var when = require('when') , fs = require('fs'); var errors = require('./errors') , utils = require('./utils') , configs = require('./configs') , video = require('./video'); var ffmpeg = function (/* inputFilepath, settings, callback */) { /** * Retrieve the list of the codec supported by the ffmpeg software */ var _ffmpegInfoConfiguration = function (settings) { // New 'promise' instance var deferred = when.defer(); // Instance the new arrays for the format var format = { modules : new Array(), encode : new Array(), decode : new Array() }; // Make the call to retrieve information about the ffmpeg utils.exec(['ffmpeg','-formats','2>&1'], settings, function (error, stdout, stderr) { // Get the list of modules var configuration = /configuration:(.*)/.exec(stdout); // Check if exists the configuration if (configuration) { // Get the list of modules var modules = configuration[1].match(/--enable-([a-zA-Z0-9\-]+)/g); // Scan all modules for (var indexModule in modules) { // Add module to the list format.modules.push(/--enable-([a-zA-Z0-9\-]+)/.exec(modules[indexModule])[1]); } } // Get the codec list var codecList = stdout.match(/ (DE|D|E) (.*) {1,} (.*)/g); // Scan all codec for (var i in codecList) { // Get the match value var match = / (DE|D|E) (.*) {1,} (.*)/.exec(codecList[i]); // Check if match is valid if (match) { // Get the value from the match var scope = match[1].replace(/\s/g,'') , extension = match[2].replace(/\s/g,''); // Check which scope is best suited if (scope == 'D' || scope == 'DE') format.decode.push(extension); if (scope == 'E' || scope == 'DE') format.encode.push(extension); } } // Returns the list of supported formats deferred.resolve(format); }); // Return 'promise' instance return deferred.promise; } /** * Get the video info */ var _videoInfo = function (fileInput, settings) { // New 'promise' instance var deferred = when.defer(); // Make the call to retrieve information about the ffmpeg utils.exec(['ffmpeg','-i',fileInput,'2>&1'], settings, function (error, stdout, stderr) { // Perse output for retrieve the file info var filename = /from \'(.*)\'/.exec(stdout) || [] , title = /(INAM|title)\s+:\s(.+)/.exec(stdout) || [] , artist = /artist\s+:\s(.+)/.exec(stdout) || [] , album = /album\s+:\s(.+)/.exec(stdout) || [] , track = /track\s+:\s(.+)/.exec(stdout) || [] , date = /date\s+:\s(.+)/.exec(stdout) || [] , is_synched = (/start: 0.000000/.exec(stdout) !== null) , duration = /Duration: (([0-9]+):([0-9]{2}):([0-9]{2}).([0-9]+))/.exec(stdout) || [] , container = /Input #0, ([a-zA-Z0-9]+),/.exec(stdout) || [] , video_bitrate = /bitrate: ([0-9]+) kb\/s/.exec(stdout) || [] , video_stream = /Stream #([0-9\.]+)([a-z0-9\(\)\[\]]*)[:] Video/.exec(stdout) || [] , video_codec = /Video: ([\w]+)/.exec(stdout) || [] , resolution = /(([0-9]{2,5})x([0-9]{2,5}))/.exec(stdout) || [] , pixel = /[SP]AR ([0-9\:]+)/.exec(stdout) || [] , aspect = /DAR ([0-9\:]+)/.exec(stdout) || [] , fps = /([0-9\.]+) (fps|tb\(r\))/.exec(stdout) || [] , audio_stream = /Stream #([0-9\.]+)([a-z0-9\(\)\[\]]*)[:] Audio/.exec(stdout) || [] , audio_codec = /Audio: ([\w]+)/.exec(stdout) || [] , sample_rate = /([0-9]+) Hz/i.exec(stdout) || [] , channels = /Audio:.* (stereo|mono)/.exec(stdout) || [] , audio_bitrate = /Audio:.