# dblapi.js An official module for interacting with the top.gg API ## Installation `npm install dblapi.js` ## Documentation Documentation can be found [here](https://top.gg/api/docs#jslib) ## Example ### Example of posting server count with supported libraries (Discord.js and Eris) ```js const Discord = require("discord.js"); const client = new Discord.Client(); const DBL = require("dblapi.js"); const dbl = new DBL('Your top.gg token', client); // Optional events dbl.on('posted', () => { console.log('Server count posted!'); }) dbl.on('error', e => { console.log(`Oops! ${e}`); }) ``` ### Example of using webhooks to receive vote updates ```js const DBL = require('dblapi.js'); const dbl = new DBL(yourDBLTokenHere, { webhookPort: 5000, webhookAuth: 'password' }); dbl.webhook.on('ready', hook => { console.log(`Webhook running at http://${hook.hostname}:${hook.port}${hook.path}`); }); dbl.webhook.on('vote', vote => { console.log(`User with ID ${vote.user} just voted!`); }); ```