const YouTube = require("simple-youtube-api"); const he = require('he'); module.exports = { name: 'playlist', usage: '[option]', description: 'Save and load queues', alias: 'pl', cooldown: 10, async execute(message, args, client, Discord, prefix) { const embed = new Discord.RichEmbed() .setTitle('Options for playlist!') .addField('play', 'Play the guild specific queue.', true) .addField('save', 'Save the currently playing queue. Note that this will overwrite the currently saved queue!', true) .addField('add', 'Add songs to the playlist. Like song selection', true) .addField('remove', 'Remove songs from the playlist.', true) .addField('list', 'Display the playlist.', true) .setFooter(`how to use: ${prefix}playlist