# node-miniget A small http(s) GET library with redirects, retries, reconnects, concatenating or streaming, and no dependencies. This keeps filesize small for potential browser use. [![Dependency Status](https://david-dm.org/fent/node-miniget.svg)](https://david-dm.org/fent/node-miniget) [![codecov](https://codecov.io/gh/fent/node-miniget/branch/master/graph/badge.svg)](https://codecov.io/gh/fent/node-miniget) # Usage Concatenates a response ```js const miniget = require('miniget'); miniget('http://mywebsite.com', (err, res, body) => { console.log('webpage contents: ', body); })); ``` Request can be streamed right away ```js miniget('http://api.mywebsite.com/v1/messages.json') .pipe(someWritableStream()); ``` # API ### miniget(url, [options], [callback(err, http.RequestResponse, body)]) Makes a GET request. `options` can have any properties from the [`http.request()` function](https://nodejs.org/api/http.html#http_http_request_options_callback), in addition to * `maxRedirects` - Default is `2`. * `maxRetries` - Number of times to retry the request if there is a 500 or connection error. Default is `1`. * `maxReconnects` - During a big download, if there is a disconnect, miniget can try to reconnect and continue the download where it left off. Defaults to `0`. * `backoff` - An object with `inc` and `max` used to calculate how long to wait to retry a request. Defaults to `{ inc: 100, max: 10000 }`. * `retryOnAuthError` - In addition to retrying the request on server and connection errors, any authentication errors will trigger a retry. * `highWaterMark` - Amount of data to buffer when in stream mode. * `transform` - Use this to add additional features. Called with the object that `http.get()` or `https.get()` would be called with. Must return a transformed object. * `acceptEncoding` - An object with encoding name as the key, and the value as a function that returns a decoding stream. ```js acceptEncoding: { gzip: () => require('zlip').createGunzip(stream) } ``` Given encodings will be added to the `Accept-Encoding` header, and the response will be decoded if the server responds with encoded content. If `callback` is given, will concatenate the response, and call `callback` with a possible error, the response, and the response body. Miniget returns a readable stream if `callback` is not given, errors will then be emitted on the stream. Returned stream also contains an `.abort()` method, and can emit the following events. #### Event: redirect * `string` - URL redirected to. Emitted when the request was redirected with a redirection status code. #### Event: retry * `number` - Number of retry. * `Error` - Request or status code error. Emitted when the request fails, or the response has a status code >= 500. #### Event: reconnect * `number` - Number of reconnect. * `Error` - Request or response error. Emitted when the request or response fails after download has started. # Install npm install miniget # Tests Tests are written with [mocha](https://mochajs.org) ```bash npm test ```