const util = require('util'); const Long = require('long'); const User = require('./User'); const Role = require('./Role'); const Emoji = require('./Emoji'); const Presence = require('./Presence').Presence; const GuildMember = require('./GuildMember'); const Constants = require('../util/Constants'); const Collection = require('../util/Collection'); const Util = require('../util/Util'); const Snowflake = require('../util/Snowflake'); /** * Represents a guild (or a server) on Discord. * It's recommended to see if a guild is available before performing operations or reading data from it. You can * check this with `guild.available`. */ class Guild { constructor(client, data) { /** * The client that created the instance of the guild * @name Guild#client * @type {Client} * @readonly */ Object.defineProperty(this, 'client', { value: client }); /** * A collection of members that are in this guild. The key is the member's ID, the value is the member * @type {Collection} */ this.members = new Collection(); /** * A collection of channels that are in this guild. The key is the channel's ID, the value is the channel * @type {Collection} */ this.channels = new Collection(); /** * A collection of roles that are in this guild. The key is the role's ID, the value is the role * @type {Collection} */ this.roles = new Collection(); /** * A collection of presences in this guild * @type {Collection} */ this.presences = new Collection(); /** * Whether the bot has been removed from the guild * @type {boolean} */ this.deleted = false; if (!data) return; if (data.unavailable) { /** * Whether the guild is available to access. If it is not available, it indicates a server outage * @type {boolean} */ this.available = false; /** * The Unique ID of the guild, useful for comparisons * @type {Snowflake} */ =; } else { this.setup(data); if (!data.channels) this.available = false; } } /* eslint-disable complexity */ /** * Sets up the guild. * @param {*} data The raw data of the guild * @private */ setup(data) { /** * The name of the guild * @type {string} */ =; /** * The hash of the guild icon * @type {?string} */ this.icon = data.icon; /** * The hash of the guild splash image (VIP only) * @type {?string} */ this.splash = data.splash; /** * The region the guild is located in * @type {string} */ this.region = data.region; /** * The full amount of members in this guild as of `READY` * @type {number} */ this.memberCount = data.member_count || this.memberCount; /** * Whether the guild is "large" (has more than 250 members) * @type {boolean} */ this.large = Boolean('large' in data ? data.large : this.large); /** * An array of guild features * @type {Object[]} */ this.features = data.features; /** * The ID of the application that created this guild (if applicable) * @type {?Snowflake} */ this.applicationID = data.application_id; /** * The time in seconds before a user is counted as "away from keyboard" * @type {?number} */ this.afkTimeout = data.afk_timeout; /** * The ID of the voice channel where AFK members are moved * @type {?string} */ this.afkChannelID = data.afk_channel_id; /** * The ID of the system channel * @type {?Snowflake} */ this.systemChannelID = data.system_channel_id; /** * Whether embedded images are enabled on this guild * @type {boolean} */ this.embedEnabled = data.embed_enabled; /** * The verification level of the guild * @type {number} */ this.verificationLevel = data.verification_level; /** * The explicit content filter level of the guild * @type {number} */ this.explicitContentFilter = data.explicit_content_filter; /** * The required MFA level for the guild * @type {number} */ this.mfaLevel = data.mfa_level; /** * The timestamp the client user joined the guild at * @type {number} */ this.joinedTimestamp = data.joined_at ? new Date(data.joined_at).getTime() : this.joinedTimestamp; /** * The value set for a guild's default message notifications * @type {DefaultMessageNotifications|number} */ this.defaultMessageNotifications = Constants.DefaultMessageNotifications[data.default_message_notifications] || data.default_message_notifications; =; this.available = !data.unavailable; this.features = data.features || this.features || []; if (data.members) { this.members.clear(); for (const guildUser of data.members) this._addMember(guildUser, false); } if (data.owner_id) { /** * The user ID of this guild's owner * @type {Snowflake} */ this.ownerID = data.owner_id; } if (data.channels) { this.channels.clear(); for (const channel of data.channels) this.client.dataManager.newChannel(channel, this); } if (data.roles) { this.roles.clear(); for (const role of