diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore new file mode 100644 index 00000000..30bc1627 --- /dev/null +++ b/.gitignore @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +/node_modules \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Procfile b/Procfile new file mode 100644 index 00000000..f2d1f0be --- /dev/null +++ b/Procfile @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +worker: node index.js diff --git a/README.md b/README.md index 93069e5c..73caea0f 100644 --- a/README.md +++ b/README.md @@ -1 +1,19 @@ -# Musix OSS +# Musix-V1 + +THIS VERSION OF MUSIX IS NO LONGER SUPPORTED! + +## Discord music bot + +First version of Musix discord music bot. + +Made with discord.js V11 + +NOTE! THIS BOT CANNOT BE USED AFTER OCTOBER 4TH 2020! + +This is due to new rules for bots by discord. + +## Installation + +npm install (idk how yarn works) + +Some modules are outdated to updating is recommended! diff --git a/index.js b/index.js new file mode 100644 index 00000000..4cd7fc65 --- /dev/null +++ b/index.js @@ -0,0 +1,411 @@ +const { Client, Util } = require('discord.js'); +const Discord = require('discord.js'); +const YouTube = require('simple-youtube-api') +const ytdl = require('ytdl-core'); +const PREFIX = ('-') +const client = new Client({ disableEveryone: true }); +const youtube = new YouTube(process.env.API_KEY); +const queue = new Map(); +client.login(process.env.BOT_TOKEN); +client.on('ready', () => { + client.user.setActivity('-help', { type: 'LISTENING' }) + client.user.setStatus('dnd'); +}); +client.on('message', async msg => { + if (!msg.guild || msg.author.bot) return; + if (msg.content.toUpperCase().startsWith(`MUSIX`)) { + msg.channel.send('-help to see my commands.') + } + if (msg.content.startsWith(`${PREFIX}`)) { + var guildms = client.guilds.find(x => x.name === 'Musix Support') + var channelms = guildms.channels.find(x => x.name === 'log') + var guildId = msg.guild.id + if (!client.voiceConnections.has(guildId)) { + const embed = new Discord.RichEmbed() + .setTitle(`**User:** ${msg.author.id}, ${msg.member.displayName}, ${msg.author.tag}`) + .addField(`**Message channel:** ${msg.channel.name}`, `Client is not in a Voice channel.`) + .addField(`**Message Content:** ${msg.content}`, `**Message Guild:** ${msg.guild.name}, ${msg.guild.id}`) + .setColor('#b50002') + channelms.send(embed) + } else { + const embed = new Discord.RichEmbed() + .setTitle(`**User:** ${msg.author.id}, ${msg.member.displayName}, ${msg.author.tag}`) + .addField(`**Message channel:** ${msg.channel.name}`, `**Voice channel:** ${client.voiceConnections.get(guildId).channel.name}, User Voice channel: ${msg.member.voiceChannel}`) + .addField(`**Message Content:** ${msg.content}`, `**Message Guild:** ${msg.guild.name}, ${msg.guild.id}`) + .setColor('#b50002') + channelms.send(embed) + } + if (msg.content === `${PREFIX}ping`) { + msg.channel.send(`My current Ping: **${Math.floor(client.ping * 10) / 10} ms**.`) + return; + } + if (msg.content === `${PREFIX}help`) { + const embed = new Discord.RichEmbed() + .setTitle('Commands for Musix!') + .addField('```-play | -p```', 'Play a song.', true) + .addField('```-queue | -q```', 'Display the queue.', true) + .addField('```-nowplaying | -np```', 'Display whats currently playing.', true) + .addField('```-volume```', 'Change or check the volume.', true) + .addField('```-pause```', 'Pause the music.', true) + .addField('```-resume```', 'Resume the music.', true) + .addField('```-stop```', 'Stop the music, Clear the queue and leave the current voice channel.', true) + .addField('```-skip | -s```', 'Skip a song.', true) + .addField('```-invite```', 'Invite Musix.', true) + .addField('```-ping```', 'See the current ping for Musix', true) + .addField('```-info```', 'Display info and instructions.', true) + .addField('```-help```', 'Display the help.', true) + .setAuthor('Musix', 'https://cdn.discordapp.com/avatars/572405135658188800/04c6f22b7600ddecfbc245dd3ec10f9f.png?size=2048') + .setColor('#b50002') + msg.channel.send(embed); + return undefined; + } + if (msg.content === `${PREFIX}info`) { + var line = '**>-----------------------------------------------------------------------<**'; + var dj = msg.guild.roles.find(x => x.name === 