/* THIS FILE CONTAINS ALL MESSAGES THAT MUSIX SENDS! THIS IS MUSIX BRANDING AND YOU'RE NOT PERMITTED TO COPY ALL THE VISUALS FROM MUSIX! IF YOU CLONED THIS REPOSITORY PLEASE MODIFY THESE MESSAGES! */ module.exports = { restart: "restarted!", reloaded: "All files reloaded!", validNumber: "<:redx:674263474704220182> I\'m sorry, But you need to enter a valid __number__.", boolean: "<:redx:674263474704220182> Please define a boolean! (true/false)", correctUsage: "<:redx:674263474704220182> correct usage: ", wrongVoiceChannel: "<:redx:674263474704220182> I'm sorry but you need to be in the same voice channel as Musix to use this command!", noQuery: "<:redx:674263474704220182> You need to use a link or search for a song!", noResults: "<:redx:674263474704220182> I could not obtain any search results!", noServerQueue: "<:redx:674263474704220182> There is nothing playing!", noVoiceChannel: "<:redx:674263474704220182> I\'m sorry but you need to be in a voice channel to play music!", noDj: "<:redx:674263474704220182> You need the `DJ` role to use this command!", noPerms: `<:redx:674263474704220182> You need the %PERMS% permission to use this command!`, noPermsManageSettings: "<:redx:674263474704220182> You need the `MANAGE_SERVER` permission to change the settings!", noPermsEmbed: "<:redx:674263474704220182> I cannot send embeds (Embed links), make sure I have the proper permissions!", noPermsUseExternalEmojis: "<:redx:674263474704220182> I cannot use external emojis, make sure I have the proper permissions!", noPermsConnect: "<:redx:674263474704220182> I cannot connect to your voice channel, make sure I have the proper permissions!", noPermsSpeak: "<:redx:674263474704220182> I cannot speak in your voice channel, make sure I have the proper permissions!", noPermsManageRoles: "<:redx:674263474704220182> I cannot create roles (Manage roles), make sure I have the proper permissions! I will need this permission to create a `DJ` role since i did not find one!", notAllowed: "<:redx:674263474704220182> You are not allowed to do that!", devMode: "<:redx:674263474704220182> Dev mode has been turned on! Commands are only available to developer(s)!", error: "<:redx:674263474704220182> An error occured!", errorExe: "<:redx:674263474704220182> there was an error trying to execute that command! Please contact support with the \`bug\` command!", errorExeOpt: "<:redx:674263474704220182> there was an error trying to execute that option! Please contact support with the \`bug\` command!", errorConnecting: "Error with connecting to voice channel: ", errorDispatcher: "<:redx:674263474704220182> An error has occured while playing music! The queue has been deleted.", songAdded: "<:green_check_mark:674265384777416705> **%TITLE%** has been added to the queue!", playlistAdded: "<:green_check_mark:674265384777416705> Playlist: **%TITLE%** has been added to the queue!", startPlaying: " Start playing: ", loadingSongs: " Loading song(s)", prefixHere: "My prefix here is: ", prefixSet: "<:green_check_mark:674265384777416705> New prefix set to:", pinging: " Pinging...", currentVolume: ":loud_sound: The current volume is: ", currentBass: ":loud_sound: The current bass is: ", maxVolume: "<:redx:674263474704220182> The max volume is `100`!", maxBass: "<:redx:674263474704220182> The max bass is `100`!", positiveVolume: "<:redx:674263474704220182> The volume needs to be a positive number!", positiveBass: "<:redx:674263474704220182> The bass needs to be a positive number!", setVolume: "<:volumehigh:674685637626167307> I set the volume to: ", bassApplied: "<:volumehigh:674685637626167307> The bass level **%BASS%** will be applied when the next song starts playing!", stop: "<:stop:674685626108477519> Stopped the music!", noSongs: "'<:redx:674263474704220182> That song does not exist!", cantSkipToCurrent: "<:redx:674263474704220182> You can\'t skip to the song currently playing!", skipped: "<:skip:674685614221688832> Skipped the song!", alreadyVoted: "<:redx:674263474704220182> You have already voted to skip!", notEnoughVotes: "<:redx:674263474704220182> Not enough votes!", shuffled: "<:shuffle:674685595980791871> Queue suffled!", seekingPointPositive: "<:redx:674263474704220182> The seeking point needs to be a positive number!", seekMax: "<:redx:674263474704220182> The lenght of this song is %LENGTH% seconds! You can't seek further than that!", songSelection: "__Song Selection__", nowPlaying: "__Now playing__", provideANumber: "Please provide a number ranging from 1-10 to select one of the search results.", cancellingVideoSelection: "'<:redx:674263474704220182> Cancelling video selection", notPaused: "<:redx:674263474704220182> The music in not paused!", alreadyPaused: "<:redx:674263474704220182> The music is already paused!", resumed: "<:resume:674685585478254603> Resumed the music!", paused: "<:pause:674685548610322462> Paused the music!", provideASong: "<:redx:674263474704220182> Please provide a song position in queue for me to remove!", queueLength: "<:redx:674263474704220182> There are only %SONGS% amount of songs in the queue!", removed: "🗑️ removed \`%SONG%\` from the queue!", loopingSong: "<:repeatsong:674685573419761716> Looping **%TITLE%** now!", noLoopingSong: "<:repeatsong:674685573419761716> No longer looping the song!", looping: "<:repeat1:674685561377914892> Looping the queue now!", noLooping: "<:repeat1:674685561377914892> No longer looping the queue!", joined: "<:green_check_mark:674265384777416705> Joined", queueDeleted: "Queue deleted!", bug: "Matte#0002\nOr join the support server: https://discord.gg/rvHuJtB", currentDefaultVolume: ":speaker: Current default volume is:", defaultVolumeNumber: "<:redx:674263474704220182> I\'m sorry, But the default volume needs to be a valid __number__.", defaultVolumeMax: "<:redx:674263474704220182> The default volume must be below `100` for quality and safety resons.", defaultVolumeSet: "<:green_check_mark:674265384777416705> Default volume set to:", djRoleFound: "<:green_check_mark:674265384777416705> I found a `DJ` role from this guild! This role is now the DJ role.", djRoleCreated: "<:green_check_mark:674265384777416705> I did not find a role `DJ` so i have created one for you!", djFalse: "<:green_check_mark:674265384777416705> `DJ` now set to `false`", reset: "<:green_check_mark:674265384777416705> Reset __all__ guild settings!", permission: "🔒 Permission requirement:", permissionsSetTrue: "<:green_check_mark:674265384777416705> Permissions requirement now set to: \`true\`", permissionsTrue: "<:redx:674263474704220182> That value is already `true`!", permissionsSetFalse: "<:green_check_mark:674265384777416705> Permissions requirement now set to: \`false\`", permissionsFalse: "<:redx:674263474704220182> That value is already `false`!", currentDefaultBass: ":speaker: Currect default bass level:", bassFalse: "<:green_check_mark:674265384777416705> Bass is now false!", bassLevel: "<:green_check_mark:674265384777416705> Bass level is now", announceSongsFalse: "<:green_check_mark:674265384777416705> announcesongs now set to `false`!", announceSongsTrue: "<:green_check_mark:674265384777416705> announcesongs now set to `true`!" };