data.roles) { const newRole = new Role(this, role); this.roles.set(, newRole); } } if (data.presences) { for (const presence of data.presences) { this._setPresence(, presence); } } this._rawVoiceStates = new Collection(); if (data.voice_states) { for (const voiceState of data.voice_states) { this._rawVoiceStates.set(voiceState.user_id, voiceState); const member = this.members.get(voiceState.user_id); if (member) { member.serverMute = voiceState.mute; member.serverDeaf = voiceState.deaf; member.selfMute = voiceState.self_mute; member.selfDeaf = voiceState.self_deaf; member.voiceSessionID = voiceState.session_id; member.voiceChannelID = voiceState.channel_id; this.channels.get(voiceState.channel_id).members.set(, member); } } } if (!this.emojis) { /** * A collection of emojis that are in this guild * The key is the emoji's ID, the value is the emoji * @type {Collection} */ this.emojis = new Collection(); for (const emoji of data.emojis) this.emojis.set(, new Emoji(this, emoji)); } else { this.client.actions.GuildEmojisUpdate.handle({ guild_id:, emojis: data.emojis, }); } } /** * The timestamp the guild was created at * @type {number} * @readonly */ get createdTimestamp() { return Snowflake.deconstruct(; } /** * The time the guild was created * @type {Date} * @readonly */ get createdAt() { return new Date(this.createdTimestamp); } /** * The time the client user joined the guild * @type {Date} * @readonly */ get joinedAt() { return new Date(this.joinedTimestamp); } /** * If this guild is verified * @type {boolean} * @readonly */ get verified() { return this.features.includes('VERIFIED'); } /** * The URL to this guild's icon * @type {?string} * @readonly */ get iconURL() { if (!this.icon) return null; return Constants.Endpoints.Guild(this).Icon(this.client.options.http.cdn, this.icon); } /** * The acronym that shows up in place of a guild icon. * @type {string} * @readonly */ get nameAcronym() { return\w+/g, name => name[0]).replace(/\s/g, ''); } /** * The URL to this guild's splash * @type {?string} * @readonly */ get splashURL() { if (!this.splash) return null; return Constants.Endpoints.Guild(this).Splash(this.client.options.http.cdn, this.splash); } /** * The owner of the guild * @type {?GuildMember} * @readonly */ get owner() { return this.members.get(this.ownerID); } /** * AFK voice channel for this guild * @type {?VoiceChannel} * @readonly */ get afkChannel() { return this.client.channels.get(this.afkChannelID) || null; } /** * System channel for this guild * @type {?GuildChannel} * @readonly */ get systemChannel() { return this.client.channels.get(this.systemChannelID) || null; } /** * If the client is connected to any voice channel in this guild, this will be the relevant VoiceConnection * @type {?VoiceConnection} * @readonly */ get voiceConnection() { if (this.client.browser) return null; return this.client.voice.connections.get( || null; } /** * The position of this guild * This is only available when using a user account. * @type {?number} * @readonly */ get position() { if ( return null; if (!this.client.user.settings.guildPositions) return null; return this.client.user.settings.guildPositions.indexOf(; } /** * Whether the guild is muted * This is only available when using a user account. * @type {?boolean} * @readonly */ get muted() { if ( return null; try { return this.client.user.guildSettings.get(; } catch (err) { return false; } } /** * The type of message that should notify you * This is only available when using a user account. * @type {?MessageNotificationType} * @readonly */ get messageNotifications() { if ( return null; try { return this.client.user.guildSettings.get(; } catch (err) { return null; } } /** * Whether to receive mobile push notifications * This is only available when using a user account. * @type {?boolean} * @readonly */ get mobilePush() { if ( return null; try { return this.client.user.guildSettings.get(; } catch (err) { return false; } } /** * Whether to suppress everyone messages * This is only available when using a user account. * @type {?boolean} * @readonly */ get suppressEveryone() { if ( return null; try { return this.client.user.guildSettings.get(; } catch (err) { return null; } } /** * The `@everyone` role of the guild * @type {Role} * @readonly */ get defaultRole() { return this.roles.get(; } /** * The client user as a GuildMember of this guild * @type {?GuildMember} * @readonly */ get me() { return this.members.get(; } /** * Fetches a collection of roles in the current guild sorted by position * @type {Collection} * @readonly * @private */ get _sortedRoles() { return