'DJ') ? true : false; + const embed = new Discord.RichEmbed() + .setTitle('**Musix instructions and info**:') + .addField('If your current guild has a role called \'DJ\' you will need it to use music commands! If your current guild doesn\'t have a role called \'DJ\' everyone can use music commands!', 'DJ role existance: ' + dj, true) + .addField('If you encounter any errors with musix please report about them on the offical musix support server!', 'https://discord.gg/rvHuJtB', true) + .addField('On errors you can do -stop to reset the queue and try again!', line, true) + .addField('Current Ping in milliseconds', `${Math.floor(client.ping * 10) / 10} ms`, true) + .addField('Be careful with the Volume command! Volume is not recommended to be put over 3 with user volume at 100%!', 'Volume will reset to 1 always when a new song begins!', true) + .setAuthor('Musix', 'https://cdn.discordapp.com/avatars/572405135658188800/04c6f22b7600ddecfbc245dd3ec10f9f.png?size=2048') + .setColor('#b50002') + msg.channel.send(embed); + return undefined; + } + if (msg.content === `${PREFIX}invite`) { + msg.channel.send('Invite me with: https://bit.ly/2VGcuBR') + return undefined; + } + if (msg.member.guild.roles.find(x => x.name === 'DJ')) { + if (msg.member.roles.find(x => x.name === 'DJ')) { + const args = msg.content.split(' '); + const searchString = args.slice(1).join(' '); + const url = args[1] ? args[1].replace(/<(.+)>/g, '$1') : ''; + const serverQueue = queue.get(msg.guild.id); + + let command = msg.content.toLowerCase().split(' ')[0]; + command = command.slice(PREFIX.length) + + if (command === 'play' || command === 'p') { + if (!args[1]) return msg.channel.send(':x: I\'m sorry but you didn\'t specify a song'); + const voiceChannel = msg.member.voiceChannel; + if (!voiceChannel) return msg.channel.send(':x: I\'m sorry but you need to be in a voice channel to play music!'); + const permissions = voiceChannel.permissionsFor(msg.client.user); + if (!permissions.has('CONNECT')) { + return msg.channel.send(':x: I cannot connect to your voice channel, make sure I have the proper permissions!'); + } + if (!permissions.has('SPEAK')) { + return msg.channel.send(':x: I cannot speak in this voice channel, make sure I have the proper permissions!'); + } + if (url.match(/^https?:\/\/(www.youtube.com|youtube.com)\/playlist(.*)$/)) { + const playlist = await youtube.getPlaylist(url); + const videos = await playlist.getVideos(); + for (const video of Object.values(videos)) { + const video2 = await youtube.getVideoByID(video.id); + await handleVideo(video2, msg, voiceChannel, true); + } + return msg.channel.send(`:white_check_mark: Playlist: **${playlist.title}** has been added to the queue!`); + } else { + try { + var video = await youtube.getVideo(url); + } catch (error) { + try { + var videos = await youtube.searchVideos(searchString, 10); + let index = 0; + msg.channel.send(` + __**Song selection:**__ +${videos.map(video2 => `**${++index} -** ${video2.title}`).join('\n')} +Please provide a value to select one of the search results ranging from __1-10__. + `); + try { + var response = await msg.channel.awaitMessages(msg2 => msg2.content > 0 && msg2.content < 11, { + maxMatches: 1, + time: 10000, + errors: ['time'] + }); + } catch (err) { + return msg.channel.send(':x: Cancelling song selection.'); + } + const videoIndex = parseInt(response.first().content); + var video = await youtube.getVideoByID(videos[videoIndex - 1].id); + } catch (err) { + return msg.channel.send(':x: I could not obtain any search results.'); + } + } + return handleVideo(video, msg, voiceChannel); + } + } else if (command === 'skip' || command === 's') { + if (!msg.member.voiceChannel) return msg.channel.send(':x: You are not in a voice channel!'); + if (!serverQueue) return msg.channel.send(':x: There is nothing playing that I could skip for you.'); + if (!serverQueue.songs[1]) return msg.channel.send(':x: Theres nothing to skip to!') + serverQueue.connection.dispatcher.end('Skipped'); + return; + } else if (command === 'stop') { + if (!msg.member.voiceChannel) return msg.channel.send(':x: You are not in a voice channel!'); + if (!serverQueue) return msg.channel.send(':x: There is nothing playing that I could stop for