#!/usr/bin/env node "use strict"; /** * Copyright 2020 Google LLC * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); const fs = require("fs"); const path = require("path"); const util = require("util"); const pbjs = require("protobufjs/cli/pbjs"); const pbts = require("protobufjs/cli/pbts"); const readdir = util.promisify(fs.readdir); const readFile = util.promisify(fs.readFile); const writeFile = util.promisify(fs.writeFile); const stat = util.promisify(fs.stat); const pbjsMain = util.promisify(pbjs.main); const pbtsMain = util.promisify(pbts.main); const PROTO_LIST_REGEX = /_proto_list\.json$/; const apacheLicense = `// Copyright ${new Date().getFullYear()} Google LLC // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. `; /** * Recursively scans directories starting from `directory` and finds all files * matching `PROTO_LIST_REGEX`. * * @param {string} directory Path to start the scan from. * @return {Promise E|keyof typeof E to allow all string values replaced = replaced.replace(typeName, `${typeName}|keyof typeof ${typeName}`); } else if (typeName === 'Uint8Array') { // bytes: Uint8Array => Uint8Array|string to allow base64-encoded strings replaced = replaced.replace(typeName, `${typeName}|string`); } else if (typeName === 'Long') { // Longs can be passed as strings :( // number|Long => number|Long|string replaced = replaced.replace('number|Long', 'number|Long|string'); } // add brackets if we have added a | replaced = replaced.replace(/: ([\w.]+\|[ \w.|]+);/, ': ($1);'); result.push(replaced); } return result.join('\n'); } function fixDtsFile(dts) { // 1. fix for pbts output: the corresponding protobufjs PR // https://github.com/protobufjs/protobuf.js/pull/1166 // is merged but not yet released. if (!dts.match(/import \* as Long/)) { dts = 'import * as Long from "long";\n' + dts; } // 2. add Apache license to the generated .d.ts file dts = apacheLicense + dts; // 3. major hack: update types to allow passing strings // where enums, longs, or bytes are expected const enums = getAllEnums(dts); dts = updateDtsTypes(dts, enums); return dts; } /** * Returns a combined list of proto files listed in all JSON files given. * * @param {string[]} protoJsonFiles List of JSON files to parse * @return {Promise} Resolves to an array of proto files. */ async function buildListOfProtos(protoJsonFiles) { const result = []; for (const file of protoJsonFiles) { const directory = path.dirname(file); const content = await readFile(file); const list = JSON.parse(content.toString()).map((filePath) => path.join(directory, normalizePath(filePath))); result.push(...list); } return result; } /** * Runs `pbjs` to compile the given proto files, placing the result into * `./protos/protos.json`. No support for changing output filename for now * (but it's a TODO!) * * @param {string[]} protos List of proto files to compile. */ async function compileProtos(protos) { // generate protos.json file from proto list const jsonOutput = path.join('protos', 'protos.json'); if (protos.length === 0) { // no input file, just emit an empty object await writeFile(jsonOutput, '{}'); return; } const pbjsArgs4JSON = [ '--target', 'json', '-p', path.join(__dirname, '..', '..', 'protos'), '-p', 'protos', '-o', jsonOutput, ]; pbjsArgs4JSON.push(...protos); await pbjsMain(pbjsArgs4JSON); // generate protos/protos.js from protos.json const jsOutput = path.join('protos', 'protos.js'); const pbjsArgs4js = [ '--target', 'static-module', '-p', path.join(__dirname, '..', '..', 'protos'), '-p', 'protos', '-o', jsOutput, ]; pbjsArgs4js.push(...protos); await pbjsMain(pbjsArgs4js); let jsResult = (await readFile(jsOutput)).toString(); // add Apache license to the generated .js file jsResult = apacheLicense + jsResult; await writeFile(jsOutput, jsResult); // generate protos/protos.d.ts const tsOutput = path.join('protos', 'protos.d.ts'); const pbjsArgs4ts = [jsOutput, '-o', tsOutput]; await pbtsMain(pbjsArgs4ts); let tsResult = (await readFile(tsOutput)).toString(); tsResult = fixDtsFile(tsResult); await writeFile(tsOutput, tsResult); } /** * Main function. Takes an array of directories to process. * Looks for JSON files matching `PROTO_LIST_REGEX`, parses them to get a list of all * proto files used by the client library, and calls `pbjs` to compile them all into * JSON (`pbjs -t json`). * * Exported to be called from a test. * * @param {string[]} directories List of directories to process. Normally, just the * `./src` folder of the given client library. */ async function main(directories) { const protoJsonFiles = []; for (const directory of directories) { protoJsonFiles.push(...(await findProtoJsonFiles(directory))); } const protos = await buildListOfProtos(protoJsonFiles); await compileProtos(protos); } exports.main = main; /** * Shows the usage information. */ function usage() { console.log(`Usage: node ${process.argv[1]} directory ...`); console.log(`Finds all files matching ${PROTO_LIST_REGEX} in the given directories.`); console.log(`Each of those files should contain a JSON array of proto files used by the`); console.log(`client library. Those proto files will be compiled to JSON using pbjs tool`); console.log(`from protobufjs.`); } if (require.main === module) { if (process.argv.length <= 2) { usage(); process.exit(1); } // argv[0] is node.js binary, argv[1] is script path main(process.argv.slice(2)); } //# sourceMappingURL=compileProtos.js.map