"use strict"; module.exports = exports = install; exports.usage = 'Attempts to install pre-built binary for module'; var fs = require('fs'); var path = require('path'); var log = require('npmlog'); var existsAsync = fs.exists || path.exists; var versioning = require('./util/versioning.js'); var napi = require('./util/napi.js'); var mkdirp = require('mkdirp'); var npgVersion = 'unknown'; try { // Read own package.json to get the current node-pre-pyp version. var ownPackageJSON = fs.readFileSync(path.join(__dirname, '..', 'package.json'), 'utf8'); npgVersion = JSON.parse(ownPackageJSON).version; } catch (e) {} var http_get = { impl: undefined, type: undefined }; try { http_get.impl = require('request'); http_get.type = 'request'; log.warn("Using request for node-pre-gyp https download"); } catch (e) { http_get.impl = require('needle'); http_get.type = 'needle'; log.warn("Using needle for node-pre-gyp https download"); } function download(uri,opts,callback) { log.http('GET', uri); var req = null; // Try getting version info from the currently running npm. var envVersionInfo = process.env.npm_config_user_agent || 'node ' + process.version; var requestOpts = { uri: uri.replace('+','%2B'), headers: { 'User-Agent': 'node-pre-gyp (v' + npgVersion + ', ' + envVersionInfo + ')' }, follow_max: 10, }; if (opts.cafile) { try { requestOpts.ca = fs.readFileSync(opts.cafile); } catch (e) { return callback(e); } } else if (opts.ca) { requestOpts.ca = opts.ca; } var proxyUrl = opts.proxy || process.env.http_proxy || process.env.HTTP_PROXY || process.env.npm_config_proxy; if (proxyUrl) { if (/^https?:\/\//i.test(proxyUrl)) { log.verbose('download', 'using proxy url: "%s"', proxyUrl); requestOpts.proxy = proxyUrl; } else { log.warn('download', 'ignoring invalid "proxy" config setting: "%s"', proxyUrl); } } try { req = http_get.impl.get(requestOpts.uri, requestOpts); } catch (e) { return callback(e); } if (req) { req.on('response', function (res) { log.http(res.statusCode, uri); }); } return callback(null,req); } function place_binary(from,to,opts,callback) { download(from,opts,function(err,req) { if (err) return callback(err); if (!req) return callback(new Error("empty req")); var badDownload = false; var hasResponse = false; function afterExtract(err, extractCount) { if (err) return callback(err); if (badDownload) return callback(new Error("bad download")); if (extractCount === 0) { return callback(new Error('There was a fatal problem while downloading/extracting the tarball')); } log.info('tarball', 'done parsing tarball'); callback(); } // for request compatibility req.on('error', function(err) { badDownload = true; if (!hasResponse) { hasResponse = true; return callback(err); } }); // for needle compatibility req.on('err', function(err) { badDownload = true; if (!hasResponse) { hasResponse = true; return callback(err); } }); req.on('close', function () { if (!hasResponse) { hasResponse = true; return callback(new Error('Connection closed while downloading tarball file')); } }); req.on('response', function(res) { // ignore redirects, needle handles these automatically. if (http_get.type === 'needle' && res.headers.hasOwnProperty('location') && res.headers.location !== '') { return; } if (hasResponse) { return; } hasResponse = true; if (res.statusCode !== 200) { badDownload = true; var err = new Error(res.statusCode + ' status code downloading tarball ' + from); err.statusCode = res.statusCode; return callback(err); } // start unzipping and untaring req.pipe(extract(to, afterExtract)); }); }); } function extract_from_local(from, to, callback) { if (!fs.existsSync(from)) { return callback(new Error('Cannot find file ' + from)); } log.info('Found local file to extract from ' + from); function afterExtract(err, extractCount) { if (err) return callback(err); if (extractCount === 0) { return callback(new Error('There was a fatal problem while extracting the tarball')); } log.info('tarball', 'done parsing tarball'); callback(); } fs.createReadStream(from).pipe(extract(to, afterExtract)); } function extract(to, callback) { var extractCount = 0; function filter_func(entry) { log.info('install','unpacking ' + entry.path); extractCount++; } function afterTarball(err) { callback(err, extractCount); } var tar = require('tar'); return tar.extract({ cwd: to, strip: 1, onentry: filter_func }).on('close', afterTarball).on('error', callback); } function do_build(gyp,argv,callback) { var args = ['rebuild'].concat(argv); gyp.todo.push( { name: 'build', args: args } ); process.nextTick(callback); } function print_fallback_error(err,opts,package_json) { var fallback_message = ' (falling back to source compile with node-gyp)'; var full_message = ''; if (err.statusCode !