var test = require('tape'); require('./_tape'); var assign = require('object.assign'); var gOPDs = require('object.getownpropertydescriptors'); var hasSymbols = require('has-symbols')(); var hasTypedArrays = require('has-typed-arrays')(); var semver = require('semver'); var safeBuffer = typeof Buffer === 'function' ? Buffer.from && Buffer.from.length > 1 ? Buffer.from : Buffer : null; var isNode = typeof process === 'object' && typeof process.version === 'string'; function tag(obj, value) { if (hasSymbols && Symbol.toStringTags && Object.defineProperty) { Object.defineProperty(obj, Symbol.toStringTag, { value: value }); } return obj; } // eslint-disable-next-line no-proto var hasDunderProto = [].__proto__ === Array.prototype; test('equal', function (t) { t.deepEqualTest( { a: [2, 3], b: [4] }, { a: [2, 3], b: [4] }, 'two equal objects', true, true, false ); t.end(); }); test('Maps', { skip: typeof Map !== 'function' }, function (t) { t.deepEqualTest( new Map([['a', 1], ['b', 2]]), new Map([['b', 2], ['a', 1]]), 'two equal Maps', true, true ); t.deepEqualTest( new Map([['a', [1, 2]]]), new Map([['a', [2, 1]]]), 'two Maps with inequal values on the same key', false, false ); t.deepEqualTest( new Map([['a', 1]]), new Map([['b', 1]]), 'two inequal Maps', false, false ); t.deepEqualTest( new Map([[{}, 1], [{}, 2], [{}, 1]]), new Map([[{}, 1], [{}, 2], [{}, 1]]), 'two equal Maps in different orders', true, true ); t.end(); }); test('WeakMaps', { skip: typeof WeakMap !== 'function' }, function (t) { t.deepEqualTest( new WeakMap([[Object, null], [Function, true]]), new WeakMap([[Function, true], [Object, null]]), 'two equal WeakMaps', true, true ); t.deepEqualTest( new WeakMap([[Object, null]]), new WeakMap([[Object, true]]), 'two WeakMaps with inequal values on the same key', true, true ); t.deepEqualTest( new WeakMap([[Object, null], [Function, true]]), new WeakMap([[Object, null]]), 'two inequal WeakMaps', true, true ); t.end(); }); test('Sets', { skip: typeof Set !== 'function' }, function (t) { t.deepEqualTest( new Set(['a', 1, 'b', 2]), new Set(['b', 2, 'a', 1]), 'two equal Sets', true, true ); t.deepEqualTest( new Set(['a', 1]), new Set(['b', 1]), 'two inequal Sets', false, false ); t.deepEqualTest( new Set([{}, 1, {}, {}, 2]), new Set([{}, 1, {}, 2, {}]), 'two equal Sets in different orders', true, true ); t.end(); }); test('WeakSets', { skip: typeof WeakSet !== 'function' }, function (t) { t.deepEqualTest( new WeakSet([Object, Function]), new WeakSet([Function, Object]), 'two equal WeakSets', true, true ); t.deepEqualTest( new WeakSet([Object, Function]), new WeakSet([Object]), 'two inequal WeakSets', true, true ); t.end(); }); test('not equal', function (t) { t.deepEqualTest( { x: 5, y: [6] }, { x: 5, y: 6 }, 'two inequal objects are', false, false ); t.end(); }); test('nested nulls', function (t) { t.deepEqualTest( [null, null, null], [null, null, null], 'same-length arrays of nulls', true, true, true ); t.end(); }); test('objects with strings vs numbers', function (t) { t.deepEqualTest( [{ a: 3 }, { b: 4 }], [{ a: '3' }, { b: '4' }], 'objects with equivalent string/number values', true, false ); t.end(); }); test('non-objects', function (t) { t.deepEqualTest(3, 3, 'same numbers', true, true, true); t.deepEqualTest('beep', 'beep', 'same strings', true, true, true); t.deepEqualTest('3', 3, 'numeric string and number', true, false); t.deepEqualTest('3', [3], 'numeric string and array containing number', false, false); t.deepEqualTest(3, [3], 'number and array containing number', false, false); t.end(); }); test('infinities', function (t) { t.deepEqualTest(Infinity, Infinity, '∞ and ∞', true, true, true); t.deepEqualTest(-Infinity, -Infinity, '-∞ and -∞', true, true, true); t.deepEqualTest(Infinity, -Infinity, '∞ and -∞', false, false); t.end(); }); test('arguments class', function (t) { function getArgs() { return arguments; } t.deepEqualTest( getArgs(1, 2, 3), getArgs(1, 