const http = require('http'); const https = require('https'); const urlParse = require('url').parse; const PassThrough = require('stream').PassThrough; const httpLibs = { 'http:': http, 'https:': https }; const redirectCodes = { 301: true, 302: true, 303: true, 307: true }; const retryCodes = { 429: true, 503: true }; const defaults = { maxRedirects: 2, maxRetries: 2, maxReconnects: 0, backoff: { inc: 100, max: 10000 }, highWaterMark: null, transform: null, acceptEncoding: null, }; /** * @param {string} url * @param {!Object} options * @param {!Function(Error, http.IncomingMessage, string)} callback * @return {stream.Readable} */ module.exports = (url, options, callback) => { if (typeof options === 'function') { callback = options; options = {}; } else if (!options) { options = {}; } options = Object.assign({}, defaults, options); const stream = new PassThrough({ highWaterMark: options.highWaterMark }); let myreq, myres; let aborted = false; let redirects = 0; let retries = 0; let retryTimeout; let reconnects = 0; let contentLength; let acceptRanges = false; let rangeStart = 0, rangeEnd; let downloaded = 0; // Check if this is a ranged request. if (options.headers && options.headers.Range) { let r = /bytes=(\d+)-(\d+)?/.exec(options.headers.Range); if (r) { rangeStart = parseInt(r[1], 10); rangeEnd = parseInt(r[2], 10); } } // Add `Accept-Encoding` header. if (options.acceptEncoding) { options.headers = Object.assign({ 'Accept-Encoding': Object.keys(options.acceptEncoding).join(', ') }, options.headers); } const doRetry = (retryOptions = {}) => { if (aborted) { return false; } // If there is an error when the download has already started, // but not finished, try reconnecting. if (myres && 0 < downloaded) { if (acceptRanges && downloaded < contentLength && reconnects++ < options.maxReconnects) { myres = null; retries = 0; let inc =; let ms = Math.min(inc, options.backoff.max); retryTimeout = setTimeout(doDownload, ms); stream.emit('reconnect', reconnects, retryOptions.err); return true; } } else if ((!retryOptions.statusCode || retryOptions.err && retryOptions.err.message === 'ENOTFOUND') && retries++ < options.maxRetries) { let ms = retryOptions.retryAfter || Math.min(retries *, options.backoff.max); retryTimeout = setTimeout(doDownload, ms); stream.emit('retry', retries, retryOptions.err); return true; } return false; }; const onRequestError = (err, statusCode) => { if (!doRetry({ err, statusCode })) { stream.emit('error', err); } }; const doDownload = () => { if (aborted) { return; } let parsed = urlParse(url); let httpLib = httpLibs[parsed.protocol]; if (!httpLib) { stream.emit('error', Error('Invalid URL: ' + url)); return; } Object.assign(parsed, options); for (let key in defaults) { delete parsed[key]; } if (acceptRanges && downloaded > 0) { let start = downloaded + rangeStart; let end = rangeEnd || ''; parsed.headers = Object.assign({}, parsed.headers, { Range: `bytes=${start}-${end}` }); } if (options.transform) { parsed = options.transform(parsed); if (parsed.protocol) { httpLib = httpLibs[parsed.protocol]; } } myreq = httpLib.get(parsed, (res) => { if (redirectCodes[res.statusCode]) { if (redirects++ >= options.maxRedirects) { stream.emit('error', Error('Too many redirects')); } else { url = res.headers.location; setTimeout(doDownload, parseInt(res.headers['retry-after'] || 0, 10) * 1000); stream.emit('redirect', url); } return; // Check for rate limiting. } else if (retryCodes[res.statusCode]) { doRetry({ retryAfter: parseInt(res.headers['retry-after'], 10) }); return; } else if (res.statusCode < 200 || 400 <= res.statusCode) { let err = Error('Status code: ' + res.statusCode); if (res.statusCode >= 500) { onRequestError(err, res.statusCode); } else { stream.emit('error', err); } return; } let decoded = res; const cleanup = () => { res.removeListener('data', ondata); decoded.removeListener('end', onend); decoded.removeListener('error', onerror); res.removeListener('error', onerror); }; const ondata = (chunk) => { downloaded += chunk.length; }; const onend = () => { cleanup(); if (!doRetry()) { stream.end(); } }; const onerror = (err) => { cleanup(); onRequestError(err); }; if (options.acceptEncoding && res.headers['content-encoding']) { for (let enc of res.headers['content-encoding'].split(', ').reverse()) { let fn = options.acceptEncoding[enc]; if (fn != null) { decoded = decoded.pipe(fn(decoded)); decoded.on('error', onerror); } } } if (!contentLength) { contentLength = parseInt(res.headers['content-length'], 10); acceptRanges = res.headers['accept-ranges'] === 'bytes' && contentLength > 0 && options.maxReconnects > 0; } res.on('data', ondata); decoded.on('end', onend); decoded.pipe(stream, { end: !acceptRanges }); myres = decoded; stream.emit('response', res); res.on('error', onerror); }); myreq.on('error', onRequestError); stream.emit('request', myreq); }; stream.abort = () => { aborted = true; stream.emit('abort'); if (myreq) { myreq.abort(); } if (myres) { myres.unpipe(stream); } clearTimeout(retryTimeout); }; process.nextTick(doDownload); if (callback) { let body = ''; stream.setEncoding('utf8'); stream.on('data', (chunk) => { body += chunk; }); stream.on('end', () => { callback(null, myres, body); }); stream.on('error', callback); } return callback ? null : stream; };