRequest() {
if (!this.request)
if (this.request.method !== 'HEAD')
this.set('Accept-Encoding', 'gzip, deflate');
if (this.data && this.data.getBoundary)
this.set('Content-Type', `multipart/form-data; boundary=${this.data.getBoundary()}`);
if (this.request.query) {
const [path, query] = this.request.path.split('?');
this.request.path = `${path}?${this.options.qs.stringify(this.request.query)}${query ? `&${query}` : ''}`;
* Create a ((THIS)) request
* @dynamic this.METHODS
* @method Snekfetch.((THIS)lowerCase)
* @param {string} url The url to request
* @param {Snekfetch.snekfetchOptions} [opts] Options
* @returns {Snekfetch}
Snekfetch.METHODS = transport.METHODS.concat('BREW').filter((m) => m !== 'M-SEARCH');
for (const method of Snekfetch.METHODS) {
Snekfetch[method.toLowerCase()] = function runMethod(url, opts) {
const Constructor = this.prototype instanceof Snekfetch ? this : Snekfetch;
return new Constructor(method, url, opts);
module.exports = Snekfetch;
* @external Agent
* @see {@link https://nodejs.org/api/http.html#http_class_http_agent}