2, 3), 'equivalent arguments objects are equal', true, true, true ); t.deepEqualTest( getArgs(1, 2, 3), [1, 2, 3], 'array and arguments with same contents', false, false ); t.end(); }); test('Dates', function (t) { var d0 = new Date(1387585278000); var d1 = new Date('Fri Dec 20 2013 16:21:18 GMT-0800 (PST)'); t.deepEqualTest(d0, d1, 'two Dates with the same timestamp', true, true); d1.a = true; t.deepEqualTest(d0, d1, 'two Dates with the same timestamp but different own properties', false, false); t.test('overriding `getTime`', { skip: !Object.defineProperty }, function (st) { var a = new Date('2000'); var b = new Date('2000'); Object.defineProperty(a, 'getTime', { value: function () { return 5; } }); st.deepEqualTest(a, b, 'two Dates with the same timestamp but one has overridden `getTime`', true, true); st.end(); }); t.test('fake Date', { skip: !hasDunderProto }, function (st) { var a = new Date(2000); var b = tag(Object.create( a.__proto__, // eslint-disable-line no-proto gOPDs(a) ), 'Date'); st.deepEqualTest( a, b, 'Date, and fake Date', false, false ); st.end(); }); var a = new Date('2000'); var b = new Date('2000'); = true; t.deepEqualTest( a, b, 'two identical Dates, one with an extra property', false, false ); t.end(); }); test('buffers', { skip: typeof Buffer !== 'function' }, function (t) { /* eslint no-buffer-constructor: 1, new-cap: 1 */ t.deepEqualTest( safeBuffer('xyz'), safeBuffer('xyz'), 'buffers with same contents are equal', true, true, true ); t.deepEqualTest( safeBuffer('abc'), safeBuffer('xyz'), 'buffers with different contents', false, false ); t.deepEqualTest( safeBuffer(''), [], 'empty buffer and empty array', false, false ); t.end(); }); test('Arrays', function (t) { var a = []; var b = []; = true; t.deepEqualTest( a, b, 'two identical arrays, one with an extra property', false, false ); t.end(); }); test('booleans and arrays', function (t) { t.deepEqualTest( true, [], 'true and an empty array', false, false ); t.deepEqualTest( false, [], 'false and an empty array', false, false ); t.end(); }); test('arrays initiated', function (t) { var a0 = [ undefined, null, -1, 0, 1, false, true, undefined, '', 'abc', null, undefined ]; var a1 = [ undefined, null, -1, 0, 1, false, true, undefined, '', 'abc', null, undefined ]; t.deepEqualTest( a0, a1, 'arrays with equal contents are equal', true, true, true ); t.end(); }); test('arrays assigned', function (t) { var a0 = [ undefined, null, -1, 0, 1, false, true, undefined, '', 'abc', null, undefined ]; var a1 = []; a1[0] = undefined; a1[1] = null; a1[2] = -1; a1[3] = 0; a1[4] = 1; a1[5] = false; a1[6] = true; a1[7] = undefined; a1[8] = ''; a1[9] = 'abc'; a1[10] = null; a1[11] = undefined; a1.length = 12; t.deepEqualTest(a0, a1, 'a literal array and an assigned array', true, true); t.end(); }); test('arrays push', function (t) { var a0 = [ undefined, null, -1, 0, 1, false, true, undefined, '', 'abc', null, undefined ], a1 = []; a1.push(undefined); a1.push(null); a1.push(-1); a1.push(0); a1.push(1); a1.push(false); a1.push(true); a1.push(undefined); a1.push(''); a1.push('abc'); a1.push(null); a1.push(undefined); a1.length = 12; t.deepEqualTest(a0, a1, 'a literal array and a pushed array', true, true); t.end(); }); test('null == undefined', function (t) { t.deepEqualTest(null, undefined, 'null and undefined', true, false); t.end(); }); test('NaNs', function (t) { t.deepEqualTest( NaN, NaN, 'two NaNs', false, true ); t.deepEqualTest( { a: NaN }, { a: NaN }, 'two equiv objects with a NaN value', false, true ); t.deepEqualTest(NaN, 1, 'NaN and 1', false, false); t.end(); }); test('zeroes', function (t) { t.deepEqualTest(0, -0, '0 and -0', true, false); t.deepEqualTest({ a: 0 }, { a: -0 }, 'two objects with a same-keyed 0/-0 value', true, false); t.end(); }); test('Object.create', { skip: !Object.create }, function (t) { var a = { a: 'A' }; var b = Object.create(a); b.b = 'B'; var c = Object.create(a); c.b = 