const url = require('url'); const FORMATS = require('./formats'); // Use these to help sort formats, higher is better. const audioEncodingRanks = [ 'mp4a', 'mp3', 'vorbis', 'aac', 'opus', 'flac', ]; const videoEncodingRanks = [ 'mp4v', 'avc1', 'Sorenson H.283', 'MPEG-4 Visual', 'VP8', 'VP9', 'H.264', ]; const getBitrate = (format) => parseInt(format.bitrate) || 0; const audioScore = (format) => { const abitrate = format.audioBitrate || 0; const aenc = audioEncodingRanks.findIndex(enc => format.codecs && format.codecs.includes(enc)); return abitrate + aenc / 10; }; /** * Sort formats from highest quality to lowest. * By resolution, then video bitrate, then audio bitrate. * * @param {Object} a * @param {Object} b */ exports.sortFormats = (a, b) => { const ares = a.qualityLabel ? parseInt(a.qualityLabel.slice(0, -1)) : 0; const bres = b.qualityLabel ? parseInt(b.qualityLabel.slice(0, -1)) : 0; const afeats = ~~!!ares * 2 + ~~!!a.audioBitrate; const bfeats = ~~!!bres * 2 + ~~!!b.audioBitrate; if (afeats === bfeats) { if (ares === bres) { let avbitrate = getBitrate(a); let bvbitrate = getBitrate(b); if (avbitrate === bvbitrate) { let aascore = audioScore(a); let bascore = audioScore(b); if (aascore === bascore) { const avenc = videoEncodingRanks.findIndex(enc => a.codecs && a.codecs.includes(enc)); const bvenc = videoEncodingRanks.findIndex(enc => b.codecs && b.codecs.includes(enc)); return bvenc - avenc; } else { return bascore - aascore; } } else { return bvbitrate - avbitrate; } } else { return bres - ares; } } else { return bfeats - afeats; } }; /** * Choose a format depending on the given options. * * @param {Array.} formats * @param {Object} options * @return {Object|Error} */ exports.chooseFormat = (formats, options) => { if (typeof options.format === 'object') { return options.format; } if (options.filter) { formats = exports.filterFormats(formats, options.filter); if (formats.length === 0) { return Error('No formats found with custom filter'); } } let format; const quality = options.quality || 'highest'; switch (quality) { case 'highest': format = formats[0]; break; case 'lowest': format = formats[formats.length - 1]; break; case 'highestaudio': formats = exports.filterFormats(formats, 'audio'); format = null; for (let f of formats) { if (!format || audioScore(f) > audioScore(format)) format = f; } break; case 'lowestaudio': formats = exports.filterFormats(formats, 'audio'); format = null; for (let f of formats) { if (!format || audioScore(f) < audioScore(format)) format = f; } break; case 'highestvideo': formats = exports.filterFormats(formats, 'video'); format = null; for (let f of formats) { if (!format || getBitrate(f) > getBitrate(format)) format = f; } break; case 'lowestvideo': formats = exports.filterFormats(formats, 'video'); format = null; for (let f of formats) { if (!format || getBitrate(f) < getBitrate(format)) format = f; } break; default: { let getFormat = (itag) => { return formats.find((format) => '' + format.itag === '' + itag); }; if (Array.isArray(quality)) { quality.find((q) => format = getFormat(q)); } else { format = getFormat(quality); } } } if (!format) { return Error('No such format found: ' + quality); } return format; }; /** * @param {Array.} formats * @param {Function} filter * @return {Array.