this._sortPositionWithID(this.roles); } /** * Returns the GuildMember form of a User object, if the user is present in the guild. * @param {UserResolvable} user The user that you want to obtain the GuildMember of * @returns {?GuildMember} * @example * // Get the guild member of a user * const member = guild.member(; */ member(user) { return this.client.resolver.resolveGuildMember(this, user); } /** * Fetch a collection of banned users in this guild. * @returns {Promise>} * @example * // Fetch bans in guild * guild.fetchBans() * .then(bans => console.log(`This guild has ${bans.size} bans`)) * .catch(console.error); */ fetchBans() { return .then(bans => { const users = new Collection(); for (const ban of bans.values()) users.set(, ban.user); return users; }); } /** * Fetch a collection of invites to this guild. * Resolves with a collection mapping invites by their codes. * @returns {Promise>} * @example * // Fetch invites * guild.fetchInvites() * .then(invites => console.log(`Fetched ${invites.size} invites`)) * .catch(console.error); * @example * // Fetch invite creator by their id * guild.fetchInvites() * .then(invites => console.log(invites.find(invite => === '84484653687267328'))) * .catch(console.error); */ fetchInvites() { return; } /** * Fetch all webhooks for the guild. * @returns {Promise>} * @example * // Fetch webhooks * guild.fetchWebhooks() * .then(webhooks => console.log(`Fetched ${webhooks.size} webhooks`)) * .catch(console.error); */ fetchWebhooks() { return; } /** * Fetch available voice regions. * @returns {Promise>} * @example * // Fetch voice regions * guild.fetchVoiceRegions() * .then(console.log) * .catch(console.error); */ fetchVoiceRegions() { return; } /** * Fetch audit logs for this guild. * @param {Object} [options={}] Options for fetching audit logs * @param {Snowflake|GuildAuditLogsEntry} [options.before] Limit to entries from before specified entry * @param {Snowflake|GuildAuditLogsEntry} [options.after] Limit to entries from after specified entry * @param {number} [options.limit] Limit number of entries * @param {UserResolvable} [options.user] Only show entries involving this user * @param {string|number} [options.type] Only show entries involving this action type * @returns {Promise} * @example * // Output audit log entries * guild.fetchAuditLogs() * .then(audit => console.log(audit.entries.first())) * .catch(console.error); */ fetchAuditLogs(options) { return, options); } /** * Adds a user to the guild using OAuth2. Requires the `CREATE_INSTANT_INVITE` permission. * @param {UserResolvable} user User to add to the guild * @param {Object} options Options for the addition * @param {string} options.accessToken An OAuth2 access token for the user with the `guilds.join` scope granted to the * bot's application * @param {string} [options.nick] Nickname to give the member (requires `MANAGE_NICKNAMES`) * @param {Collection|Role[]|Snowflake[]} [options.roles] Roles to add to the member * (requires `MANAGE_ROLES`) * @param {boolean} [options.mute] Whether the member should be muted (requires `MUTE_MEMBERS`) * @param {boolean} [options.deaf] Whether the member should be deafened (requires `DEAFEN_MEMBERS`) * @returns {Promise} */ addMember(user, options) { if (this.members.has( return Promise.resolve(this.members.get(; return, user, options); } /** * Fetch a single guild member from a user. * @param {UserResolvable} user The user to fetch the member for * @param {boolean} [cache=true] Insert the member into the members cache * @returns {Promise} * @example * // Fetch a guild member * guild.fetchMember( * .then(console.log) * .catch(console.error); */ fetchMember(user, cache = true) { user = this.client.resolver.resolveUser(user); if (!user) return Promise.reject(new Error('Invalid or uncached id provided.')); const member = this.members.get(; if (member && member.joinedTimestamp) return Promise.resolve(member); return, user, cache); } /** * Fetches all the members in the guild, even if they are offline. If the guild has less than 250 members, * this should not be necessary. * @param {string} [query=''] Limit fetch to members with similar usernames * @param {number} [limit=0] Maximum number of members to request * @returns {Promise} * @example * // Fetch guild members * guild.fetchMembers() * .then(console.log) * .catch(console.error); * @example * // Fetches a maximum of 1 member with the given query * guild.fetchMembers('hydrabolt', 1) * .then(console.log) * .catch(console.error); */ fetchMembers(query = '', limit = 0) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { if (this.memberCount === this.members.size) { resolve(this); return; }{ op: Constants.OPCodes.REQUEST_GUILD_MEMBERS, d: { guild_id:, query, limit, }, }); const handler = (members, guild) => { if ( !