'C'; t.deepEqualTest( b, c, 'two objects with the same [[Prototype]] but a different own property', false, false ); t.end(); }); test('Object.create(null)', { skip: !Object.create }, function (t) { t.deepEqualTest( Object.create(null), Object.create(null), 'two empty null objects', true, true, true ); t.deepEqualTest( Object.create(null, { a: { value: 'b' } }), Object.create(null, { a: { value: 'b' } }), 'two null objects with the same property pair', true, true, true ); t.end(); }); test('regexes vs dates', function (t) { var d = new Date(1387585278000); var r = /abc/; t.deepEqualTest(d, r, 'Date and RegExp', false, false); t.end(); }); test('regexen', function (t) { t.deepEqualTest(/abc/, /xyz/, 'two different regexes', false, false); t.deepEqualTest(/abc/, /abc/, 'two abc regexes', true, true, false); t.deepEqualTest(/xyz/, /xyz/, 'two xyz regexes', true, true, false); t.test('fake RegExp', { skip: !hasDunderProto }, function (st) { var a = /abc/g; var b = tag(Object.create( a.__proto__, // eslint-disable-line no-proto gOPDs(a) ), 'RegExp'); st.deepEqualTest(a, b, 'regex and fake regex', false, false); st.end(); }); var a = /abc/gi; var b = /abc/gi; = true; t.deepEqualTest( a, b, 'two identical regexes, one with an extra property', false, false ); t.end(); }); test('arrays and objects', function (t) { t.deepEqualTest([], {}, 'empty array and empty object', false, false); t.deepEqualTest([], { length: 0 }, 'empty array and empty arraylike object', false, false); t.deepEqualTest([1], { 0: 1 }, 'array and similar object', false, false); t.end(); }); test('functions', function (t) { function f() {} t.deepEqualTest(f, f, 'a function and itself', true, true, true); t.deepEqualTest(function () {}, function () {}, 'two distinct functions', false, false, true); t.end(); }); test('Errors', function (t) { t.deepEqualTest(new Error('xyz'), new Error('xyz'), 'two errors of the same type with the same message', true, true, false); t.deepEqualTest(new Error('xyz'), new TypeError('xyz'), 'two errors of different types with the same message', false, false); t.deepEqualTest(new Error('xyz'), new Error('zyx'), 'two errors of the same type with a different message', false, false); t.deepEqualTest( new Error('a'), assign(new Error('a'), { code: 10 }), 'two otherwise equal errors with different own properties', false, false ); t.test('fake error', { skip: !hasDunderProto }, function (st) { var a = tag({ __proto__: null }, 'Error'); var b = new RangeError('abc'); b.__proto__ = null; // eslint-disable-line no-proto st.deepEqualTest( a, b, 'null object faking as an Error, RangeError with null proto', false, false ); st.end(); }); t.end(); }); test('errors', function (t) { t.end(); }); test('error = Object', function (t) { t.deepEqualTest( new Error('a'), { message: 'a' }, false, false ); t.end(); }); test('[[Prototypes]]', function (t) { function C() {} var instance = new C(); delete instance.constructor; t.deepEqualTest({}, instance, 'two identical objects with different [[Prototypes]]', true, false); t.test('Dates with different prototypes', { skip: !hasDunderProto }, function (st) { var d1 = new Date(0); var d2 = new Date(0); t.deepEqualTest(d1, d2, 'two dates with the same timestamp', true, true); var newProto = { __proto__: Date.prototype }; d2.__proto__ = newProto; // eslint-disable-line no-proto st.ok(d2 instanceof Date, 'd2 is still a Date instance after tweaking [[Prototype]]'); t.deepEqualTest(d1, d2, 'two dates with the same timestamp and different [[Prototype]]', true, false); st.end(); }); t.end(); }); test('toStringTag', { skip: !hasSymbols || !Symbol.toStringTag }, function (t) { var o1 = {}; t.equal(, '[object Object]', 'o1: Symbol.toStringTag works'); var o2 = {}; t.equal(, '[object Object]', 'o2: original Symbol.toStringTag works'); t.deepEqualTest(o1, o2, 'two normal empty objects', true, true); o2[Symbol.toStringTag] = 'jifasnif'; t.equal(, '[object jifasnif]', 'o2: modified Symbol.toStringTag