you.'); + serverQueue.songs = []; + serverQueue.connection.dispatcher.end('Stopped!'); + return; + } else if (command === 'volume') { + if (!msg.member.voiceChannel) return msg.channel.send(':x: You are not in a voice channel!'); + if (!serverQueue) return msg.channel.send(':x: There is nothing playing.'); + if (!args[1]) return msg.channel.send(`The current volume is: **${serverQueue.volume}** :speaker:`); + if (isNaN(args[1])) { + return msg.channel.send(':x: I\'m sorry, But you need to enter a valid __number__.') + } + serverQueue.volume = args[1]; + serverQueue.connection.dispatcher.setVolumeLogarithmic(args[1] / 5); + return msg.channel.send(`I set the volume to: **${args[1]}** 🔊`); + } else if (command === 'np' || command === 'nowplaying') { + if (!serverQueue) return msg.channel.send(':x: There is nothing playing.'); + return msg.channel.send(`:musical_note: Now playing: **${serverQueue.songs[0].title}**`); + } else if (command === "queue" || command === 'q') { + if (!serverQueue) + return msg.channel.send(":x: There is nothing in the queue."); + var queuemessage = `__**Song queue:**__ +${serverQueue.songs.map(song => `**-** ${song.title}`).join("\n")} +**Now playing:** ${serverQueue.songs[0].title} :musical_note: `; + if (queuemessage.length > 2000) { + return msg.channel.send(":x: The queue has too many songs in it to show all in this channel. Try again after a few songs."); + } + return msg.channel.send(queuemessage); + } else if (command === 'pause') { + if (serverQueue && serverQueue.playing) { + serverQueue.playing = false; + serverQueue.connection.dispatcher.pause(); + return msg.channel.send(':pause_button: Paused the music for you!'); + } + return msg.channel.send(':x: There is nothing playing.'); + } else if (command === 'resume') { + if (serverQueue && !serverQueue.playing) { + serverQueue.playing = true; + serverQueue.connection.dispatcher.resume(); + return msg.channel.send(':play_pause: Resumed the music for you!'); + } + return msg.channel.send(':x: There is nothing playing.'); + } else if (msg.content === '-devstop') { + if (msg.author.id === '360363051792203779') { + serverQueue.songs = []; + serverQueue.connection.dispatcher.end('Stop'); + return + } + } else if (msg.content.startsWith('-eval')) { + if (msg.author.id === '360363051792203779' || msg.author.id === '384002606621655040') { + const args = msg.content.slice(6) + msg.channel.send(eval(args)); + return + } else { + msg.channel.send('The evaluation command is only avaiable for the developers of Musix!') + } + } + if (msg.content === `${PREFIX}`) return; + msg.channel.send(':x: Unknown command! Type -help for the list of commands!') + return; + } + if (msg.content === `${PREFIX}`) return; + var coms = ['-play', '-queue', '-np', '-volume', '-pause', '-resume', '-stop', '-skip', '-ping', '-q', '-nowplaying', '-p', '-s', '-devstop', '-eval']; + for (var i = 0; i < coms.length; i++) { + if (msg.content.includes(coms[i])) { + if (!msg.member.roles.find(x => x.name === 'DJ')) { + msg.channel.send(':x: i\'m sorry but you need to have the \'DJ\' role to use music commands!') + return; + } + } + } + msg.channel.send(':x: Unknown command! Type -help for the list of commands!') + return; + } else { + const args = msg.content.split(' '); + const searchString = args.slice(1).join(' '); + const url = args[1] ? args[1].replace(/<(.+)>/g, '$1') : ''; + const serverQueue = queue.get(msg.guild.id); + + let command = msg.content.toLowerCase().split(' ')[0]; + command = command.slice(PREFIX.length) + + if (command === 'play' || command === 'p') { + if (!args[1]) return msg.channel.send(':x: I think you forgot what you wanted to play!'); + const voiceChannel = msg.member.voiceChannel; + if (!voiceChannel) return msg.channel.send(':x: I\'m sorry but you need to be in a voice channel to play music!'); + const permissions = voiceChannel.permissionsFor(msg.client.user); + if (!permissions.has('CONNECT')) { + return msg.channel.send(':x: I cannot connect to your voice channel, make sure I have the proper permissions!'); + } + if (!permissions.has('SPEAK')) { + return msg.channel.send(':x: I cannot speak in this voice channel, make sure I have the proper permissions!'); + } + + if (url.match(/^https?:\/\/(www.youtube.com|youtube.com)\/playlist(.