== return; if (this.memberCount === this.members.size || members.length < 1000) { this.client.removeListener(Constants.Events.GUILD_MEMBERS_CHUNK, handler); resolve(this); } }; this.client.on(Constants.Events.GUILD_MEMBERS_CHUNK, handler); this.client.setTimeout(() => reject(new Error('Members didn\'t arrive in time.')), 120 * 1000); }); } /** * Performs a search within the entire guild. * This is only available when using a user account. * @param {MessageSearchOptions} [options={}] Options to pass to the search * @returns {Promise} * @example *{ * content: 'discord.js', * before: '2016-11-17' * }) * .then(res => { * const hit = res.messages[0].find(m => m.hit).content; * console.log(`I found: **${hit}**, total results: ${res.totalResults}`); * }) * .catch(console.error); */ search(options = {}) { return, options); } /** * The data for editing a guild. * @typedef {Object} GuildEditData * @property {string} [name] The name of the guild * @property {string} [region] The region of the guild * @property {number} [verificationLevel] The verification level of the guild * @property {number} [explicitContentFilter] The level of the explicit content filter * @property {ChannelResolvable} [afkChannel] The AFK channel of the guild * @property {ChannelResolvable} [systemChannel] The system channel of the guild * @property {number} [afkTimeout] The AFK timeout of the guild * @property {Base64Resolvable} [icon] The icon of the guild * @property {GuildMemberResolvable} [owner] The owner of the guild * @property {Base64Resolvable} [splash] The splash screen of the guild */ /** * Updates the guild with new information - e.g. a new name. * @param {GuildEditData} data The data to update the guild with * @param {string} [reason] Reason for editing the guild * @returns {Promise} * @example * // Set the guild name and region * guild.edit({ * name: 'Discord Guild', * region: 'london', * }) * .then(g => console.log(`Changed guild name to ${g} and region to ${g.region}`)) * .catch(console.error); */ edit(data, reason) { const _data = {}; if ( =; if (data.region) _data.region = data.region; if (typeof data.verificationLevel !== 'undefined') _data.verification_level = Number(data.verificationLevel); if (typeof data.afkChannel !== 'undefined') { _data.afk_channel_id = this.client.resolver.resolveChannelID(data.afkChannel); } if (typeof data.systemChannel !== 'undefined') { _data.system_channel_id = this.client.resolver.resolveChannelID(data.systemChannel); } if (data.afkTimeout) _data.afk_timeout = Number(data.afkTimeout); if (typeof data.icon !== 'undefined') _data.icon = data.icon; if (data.owner) _data.owner_id = this.client.resolver.resolveUser(data.owner).id; if (typeof data.splash !== 'undefined') _data.splash = data.splash; if (typeof data.explicitContentFilter !== 'undefined') { _data.explicit_content_filter = Number(data.explicitContentFilter); } if (typeof data.defaultMessageNotifications !== 'undefined') { _data.default_message_notifications = typeof data.defaultMessageNotifications === 'string' ? Constants.DefaultMessageNotifications.indexOf(data.defaultMessageNotifications) : Number(data.defaultMessageNotifications); } return, _data, reason); } /** * Edit the level of the explicit content filter. * @param {number} explicitContentFilter The new level of the explicit content filter * @param {string} [reason] Reason for changing the level of the guild's explicit content filter * @returns {Promise} */ setExplicitContentFilter(explicitContentFilter, reason) { return this.edit({ explicitContentFilter }, reason); } /** * Edits the setting of the default message notifications of the guild. * @param {DefaultMessageNotifications|number} defaultMessageNotifications * The new setting for the default message notifications * @param {string} [reason] Reason for changing the setting of the default message notifications * @returns {Promise} */ setDefaultMessageNotifications(defaultMessageNotifications, reason) { return this.edit({ defaultMessageNotifications }, reason); } /** * Edit the name of the guild. * @param {string} name The new name of the guild * @param {string} [reason] Reason for changing the guild's name * @returns {Promise} * @example * // Edit the guild name * guild.setName('Discord Guild') * .then(g => console.log(`Updated guild name to ${g}`)) * .catch(console.error); */ setName(name, reason) { return this.edit({ name }, reason); } /** * Edit the region of the guild. * @param {string} region The new region