works'); t.deepEqualTest(o1, o2, 'two normal empty objects with different toStringTags', false, false); t.end(); }); test('boxed primitives', function (t) { t.deepEqualTest(Object(false), false, 'boxed and primitive `false`', false, false); t.deepEqualTest(Object(true), true, 'boxed and primitive `true`', false, false); t.deepEqualTest(Object(3), 3, 'boxed and primitive `3`', false, false); t.deepEqualTest(Object(NaN), NaN, 'boxed and primitive `NaN`', false, false); t.deepEqualTest(Object(''), '', 'boxed and primitive `""`', false, false); t.deepEqualTest(Object('str'), 'str', 'boxed and primitive `"str"`', false, false); t.test('symbol', { skip: !hasSymbols }, function (st) { var s = Symbol(''); st.deepEqualTest(Object(s), s, 'boxed and primitive `Symbol()`', false, false); st.end(); }); t.test('bigint', { skip: typeof BigInt !== 'function' }, function (st) { var hhgtg = BigInt(42); st.deepEqualTest(Object(hhgtg), hhgtg, 'boxed and primitive `BigInt(42)`', false, false); st.end(); }); t.test('`valueOf` is called for boxed primitives', function (st) { var a = Object(5); a.valueOf = function () { throw new Error('failed'); }; var b = Object(5); b.valueOf = function () { throw new Error('failed'); }; st.deepEqualTest(a, b, 'two boxed numbers with a thrower valueOf', false, false); st.end(); }); t.end(); }); test('getters', { skip: !Object.defineProperty }, function (t) { var a = {}; Object.defineProperty(a, 'a', { enumerable: true, get: function () { return 5; } }); var b = {}; Object.defineProperty(b, 'a', { enumerable: true, get: function () { return 6; } }); t.deepEqualTest(a, b, 'two objects with the same getter but producing different values', false, false); t.end(); }); var isBrokenNode = isNode && process.env.ASSERT && semver.satisfies(process.version, '<= 13.3.0'); test('fake arrays: extra keys will be tested', { skip: !hasDunderProto || isBrokenNode }, function (t) { var a = tag({ __proto__: Array.prototype, 0: 1, 1: 1, 2: 'broken', length: 2 }, 'Array'); if (Object.defineProperty) { Object.defineProperty(a, 'length', { enumerable: false }); } t.deepEqualTest(a, [1, 1], 'fake and real array with same contents and [[Prototype]]', false, false); var b = tag(/abc/, 'Array'); b.__proto__ = Array.prototype; // eslint-disable-line no-proto b.length = 3; if (Object.defineProperty) { Object.defineProperty(b, 'length', { enumerable: false }); } t.deepEqualTest(b, ['a', 'b', 'c'], 'regex faking as array, and array', false, false); t.end(); }); test('circular references', function (t) { var b = {}; b.b = b; var c = {}; c.b = c; t.deepEqualTest( b, c, 'two self-referencing objects', true, true ); var d = {}; d.a = 1; d.b = d; var e = {}; e.a = 1; e.b = e.a; t.deepEqualTest( d, e, 'two deeply self-referencing objects', false, false ); t.end(); }); // io.js v2 is the only version where `console.log(b)` below is catchable var isNodeWhereBufferBreaks = isNode && semver.satisfies(process.version, '< 3'); var isNode06 = isNode && semver.satisfies(process.version, '<= 0.6'); // segfaults in node 0.6, it seems test('TypedArrays', { skip: !hasTypedArrays }, function (t) { t.test('Buffer faked as Uint8Array', { skip: typeof Buffer !== 'function' || !Object.create || !hasDunderProto || isNode06 }, function (st) { var a = safeBuffer('test'); var b = tag(Object.create( a.__proto__, // eslint-disable-line no-proto assign(gOPDs(a), { length: { enumerable: false, value: 4 } }) ), 'Uint8Array'); st.deepEqualTest( a, b, 'Buffer and Uint8Array', isNodeWhereBufferBreaks, isNodeWhereBufferBreaks ); st.end(); }); t.test('one TypedArray faking as another', { skip: !hasDunderProto }, function (st) { /* globals Uint8Array, Int8Array */ var a = new Uint8Array(10); var b = tag(new Int8Array(10), 'Uint8Array'); b.__proto__ = Uint8Array.prototype; // eslint-disable-line no-proto st.deepEqualTest( a, b, 'Uint8Array, and Int8Array pretending to be a Uint8Array', false, false ); st.end(); }); t.end(); });