var util = require('util'); // Error list with code and message var list = { 'empty_input_filepath' : { 'code' : 100, 'msg' : 'The input file path can not be empty' } , 'input_filepath_must_be_string' : { 'code' : 101, 'msg' : 'The input file path must be a string' } , 'invalid_option_name' : { 'code' : 102, 'msg' : 'The option "%s" is invalid. Check the list of available options' } , 'fileinput_not_exist' : { 'code' : 103, 'msg' : 'The input file does not exist' } , 'format_not_supported' : { 'code' : 104, 'msg' : 'The format "$s" is not supported by the version of ffmpeg' } , 'audio_channel_is_invalid' : { 'code' : 105, 'msg' : 'The audio channel "$s" is not valid' } , 'mkdir' : { 'code' : 106, 'msg' : 'Error occurred during creation folder: $s' } , 'extract_frame_invalid_everyN_options' : { 'code' : 107, 'msg' : 'You can specify only one option between everyNFrames and everyNSeconds' } , 'invalid_watermark' : { 'code' : 108, 'msg' : 'The watermark "%s" does not exists' } , 'invalid_watermark_position' : { 'code' : 109, 'msg' : 'Invalid watermark position "%s"' } , 'size_format' : { 'code' : 110, 'msg' : 'The format "%s" not supported by the function "setSize"' } , 'resolution_square_not_defined' : { 'code' : 111, 'msg' : 'The resolution for pixel aspect ratio is not defined' } , 'command_already_exists' : { 'code' : 112, 'msg' : 'The command "%s" already exists' } , 'codec_not_supported' : { 'code' : 113, 'msg' : 'The codec "$s" is not supported by the version of ffmpeg' } } /** * Return the error by the codename */ var renderError = function (codeName) { // Get the error object by the codename var params = [list[codeName].msg]; // Get the possible arguments if (arguments.length > 1) params = params.concat(, 1)); // Call the function for replace the letter '%s' with the found arguments return { 'code' : list[codeName].code, 'msg' : util.format.apply(this, params) }; } module.exports.list = list; module.exports.renderError = renderError;