of the guild * @param {string} [reason] Reason for changing the guild's region * @returns {Promise} * @example * // Edit the guild region * guild.setRegion('london') * .then(g => console.log(`Updated guild region to ${g.region}`)) * .catch(console.error); */ setRegion(region, reason) { return this.edit({ region }, reason); } /** * Edit the verification level of the guild. * @param {number} verificationLevel The new verification level of the guild * @param {string} [reason] Reason for changing the guild's verification level * @returns {Promise} * @example * // Edit the guild verification level * guild.setVerificationLevel(1) * .then(g => console.log(`Updated guild verification level to ${g.verificationLevel}`)) * .catch(console.error); */ setVerificationLevel(verificationLevel, reason) { return this.edit({ verificationLevel }, reason); } /** * Edit the AFK channel of the guild. * @param {ChannelResolvable} afkChannel The new AFK channel * @param {string} [reason] Reason for changing the guild's AFK channel * @returns {Promise} * @example * // Edit the guild AFK channel * guild.setAFKChannel(channel) * .then(g => console.log(`Updated guild AFK channel to ${}`)) * .catch(console.error); */ setAFKChannel(afkChannel, reason) { return this.edit({ afkChannel }, reason); } /** * Edit the system channel of the guild. * @param {ChannelResolvable} systemChannel The new system channel * @param {string} [reason] Reason for changing the guild's system channel * @returns {Promise} */ setSystemChannel(systemChannel, reason) { return this.edit({ systemChannel }, reason); } /** * Edit the AFK timeout of the guild. * @param {number} afkTimeout The time in seconds that a user must be idle to be considered AFK * @param {string} [reason] Reason for changing the guild's AFK timeout * @returns {Promise} * @example * // Edit the guild AFK channel * guild.setAFKTimeout(60) * .then(g => console.log(`Updated guild AFK timeout to ${g.afkTimeout}`)) * .catch(console.error); */ setAFKTimeout(afkTimeout, reason) { return this.edit({ afkTimeout }, reason); } /** * Set a new guild icon. * @param {Base64Resolvable|BufferResolvable} icon The new icon of the guild * @param {string} [reason] Reason for changing the guild's icon * @returns {Promise} * @example * // Edit the guild icon * guild.setIcon('./icon.png') * .then(console.log) * .catch(console.error); */ setIcon(icon, reason) { return this.client.resolver.resolveImage(icon).then(data => this.edit({ icon: data, reason })); } /** * Sets a new owner of the guild. * @param {GuildMemberResolvable} owner The new owner of the guild * @param {string} [reason] Reason for setting the new owner * @returns {Promise} * @example * // Edit the guild owner * guild.setOwner(guild.members.first()) * .then(g => console.log(`Updated the guild owner to ${g.owner.displayName}`)) * .catch(console.error); */ setOwner(owner, reason) { return this.edit({ owner }, reason); } /** * Set a new guild splash screen. * @param {BufferResolvable|Base64Resolvable} splash The new splash screen of the guild * @param {string} [reason] Reason for changing the guild's splash screen * @returns {Promise} * @example * // Edit the guild splash * guild.setSplash('./splash.png') * .then(console.log) * .catch(console.error); */ setSplash(splash) { return this.client.resolver.resolveImage(splash).then(data => this.edit({ splash: data })); } /** * Sets the position of the guild in the guild listing. * This is only available when using a user account. * @param {number} position Absolute or relative position * @param {boolean} [relative=false] Whether to position relatively or absolutely * @returns {Promise} */ setPosition(position, relative) { if ( { return Promise.reject(new Error('Setting guild position is only available for user accounts')); } return this.client.user.settings.setGuildPosition(this, position, relative); } /** * Marks all messages in this guild as read. * This is only available when using a user account. * @returns {Promise} */ acknowledge() { return; } /** * Allow direct messages from guild members. * This is only available when using a user account. * @param {boolean} allow Whether to allow direct messages * @returns {Promise} */ allowDMs(allow) { const settings = this.client.user.settings; if (allow) return settings.removeRestrictedGuild(this); else return settings.addRestrictedGuild(this); } /** * Bans a user from the guild. * @param {UserResolvable} user The user to ban * @param {Object|number|string} [options] Ban options. If a number, the number of days to delete messages for, if a * string, the ban reason. Supplying an object allows