/** * @license * Copyright 2019 Google Inc. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ const DATABASE_NAME = 'firebase-installations-database'; const DATABASE_VERSION = 1; const OBJECT_STORE_NAME = 'firebase-installations-store'; const requestLogs = []; let db; window.indexedDB.open(DATABASE_NAME, DATABASE_VERSION).onsuccess = event => { db = event.target.result; setInterval(refreshDatabase, 1000); }; function refreshDatabase() { const request = db .transaction(OBJECT_STORE_NAME, 'readwrite') .objectStore(OBJECT_STORE_NAME) .getAll(); request.onsuccess = () => { const dbElement = getElement('database'); dbElement.innerHTML = request.result .map(v => `


`) .join(''); }; } function clearDb() { const request = db .transaction(OBJECT_STORE_NAME, 'readwrite') .objectStore(OBJECT_STORE_NAME) .clear(); request.onsuccess = refreshDatabase; } function getElement(id) { const element = document.getElementById(id); if (!element) { throw new Error(`Element not found: ${id}`); } return element; } function getInputValue(elementId) { const element = getElement(elementId); return element.value; } function getId() { printRequest('Get ID', FirebaseInstallations.getId(getApp())); } function getToken() { printRequest('Get Token', FirebaseInstallations.getToken(getApp())); } function deleteInstallation() { printRequest( 'Delete Installation', FirebaseInstallations.deleteInstallation(getApp()) ); } async function printRequest(requestInfo, promise) { const requestsElement = getElement('requests'); requestsElement.innerHTML = '


' + requestLogs.join(''); let result; try { const request = await promise; result = request ? format(request) : 'Completed successfully'; } catch (e) { result = e.toString(); } requestLogs.unshift(`


`); requestsElement.innerHTML = requestLogs.join(''); } function format(o) { const escapedString = JSON.stringify(o, null, 2); return `${escapedString}`; } function getApp() { const appName = getInputValue('appName'); const projectId = getInputValue('projectId'); const apiKey = getInputValue('apiKey'); const appId = getInputValue('appId'); return { name: appName, options: { projectId, apiKey, appId } }; } getElement('getId').onclick = getId; getElement('getToken').onclick = getToken; getElement('deleteInstallation').onclick = deleteInstallation; getElement('clearDb').onclick = clearDb;