const zlib = require('zlib'); const http = require('http'); const https = require('https'); const URL = require('url'); const Stream = require('stream'); const FormData = require('./FormData'); const Package = require('../../package.json'); const transports = { 'http:': http, 'https:': https, 'file:': require('./transports/file'), }; function buildRequest(method, url) { /* istanbul ignore next */ this._read = () => { this.resume(); if (this._response) return; this.catch((err) => this.emit('error', err)); }; this.options.lastBuiltUrl = url; const options = URL.parse(url); options.encoding = 'utf8'; if (!options.protocol) throw new Error('URL must have a valid protocol'); const transport = transports[options.protocol]; options.method = method.toUpperCase(); if (this.options.headers) options.headers = this.options.headers; if (this.options.agent) options.agent = this.options.agent; else if (transport.Agent && this.options.followRedirects !== false) options.agent = new transport.Agent({ keepAlive: true }); if (options.port) options.port = parseInt(options.port); this.options._req = options; const request = transport.request(options); if (request.setNoDelay) request.setNoDelay(true); return request; } function finalizeRequest() { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const request = this.request; let socket; const handleError = (err) => { if (!err) err = new Error('Unknown error occured'); err.request = request; reject(err); if (socket) socket.removeListener('error', handleError); }; request.once('abort', handleError); request.once('error', handleError); request.once('socket', (s) => { socket = s; s.once('error', handleError); }); request.once('response', (response) => { if (socket) socket.removeListener('error', handleError); let stream = response; if (shouldUnzip(response)) { stream = response.pipe(zlib.createUnzip({ flush: zlib.Z_SYNC_FLUSH, finishFlush: zlib.Z_SYNC_FLUSH, })); } if (this.options.followRedirects !== false && [301, 302, 303, 307, 308].includes(response.statusCode)) { resolve({ response, redirect: URL.resolve(this.options.lastBuiltUrl, response.headers.location), }); response.destroy(); } else { const body = []; stream.on('data', (chunk) => { if (!this.push(chunk)) this.pause(); body.push(chunk); }); stream.once('end', () => { this.push(null); const raw = Buffer.concat(body); resolve({ response, raw, redirect: false }); }); } }); if (!this.request.getHeader('user-agent')) this.set('User-Agent', `snekfetch/${Package.version} (${Package.homepage})`); this._finalizeRequest(); let data =; if (data && data.end) data = data.end(); if (Array.isArray(data)) { for (const chunk of data) request.write(chunk); request.end(); } else if (data instanceof Stream) { data.pipe(request); } else if (data instanceof Buffer) { request.end(data); } else if (data) { request.end(data); } else { request.end(); } }); } function shouldSendRaw(data) { return data instanceof Buffer || data instanceof Stream; } function shouldUnzip(res) { if (res.statusCode === 204 || res.statusCode === 304) return false; if (res.headers['content-length'] === '0') return false; return /^\s*(?:deflate|gzip)\s*$/.test(res.headers['content-encoding']); } module.exports = { buildRequest, finalizeRequest, shouldSendRaw, METHODS: http.METHODS, STATUS_CODES: http.STATUS_CODES, FormData, Extension: Stream.Readable, };