you to do both. * @param {number} [options.days=0] Number of days of messages to delete * @param {string} [options.reason] Reason for banning * @returns {Promise} Result object will be resolved as specifically as possible. * If the GuildMember cannot be resolved, the User will instead be attempted to be resolved. If that also cannot * be resolved, the user ID will be the result. * @example * // Ban a user by ID * guild.ban('some user ID') * .then(user => console.log(`Banned ${user.username || || user} from ${guild}`)) * .catch(console.error); * @example * // Ban a user by object with reason and days * guild.ban(user, { days: 7, reason: 'He needed to go' }) * .then(console.log) * .catch(console.error); */ ban(user, options = {}) { if (typeof options === 'number') { options = { reason: null, 'delete-message-days': options }; } else if (typeof options === 'string') { options = { reason: options, 'delete-message-days': 0 }; } if (options.days) options['delete-message-days'] = options.days; return, user, options); } /** * Unbans a user from the guild. * @param {UserResolvable} user The user to unban * @param {string} [reason] Reason for unbanning the user * @returns {Promise} * @example * // Unban a user by ID (or with a user/guild member object) * guild.unban('some user ID') * .then(user => console.log(`Unbanned ${user.username} from ${guild}`)) * .catch(console.error); */ unban(user, reason) { return, user, reason); } /** * Prunes members from the guild based on how long they have been inactive. * @param {number} days Number of days of inactivity required to kick * @param {boolean} [dry=false] If true, will return number of users that will be kicked, without actually doing it * @param {string} [reason] Reason for this prune * @returns {Promise} The number of members that were/will be kicked * @example * // See how many members will be pruned * guild.pruneMembers(12, true) * .then(pruned => console.log(`This will prune ${pruned} people!`)) * .catch(console.error); * @example * // Actually prune the members * guild.pruneMembers(12) * .then(pruned => console.log(`I just pruned ${pruned} people!`)) * .catch(console.error); */ pruneMembers(days, dry = false, reason) { if (typeof days !== 'number') throw new TypeError('Days must be a number.'); return, days, dry, reason); } /** * Syncs this guild (already done automatically every 30 seconds). * This is only available when using a user account. */ sync() { if (! this.client.syncGuilds([this]); } /** * Overwrites to use when creating a channel or replacing overwrites * @typedef {Object} ChannelCreationOverwrites * @property {PermissionResolvable} [allow] The permissions to allow * **(deprecated)** * @property {PermissionResolvable} [allowed] The permissions to allow * @property {PermissionResolvable} [deny] The permissions to deny * **(deprecated)** * @property {PermissionResolvable} [denied] The permissions to deny * @property {GuildMemberResolvable|RoleResolvable} memberOrRole Member or role this overwrite is for */ /** * Creates a new channel in the guild. * @param {string} name The name of the new channel * @param {string} [type='text'] The type of the new channel, either `text` or `voice` or `category` * @param {ChannelCreationOverwrites[]|Collection} [overwrites] Permission overwrites * @param {string} [reason] Reason for creating this channel * @returns {Promise} * @example * // Create a new text channel * guild.createChannel('new-general', 'text') * .then(console.log) * .catch(console.error); * @example * // Create a new category channel with permission overwrites * guild.createChannel('new-category', 'category', [{ * id:, * deny: ['MANAGE_MESSAGES'], * allow: ['SEND_MESSAGES'] * }]) * .then(console.log) * .catch(console.error); */ createChannel(name, type, overwrites, reason) { return, name, type, overwrites, reason); } /** * The data needed for updating a channel's position. * @typedef {Object} ChannelPosition * @property {ChannelResolvable} channel Channel to update * @property {number} position New position for the channel */ /** * Batch-updates the guild's channels' positions. * @param {ChannelPosition[]} channelPositions Channel positions to update * @returns {Promise} * @example * guild.updateChannels([{ channel: channelID, position: newChannelIndex }]) * .then(g => console.log(`Updated channel positions for ${g}`)) * .catch(console.error); */ setChannelPositions(channelPositions) { return, channelPositions); } /** * Creates a new role in the guild with given information. * @param {RoleData} [data] The data to update the role with * @param {string} [reason] Reason for creating