const path = require('path'); const Util = require('../util/Util'); const Attachment = require('./Attachment'); const RichEmbed = require('./RichEmbed'); /** * Represents a webhook. */ class Webhook { constructor(client, dataOrID, token) { if (client) { /** * The client that instantiated the webhook * @name Webhook#client * @type {Client} * @readonly */ Object.defineProperty(this, 'client', { value: client }); if (dataOrID) this.setup(dataOrID); } else { = dataOrID; this.token = token; Object.defineProperty(this, 'client', { value: this }); } } setup(data) { /** * The name of the webhook * @type {string} */ =; /** * The token for the webhook * @type {string} */ Object.defineProperty(this, 'token', { value: data.token, writable: true, configurable: true }); /** * The avatar for the webhook * @type {?string} */ this.avatar = data.avatar; /** * The ID of the webhook * @type {Snowflake} */ =; /** * The guild the webhook belongs to * @type {Snowflake} */ this.guildID = data.guild_id; /** * The channel the webhook belongs to * @type {Snowflake} */ this.channelID = data.channel_id; if (data.user) { /** * The owner of the webhook * @type {?User|Object} */ this.owner = this.client.users ? this.client.users.get( : data.user; } else { this.owner = null; } } /** * Options that can be passed into send, sendMessage, sendFile, sendEmbed, and sendCode. * @typedef {Object} WebhookMessageOptions * @property {string} [] Username override for the message * @property {string} [avatarURL] Avatar URL override for the message * @property {boolean} [tts=false] Whether or not the message should be spoken aloud * @property {string} [nonce=''] The nonce for the message * @property {Array} [embeds] An array of embeds for the message * (see [here]( for more details) * @property {boolean} [disableEveryone=this.client.options.disableEveryone] Whether or not @everyone and @here * should be replaced with plain-text * @property {FileOptions|BufferResolvable|Attachment} [file] A file to send with the message **(deprecated)** * @property {FileOptions[]|BufferResolvable[]|Attachment[]} [files] Files to send with the message * @property {string|boolean} [code] Language for optional codeblock formatting to apply * @property {boolean|SplitOptions} [split=false] Whether or not the message should be split into multiple messages if * it exceeds the character limit. If an object is provided, these are the options for splitting the message. */ /** * Send a message with this webhook. * @param {StringResolvable} content The content to send * @param {WebhookMessageOptions|Attachment|RichEmbed} [options] The options to provide, * can also be just a RichEmbed or Attachment * @returns {Promise} * @example * // Send a basic message * webhook.send('hello!') * .then(message => console.log(`Sent message: ${message.content}`)) * .catch(console.error); * @example * // Send a remote file * webhook.send({ * files: [''] * }) * .then(console.log) * .catch(console.error); * @example * // Send a local file * webhook.send({ * files: [{ * attachment: 'entire/path/to/file.jpg', * name: 'file.jpg' * }] * }) * .then(console.log) * .catch(console.error); * @example * // Send an embed with a local image inside * webhook.send('This is an embed', { * embeds: [{ * thumbnail: { * url: 'attachment://file.jpg' * } * }], * files: [{ * attachment: 'entire/path/to/file.jpg', * name: 'file.jpg' * }] * }) * .then(console.log) * .catch(console.error); */ send(content, options) { // eslint-disable-line complexity if (!options && typeof content === 'object' && !(content instanceof Array)) { options = content; content = ''; } else if (!options) { options = {}; } if (options instanceof Attachment) options = { files: [options] }; if (options instanceof RichEmbed) options = { embeds: [options] }; if (content) { content = this.client.resolver.resolveString(content); let { split, code, disableEveryone } = options; if (split && typeof split !== 'object') split = {}; if (typeof code !== 'undefined' && (typeof code !== 'boolean' || code === true)) { content = Util.escapeMarkdown(content, true); content = `\`\`\`${typeof code !== 'boolean' ? code || '' : ''}\n${content}\n\`\`\``; if (split) { split.prepend = `\`\`\`${typeof code !== 'boolean' ? code || '' : ''}\n`; split.append = '\n```'; } } if (disableEveryone || (typeof disableEveryone === 'undefined' && this.client.options.disableEveryone)) { content = content.replace(/@(everyone|here)/g, '@\u200b$1'); } if (split) content = Util.splitMessage(content, split); } if (options.file) { if (options.files) options.files.push(options.file); else options.files = [options.file]; } if (options.embeds) { const files = []; for (const embed of options.embeds) { if (embed.file) files.push(embed.file); } if (options.files) options.files.push(...files); else options.files = files; } if (options.embeds) options.embeds = => new RichEmbed(e)._apiTransform()); if (options.files) { for (let i = 0; i < options.files.length; i++) { let file = options.files[i]; if (typeof file === 'string' || Buffer.isBuffer(file)) file = { attachment: file }; if (! { if (typeof file.attachment === 'string') { = path.basename(file.attachment); } else if (file.attachment && file.attachment.path) { = path.basename(file.attachment.path); } else if (file instanceof Attachment) { file = { attachment: file.file, name: path.basename(file.file) || 'file.jpg' }; } else { = 'file.jpg'; } } else if (file instanceof Attachment) { file = file.file; } options.files[i] = file; } return Promise.all( => this.client.resolver.resolveFile(file.attachment).then(resource => { file.file = resource; return file; }) )).then(files =>, content, options, files)); } return, content, options); } /** * Send a message with this webhook * @param {StringResolvable} content The content to send * @param {WebhookMessageOptions} [options={}] The options to provide * @returns {Promise} * @deprecated * @example * // Send a message * webhook.sendMessage('hello!') * .then(message => console.log(`Sent message: ${message.content}`)) * .catch(console.error); */ sendMessage(content, options = {}) { return this.send(content, options); } /** * Send a file with this webhook. * @param {BufferResolvable} attachment The file to send * @param {string} [name='file.jpg'] The name and extension of the file * @param {StringResolvable} [content] Text message to send with the attachment * @param {WebhookMessageOptions} [options] The options to provide * @returns {Promise} * @deprecated */ sendFile(attachment, name, content, options = {}) { return this.send(content, Object.assign(options, { file: { attachment, name } })); } /** * Send a code block with this webhook. * @param {string} lang Language for the code block * @param {StringResolvable} content Content of the code block * @param {WebhookMessageOptions} options The options to provide * @returns {Promise} * @deprecated */ sendCode(lang, content, options = {}) { return this.send(content, Object.assign(options, { code: lang })); } /** * Send a raw slack message with this webhook. * @param {Object} body The raw body to send * @returns {Promise} * @example * // Send a slack message * webhook.sendSlackMessage({ * 'username': 'Wumpus', * 'attachments': [{ * 'pretext': 'this looks pretty cool', * 'color': '#F0F', * 'footer_icon': '', * 'footer': 'Powered by sneks', * 'ts': / 1000 * }] * }).catch(console.error); */ sendSlackMessage(body) { return, body); } /** * Edit the webhook. * @param {string} name The new name for the webhook * @param {BufferResolvable} [avatar] The new avatar for the webhook * @returns {Promise} */ edit(name =, avatar) { if (avatar) { return this.client.resolver.resolveImage(avatar).then(data =>, name, data) ); } return, name); } /** * Delete the webhook. * @param {string} [reason] Reason for deleting the webhook * @returns {Promise} */ delete(reason) { return, reason); } } module.exports = Webhook;