} */ exports.filterFormats = (formats, filter) => { let fn; const hasVideo = format => !!format.qualityLabel; const hasAudio = format => !!format.audioBitrate; switch (filter) { case 'audioandvideo': fn = (format) => hasVideo(format) && hasAudio(format); break; case 'video': fn = hasVideo; break; case 'videoonly': fn = (format) => hasVideo(format) && !hasAudio(format); break; case 'audio': fn = hasAudio; break; case 'audioonly': fn = (format) => !hasVideo(format) && hasAudio(format); break; default: if (typeof filter === 'function') { fn = filter; } else { throw TypeError(`Given filter (${filter}) is not supported`); } } return formats.filter(fn); }; /** * String#indexOf() that supports regex too. * * @param {string} haystack * @param {string|RegExp} needle * @return {number} */ const indexOf = (haystack, needle) => { return needle instanceof RegExp ? : haystack.indexOf(needle); }; /** * Extract string inbetween another. * * @param {string} haystack * @param {string} left * @param {string} right * @return {string} */ exports.between = (haystack, left, right) => { let pos = indexOf(haystack, left); if (pos === -1) { return ''; } haystack = haystack.slice(pos + left.length); pos = indexOf(haystack, right); if (pos === -1) { return ''; } haystack = haystack.slice(0, pos); return haystack; }; /** * Get video ID. * * There are a few type of video URL formats. * - * - * - * - * - * - * - * * @param {string} link * @return {string|Error} */ const validQueryDomains = new Set([ '', '', '', '', '', ]); const validPathDomains = new Set([ '', '', '', ]); exports.getURLVideoID = (link) => { const parsed = url.parse(link, true); let id = parsed.query.v; if (validPathDomains.has(parsed.hostname) && !id) { const paths = parsed.pathname.split('/'); id = paths[paths.length - 1]; } else if (parsed.hostname && !validQueryDomains.has(parsed.hostname)) { return Error('Not a YouTube domain'); } if (!id) { return Error('No video id found: ' + link); } id = id.substring(0, 11); if (!exports.validateID(id)) { return TypeError(`Video id (${id}) does not match expected ` + `format (${idRegex.toString()})`); } return id; }; /** * Gets video ID either from a url or by checking if the given string * matches the video ID format. * * @param {string} str * @return {string|Error} */ exports.getVideoID = (str) => { if (exports.validateID(str)) { return str; } else { return exports.getURLVideoID(str); } }; /** * Returns true if given id satifies YouTube's id format. * * @param {string} id * @return {boolean} */ const idRegex = /^[a-zA-Z0-9-_]{11}$/; exports.validateID = (id) => { return idRegex.test(id); }; /** * Checks wether the input string includes a valid id. * * @param {string} string * @return {boolean} */ exports.validateURL = (string) => { return !(exports.getURLVideoID(string) instanceof Error); }; /** * @param {Object} format * @return {Object} */ exports.addFormatMeta = (format) => { format = Object.assign({}, FORMATS[format.itag], format); format.container = format.mimeType ? format.mimeType.split(';')[0].split('/')[1] : null; format.codecs = format.mimeType ? exports.between(format.mimeType, 'codecs="', '"') : null; = /\/source\/yt_live_broadcast\//.test(format.url); format.isHLS = /\/manifest\/hls_(variant|playlist)\//.test(format.url); format.isDashMPD = /\/manifest\/dash\//.test(format.url); return format; }; /** * Get only the string from an HTML string. * * @param {string} html * @return {string} */ exports.stripHTML = (html) => { return html .replace(/\n/g, ' ') .replace(/\s*<\s*br\s*\/?\s*>\s*/gi, '\n') .replace(/<\s*\/\s*p\s*>\s*<\s*p[^>]*>/gi, '\n') .replace(/<.*?>/gi, '') .trim(); }; /** * @param {Array.} funcs * @param {Function(!Error, Array.)} callback */ exports.parallel = (funcs, callback) => { let funcsDone = 0; let errGiven = false; let results = []; const len = funcs.length; const checkDone = (index, err, result) => { if (errGiven) { return; } if (err) { errGiven = true; callback(err); return; } results[index] = result; if (++funcsDone === len) { callback(null, results); } }; if (len > 0) { funcs.forEach((f, i) => { f(checkDone.bind(null, i)); }); } else { callback(null, results); } };