== undefined) { // If we got a network response it but failed to download // it means remote binaries are not available, so let's try to help // the user/developer with the info to debug why full_message = "Pre-built binaries not found for " + package_json.name + "@" + package_json.version; full_message += " and " + opts.runtime + "@" + (opts.target || process.versions.node) + " (" + opts.node_abi + " ABI, " + opts.libc + ")"; full_message += fallback_message; log.warn("Tried to download(" + err.statusCode + "): " + opts.hosted_tarball); log.warn(full_message); log.http(err.message); } else { // If we do not have a statusCode that means an unexpected error // happened and prevented an http response, so we output the exact error full_message = "Pre-built binaries not installable for " + package_json.name + "@" + package_json.version; full_message += " and " + opts.runtime + "@" + (opts.target || process.versions.node) + " (" + opts.node_abi + " ABI, " + opts.libc + ")"; full_message += fallback_message; log.warn(full_message); log.warn("Hit error " + err.message); } } function install(gyp, argv, callback) { var package_json = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync('./package.json')); var napi_build_version = napi.get_napi_build_version_from_command_args(argv); var source_build = gyp.opts['build-from-source'] || gyp.opts.build_from_source; var update_binary = gyp.opts['update-binary'] || gyp.opts.update_binary; var should_do_source_build = source_build === package_json.name || (source_build === true || source_build === 'true'); if (should_do_source_build) { log.info('build','requesting source compile'); return do_build(gyp,argv,callback); } else { var fallback_to_build = gyp.opts['fallback-to-build'] || gyp.opts.fallback_to_build; var should_do_fallback_build = fallback_to_build === package_json.name || (fallback_to_build === true || fallback_to_build === 'true'); // but allow override from npm if (process.env.npm_config_argv) { var cooked = JSON.parse(process.env.npm_config_argv).cooked; var match = cooked.indexOf("--fallback-to-build"); if (match > -1 && cooked.length > match && cooked[match+1] == "false") { should_do_fallback_build = false; log.info('install','Build fallback disabled via npm flag: --fallback-to-build=false'); } } var opts; try { opts = versioning.evaluate(package_json, gyp.opts, napi_build_version); } catch (err) { return callback(err); } opts.ca = gyp.opts.ca; opts.cafile = gyp.opts.cafile; var from = opts.hosted_tarball; var to = opts.module_path; var binary_module = path.join(to,opts.module_name + '.node'); existsAsync(binary_module,function(found) { if (found && !update_binary) { console.log('['+package_json.name+'] Success: "' + binary_module + '" already installed'); console.log('Pass --update-binary to reinstall or --build-from-source to recompile'); return callback(); } else { if (!update_binary) log.info('check','checked for "' + binary_module + '" (not found)'); mkdirp(to,function(err) { if (err) { after_place(err); } else { var fileName = from.startsWith('file://') && from.replace(/^file:\/\//, ''); if (fileName) { extract_from_local(fileName, to, after_place); } else { place_binary(from,to,opts,after_place); } } }); } function after_place(err) { if (err && should_do_fallback_build) { print_fallback_error(err,opts,package_json); return do_build(gyp,argv,callback); } else if (err) { return callback(err); } else { console.log('['+package_json.name+'] Success: "' + binary_module + '" is installed via remote'); return callback(); } } }); } }