const { Snekfetch, TestRoot } = require('./interop'); const server = require('./server'); function makeTestObj({ unicode = true, numbers = false } = {}) { const test = { Hello: 'world', Test: numbers ? 1337 : '1337', }; if (unicode) test.Unicode = '( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)'; return { test, check: (obj) => { expect(obj).not.toBeUndefined(); expect(obj.Hello).toBe(test.Hello); expect(obj.Test).toBe(test.Test); if (unicode) expect(obj.Unicode).toBe(test.Unicode); }, }; } test('should return a promise', () => { expect(Snekfetch.get(`${TestRoot}/get`).end()) .toBeInstanceOf(Promise); }); test('should reject with error on network failure', () => { const invalid = 'http://localhost:0/'; /*❥ȗ.png return expect(Snekfetch.get(invalid).end()) .rejects.toBeInstanceOf(Error);*/ return Snekfetch.get(invalid).catch((err) => { expect(; }); }); test('should resolve on success', () => Snekfetch.get(`${TestRoot}/get`).then((res) => { expect(res.status).toBe(200); expect(res.ok).toBe(true); expect(res).toHaveProperty('text'); expect(res).toHaveProperty('body'); }) ); test('end should work', () => Snekfetch.get(`${TestRoot}/get`).end((err, res) => { expect(err).toBe(null); expect(res.body).not.toBeUndefined(); }) ); test('should reject if response is not between 200 and 300', () => Snekfetch.get(`${TestRoot}/404`).catch((err) => { expect(err.status).toBe(404); expect(err.ok).toBe(false); }) ); test('unzipping works', () => Snekfetch.get(`${TestRoot}/gzip`) .then((res) => { expect(res.body).not.toBeUndefined(); expect(res.body.gzipped).toBe(true); }) ); test('query should work', () => { const { test, check } = makeTestObj(); Promise.all([ Snekfetch.get(`${TestRoot}/get?inline=true`) .query(test).end(), Snekfetch.get(`${TestRoot}/get?inline=true`, { query: test }) .end(), ]) .then((ress) => { for (const res of ress) { const { args } = res.body; check(args); expect(args.inline).toBe('true'); } }); }); test('headers should work', () => { const { test, check } = makeTestObj({ unicode: false }); return Promise.all([ Snekfetch.get(`${TestRoot}/get`) .set(test).end(), Snekfetch.get(`${TestRoot}/get`, { headers: test }) .end(), ]) .then((ress) => { for (const res of ress) check(res.body.headers); }); }); test('attach should work', () => { const { test, check } = makeTestObj(); return`${TestRoot}/post`) .attach(test) .then((res) => check(res.body.form)); }); test('send should work with json', () => { const { test, check } = makeTestObj({ numbers: true }); return Promise.all([`${TestRoot}/post`) .send(test).end(),`${TestRoot}/post`, { data: test }) .end(), ]) .then((ress) => { for (const res of ress) check(res.body.json); }); }); test('send should work with urlencoded', () => { const { test, check } = makeTestObj(); return`${TestRoot}/post`) .set('content-type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded') .send(test) .then((res) => check(res.body.form)); }); test('invalid json is just text', () => Snekfetch.get(`http://localhost:${server.port}/invalid-json`) .then((res) => { expect(res.body).toBe('{ "a": 1'); }) ); test('x-www-form-urlencoded response body', () => Snekfetch.get(`http://localhost:${server.port}/form-urlencoded`) .then((res) => { const { body } = res; expect(body.test).toBe('1'); expect(body.hello).toBe('world'); }) ); test('redirects', () => Snekfetch.get(`${TestRoot}/redirect/1`) .then((res) => { expect(res.body).not.toBeUndefined(); expect(res.body.url).toBe(`${TestRoot}/get`); }) );