module.exports = { name: "nowplaying", alias: ["np", "playing"], usage: "", description: "See the currently playing song position and length.", onlyDev: false, permission: "none", category: "music", async execute(msg, args, client, Discord, command) { const getThumb = require("video-thumbnail-url"); const queue = client.queue.get(; if (!queue) return; let songTime = (queue.songs[0].length * 1000).toFixed(0); let completed = ( queue.connection.dispatcher.streamTime + queue.time ).toFixed(0); let barlength = 20; let completedpercent = ((completed / songTime) * barlength).toFixed(0); let array = []; for (let i = 0; i < completedpercent - 1; i++) { array.push("⎯"); } array.push("⭗"); for (let i = 0; i < barlength - completedpercent - 1; i++) { array.push("⎯"); } const thumbnail = getThumb(queue.songs[0].url); const embed = new Discord.MessageEmbed() .setTitle(client.messages.nowPlaying) .setDescription( `${client.messages.nowPlayingDesc} ${ queue.songs[0].title }\n${array.join("")} | \`${client.funcs.msToTime( completed, "hh:mm:ss" )} / ${client.funcs.msToTime(songTime, "hh:mm:ss")}\`\nchannel: \`${queue.songs[0]}\`` ) .setFooter(`Queued by ${queue.songs[0].author.tag}`) .setURL(queue.songs[0].url) .setThumbnail(thumbnail._rejectionHandler0) .setColor(client.config.embedColor); if (queue.nigthCore) embed.setDescription( `${client.messages.nowPlayingDesc} ${queue.songs[0].title} \nchannel: \`${queue.songs[0]}\`` ); return; }, };