this role * @returns {Promise} * @example * // Create a new role * guild.createRole() * .then(role => console.log(`Created new role with name ${}`)) * .catch(console.error); * @example * // Create a new role with data * guild.createRole({ * name: 'Super Cool People', * color: 'BLUE', * }) * .then(role => console.log(`Created new role with name ${} and color ${role.color}`)) * .catch(console.error) */ createRole(data = {}, reason) { return, data, reason); } /** * Creates a new custom emoji in the guild. * @param {BufferResolvable|Base64Resolvable} attachment The image for the emoji * @param {string} name The name for the emoji * @param {Collection|Role[]} [roles] Roles to limit the emoji to * @param {string} [reason] Reason for creating the emoji * @returns {Promise} The created emoji * @example * // Create a new emoji from a url * guild.createEmoji('', 'rip') * .then(emoji => console.log(`Created new emoji with name ${}`)) * .catch(console.error); * @example * // Create a new emoji from a file on your computer * guild.createEmoji('./memes/banana.png', 'banana') * .then(emoji => console.log(`Created new emoji with name ${}`)) * .catch(console.error); */ createEmoji(attachment, name, roles, reason) { if (typeof attachment === 'string' && attachment.startsWith('data:')) { return, attachment, name, roles, reason); } else { return this.client.resolver.resolveImage(attachment).then(data =>, data, name, roles, reason) ); } } /** * Delete an emoji. * @param {Emoji|string} emoji The emoji to delete * @param {string} [reason] Reason for deleting the emoji * @returns {Promise} */ deleteEmoji(emoji, reason) { if (!(emoji instanceof Emoji)) emoji = this.emojis.get(emoji); return, reason); } /** * Causes the client to leave the guild. * @returns {Promise} * @example * // Leave a guild * guild.leave() * .then(g => console.log(`Left the guild ${g}`)) * .catch(console.error); */ leave() { return; } /** * Causes the client to delete the guild. * @returns {Promise} * @example * // Delete a guild * guild.delete() * .then(g => console.log(`Deleted the guild ${g}`)) * .catch(console.error); */ delete() { return; } /** * Whether this guild equals another guild. It compares all properties, so for most operations * it is advisable to just compare ` ===` as it is much faster and is often * what most users need. * @param {Guild} guild The guild to compare with * @returns {boolean} */ equals(guild) { let equal = guild && === && this.available === !guild.unavailable && this.splash === guild.splash && this.region === guild.region && === && this.memberCount === guild.member_count && this.large === guild.large && this.icon === guild.icon && Util.arraysEqual(this.features, guild.features) && this.ownerID === guild.owner_id && this.verificationLevel === guild.verification_level && this.embedEnabled === guild.embed_enabled; if (equal) { if (this.embedChannel) { if ( !== guild.embed_channel_id) equal = false; } else if (guild.embed_channel_id) { equal = false; } } return equal; } /** * When concatenated with a string, this automatically concatenates the guild's name instead of the guild object. * @returns {string} * @example * // Logs: Hello from My Guild! * console.log(`Hello from ${guild}!`); * @example * // Logs: Hello from My Guild! * console.log('Hello from ' + guild + '!'); */ toString() { return; } _addMember(guildUser, emitEvent = true) { const existing = this.members.has(; if (!(guildUser.user instanceof User)) guildUser.user = this.client.dataManager.newUser(guildUser.user); guildUser.joined_at = guildUser.joined_at || 0; const member = new GuildMember(this, guildUser); this.members.set(, member); if (this._rawVoiceStates && this._rawVoiceStates.has( { const voiceState = this._rawVoiceStates.get(; member.serverMute = voiceState.mute; member.serverDeaf = voiceState.deaf; member.selfMute = voiceState.self_mute; member.selfDeaf = voiceState.self_deaf; member.voiceSessionID = voiceState.session_id; member.voiceChannelID = voiceState.channel_id; if (this.client.channels.has(voiceState.channel_id)) { this.client.channels.get(voiceState.channel_id).members.set(, member); } else { this.client.emit('warn', `Member ${} added in guild ${} with an uncached voice channel`); } } /** * Emitted whenever a user joins a guild. * @event Client#guildMemberAdd * @param {GuildMember} member The member that has joined a guild */ if ( === Constants.Status.READY && emitEvent && !existing) { this.client.emit(Constants.Events.GUILD_MEMBER_ADD, member); } return member; } _updateMember(member, data) { const oldMember = Util.cloneObject(member); if (data.roles) member._roles = data.roles; if (typeof data.nick !