* ([0-9]+) kb\/s/.exec(stdout) || [] , rotate = /rotate[\s]+:[\s]([\d]{2,3})/.exec(stdout) || []; // Build return object var ret = { filename : filename[1] || '' , title : title[2] || '' , artist : artist[1] || '' , album : album[1] || '' , track : track[1] || '' , date : date[1] || '' , synched : is_synched , duration : { raw : duration[1] || '' , seconds : duration[1] ? utils.durationToSeconds(duration[1]) : 0 } , video : { container : container[1] || '' , bitrate : (video_bitrate.length > 1) ? parseInt(video_bitrate[1], 10) : 0 , stream : video_stream.length > 1 ? parseFloat(video_stream[1]) : 0.0 , codec : video_codec[1] || '' , resolution : { w : resolution.length > 2 ? parseInt(resolution[2], 10) : 0 , h : resolution.length > 3 ? parseInt(resolution[3], 10) : 0 } , resolutionSquare : {} , aspect : {} , rotate : rotate.length > 1 ? parseInt(rotate[1], 10) : 0 , fps : fps.length > 1 ? parseFloat(fps[1]) : 0.0 } , audio : { codec : audio_codec[1] || '' , bitrate : audio_bitrate[1] || '' , sample_rate : sample_rate.length > 1 ? parseInt(sample_rate[1], 10) : 0 , stream : audio_stream.length > 1 ? parseFloat(audio_stream[1]) : 0.0 , channels : { raw : channels[1] || '' , value : (channels.length > 0) ? ({ stereo : 2, mono : 1 }[channels[1]] || 0) : '' } } }; // Check if exist aspect ratio if (aspect.length > 0) { var aspectValue = aspect[1].split(":"); = parseInt(aspectValue[0], 10); = parseInt(aspectValue[1], 10); = aspect[1]; = parseFloat(( /; } else { // If exists horizontal resolution then calculate aspect ratio if( > 0) { var gcdValue = utils.gcd(,; // Calculate aspect ratio = / gcdValue; = / gcdValue; = + ':' +; = parseFloat(( /; } } // Save pixel ratio for output size calculation if (pixel.length > 0) { = pixel[1]; var pixelValue = pixel[1].split(":"); = parseFloat((parseInt(pixelValue[0], 10) / parseInt(pixelValue[1], 10))); } else { if ( !== 0) { = '1:1'; = 1; } else { = ''; = 0.0; } } // Correct video.resolution when pixel aspectratio is not 1 if ( !== 1 || !== 0) { if( > 1 ) { = parseInt( *, 10); =; } else { =; = parseInt( /, 10); } } // Returns the list of supported formats deferred.resolve(ret); }); // Return 'promise' instance return deferred.promise; } /** * Get the info about ffmpeg's codec and about file */ var _getInformation = function (fileInput, settings) { var deferreds = []; // Add promise deferreds.push(_ffmpegInfoConfiguration(settings)); deferreds.push(_videoInfo(fileInput, settings)); // Return defer return when.all(deferreds); } var __constructor = function (args) { // Check if exist at least one option if (args.length == 0 || args[0] == undefined) throw errors.renderError('empty_input_filepath'); // Check if first argument is a string if (typeof args[0] != 'string') throw errors.renderError('input_filepath_must_be_string'); // Get the input filepath var inputFilepath = args[0]; // Check if file exist if (!fs.existsSync(inputFilepath)) throw errors.renderError('fileinput_not_exist'); // New instance of the base configuration var settings = new configs(); // Callback to call var callback = null; // Scan all arguments for (var i = 1; i < args.length; i++) { // Check the type of variable switch (typeof args[i]) { case 'object' : utils.mergeObject(settings, args[i]); break; case 'function' : callback = args[i]; break; } } // Building the value for return value. Check if the callback is not a function. In this case will created a new instance of the deferred class var deferred = typeof callback != 'function' ? when.defer() : { promise : null }; when(_getInformation(inputFilepath, settings), function (data) { // Check if the callback is a function if (typeof callback == 'function') { // Call the callback function e return the new instance of 'video' class callback(null, new video(inputFilepath, settings, data[0], data[1])); } else { // Positive response deferred.resolve(new video(inputFilepath, settings, data[0], data[1])); } }, function (error) { // Check if the callback is a function if (typeof callback == 'function') { // Call the callback function e return the error found callback(error, null); } else { // Negative response deferred.reject(error); } }); // Return a possible promise instance return deferred.promise; } return, arguments); }; module.exports = ffmpeg;