module.exports = { name: 'info', description: 'Info command.', cooldown: 5, execute(message, args, client, RichEmbed) { const embed = new RichEmbed() .setTitle('**Musix instructions and info**:') .addField('If you encounter any errors with musix please report about them on the offical musix support server!', '', true) .addField('On errors you can do +stop to reset the queue and try again!', 'To use all commands make sure you have `MANAGE_MESSAGES` and `MANAGE_CHANNELS` permissions!') .addField('Current Ping in milliseconds', `${Math.floor( * 10) / 10} ms`, true) .addField('Be careful with the Volume command! Volume is not recommended to be put over 3 with user volume at 100%!', 'Volume will reset to 1 always when a new song begins!', true) .setAuthor(client.user.username, client.user.displayAvatarURL) .setColor('#2780cd') return; } };