== 'undefined') member.nickname = data.nick; const notSame = member.nickname !== oldMember.nickname || !Util.arraysEqual(member._roles, oldMember._roles); if ( === Constants.Status.READY && notSame) { /** * Emitted whenever a guild member changes - i.e. new role, removed role, nickname. * @event Client#guildMemberUpdate * @param {GuildMember} oldMember The member before the update * @param {GuildMember} newMember The member after the update */ this.client.emit(Constants.Events.GUILD_MEMBER_UPDATE, oldMember, member); } return { old: oldMember, mem: member, }; } _removeMember(guildMember) { this.members.delete(; } _memberSpeakUpdate(user, speaking) { const member = this.members.get(user); if (member && member.speaking !== speaking) { member.speaking = speaking; /** * Emitted once a guild member starts/stops speaking. * @event Client#guildMemberSpeaking * @param {GuildMember} member The member that started/stopped speaking * @param {boolean} speaking Whether or not the member is speaking */ this.client.emit(Constants.Events.GUILD_MEMBER_SPEAKING, member, speaking); } } _setPresence(id, presence) { if (this.presences.get(id)) { this.presences.get(id).update(presence); return; } this.presences.set(id, new Presence(presence, this.client)); } /** * Set the position of a role in this guild. * @param {string|Role} role The role to edit, can be a role object or a role ID * @param {number} position The new position of the role * @param {boolean} [relative=false] Position Moves the role relative to its current position * @returns {Promise} */ setRolePosition(role, position, relative = false) { if (typeof role === 'string') { role = this.roles.get(role); if (!role) return Promise.reject(new Error('Supplied role is not a role or snowflake.')); } position = Number(position); if (isNaN(position)) return Promise.reject(new Error('Supplied position is not a number.')); let updatedRoles = this._sortedRoles.array(); Util.moveElementInArray(updatedRoles, role, position, relative); updatedRoles =, i) => ({ id:, position: i })); return, updatedRoles); } /** * Set the position of a channel in this guild. * @param {string|GuildChannel} channel The channel to edit, can be a channel object or a channel ID * @param {number} position The new position of the channel * @param {boolean} [relative=false] Position Moves the channel relative to its current position * @returns {Promise} */ setChannelPosition(channel, position, relative = false) { if (typeof channel === 'string') { channel = this.channels.get(channel); if (!channel) return Promise.reject(new Error('Supplied channel is not a channel or snowflake.')); } position = Number(position); if (isNaN(position)) return Promise.reject(new Error('Supplied position is not a number.')); let updatedChannels = this._sortedChannels(channel.type).array(); Util.moveElementInArray(updatedChannels, channel, position, relative); updatedChannels =, i) => ({ id:, position: i })); return, updatedChannels); } /** * Fetches a collection of channels in the current guild sorted by position. * @param {string} type The channel type * @returns {Collection} * @private */ _sortedChannels(type) { return this._sortPositionWithID(this.channels.filter(c => { if (type === 'voice' && c.type === 'voice') return true; else if (type !== 'voice' && c.type !== 'voice') return true; else return type === c.type; })); } /** * Sorts a collection by object position or ID if the positions are equivalent. * Intended to be identical to Discord's sorting method. * @param {Collection} collection The collection to sort * @returns {Collection} * @private */ _sortPositionWithID(collection) { return collection.sort((a, b) => a.position !== b.position ? a.position - b.position : Long.fromString( ); } } /** * The `#general` TextChannel of the guild * @name Guild#defaultChannel * @type {TextChannel} * @readonly * @deprecated */ Object.defineProperty(Guild.prototype, 'defaultChannel', { get: util.deprecate(function defaultChannel() { return this.channels.get(; }, 'Guild#defaultChannel: This property is obsolete, will be removed in v12.0.0, and may not function as expected.'), }); Guild.prototype.acknowledge = util.deprecate(Guild.prototype.acknowledge, 'Guild#acknowledge: userbot methods will be removed'); Guild.prototype.setPosition = util.deprecate(Guild.prototype.setPosition, 'Guild#setPosition: userbot methods will be removed'); = util.deprecate(, 'Guild#search: userbot methods will be removed'); Guild.prototype.sync = util.deprecate(Guild.prototype.sync, 'Guild#sync:, userbot methods will be removed'); module.exports = Guild;