*)$/)) { + const playlist = await youtube.getPlaylist(url); + const videos = await playlist.getVideos(); + for (const video of Object.values(videos)) { + const video2 = await youtube.getVideoByID(video.id); // eslint-disable-line no-await-in-loop + await handleVideo(video2, msg, voiceChannel, true); // eslint-disable-line no-await-in-loop + } + return msg.channel.send(`:white_check_mark: Playlist: **${playlist.title}** has been added to the queue!`); + } else { + try { + var video = await youtube.getVideo(url); + } catch (error) { + try { + var videos = await youtube.searchVideos(searchString, 10); + let index = 0; + msg.channel.send(` + __**Song selection:**__ +${videos.map(video2 => `**${++index} -** ${video2.title}`).join('\n')} +Please provide a value to select one of the search results ranging from 1-10. + `); + // eslint-disable-next-line max-depth + try { + var response = await msg.channel.awaitMessages(msg2 => msg2.content > 0 && msg2.content < 11, { + maxMatches: 1, + time: 10000, + errors: ['time'] + }); + } catch (err) { + return msg.channel.send(':x: No or invalid value entered, cancelling video selection.'); + } + const videoIndex = parseInt(response.first().content); + var video = await youtube.getVideoByID(videos[videoIndex - 1].id); + } catch (err) { + console.error(err); + return msg.channel.send(':x: I could not obtain any search results.'); + } + } + return handleVideo(video, msg, voiceChannel); + } + } else if (command === 'skip' || command === 's') { + if (!msg.member.voiceChannel) return msg.channel.send(':x: You are not in a voice channel!'); + if (!serverQueue) return msg.channel.send(':x: There is nothing playing that I could skip for you.'); + msg.channel.send('Skipped :thumbsup:') + serverQueue.connection.dispatcher.end('Skipped'); + return undefined; + } else if (command === 'stop') { + if (!msg.member.voiceChannel) return msg.channel.send(':x: You are not in a voice channel!'); + if (!serverQueue) return msg.channel.send(':x: There is nothing playing that I could stop for you.'); + msg.channel.send('Stopped the music! :stop_button:') + serverQueue.songs = []; + serverQueue.connection.dispatcher.end('Stopped!'); + return undefined; + } else if (command === 'volume') { + if (!msg.member.voiceChannel) return msg.channel.send(':x: You are not in a voice channel!'); + if (!serverQueue) return msg.channel.send(':x: There is nothing playing.'); + if (!args[1]) return msg.channel.send(`The current volume is: **${serverQueue.volume}** :speaker:`); + if (isNaN(args[1])) { + return msg.channel.send(':x: I\'m sorry, But you need to enter a valid __number__.') + } + serverQueue.volume = args[1]; + serverQueue.connection.dispatcher.setVolumeLogarithmic(args[1] / 5); + return msg.channel.send(`I set the volume to: **${args[1]}** 🔊`); + } else if (command === 'np' || command === 'nowplaying') { + if (!serverQueue) return msg.channel.send(':x: There is nothing playing.'); + return msg.channel.send(`:musical_note: Now playing: **${serverQueue.songs[0].title}**`); + } else if (command === "queue" || command === 'q') { + if (!serverQueue) + return msg.channel.send(":x: There is nothing in the queue."); + var queuemessage = `__**Song queue:**__ +${serverQueue.songs.map(song => `**-** ${song.title}`).join("\n")} +**Now playing:** ${serverQueue.songs[0].title} :musical_note: `; + if (queuemessage.length < 2000) { + return msg.channel.send(":x: The queue has too many songs in it to show all in this channel. Try again after a few songs"); + } + return msg.channel.send(queuemessage); + } else if (command === 'pause') { + if (serverQueue && serverQueue.playing) { + serverQueue.playing = false; + serverQueue.connection.dispatcher.pause(); + return msg.channel.send(':pause_button: Paused the music for you!'); + } + return msg.channel.send(':x: There is nothing playing.'); + } else if (command === 'resume') { + if (serverQueue && !serverQueue.playing) { + serverQueue.playing = true; + serverQueue.connection.dispatcher.resume(); + return msg.channel.send(':play_pause: Resumed the music for you!'); + } + return msg.channel.send(':x: There is nothing playing.'); + } else if (msg.content === '-devstop') { + if (msg.author.id === '360363051792203779') { + serverQueue.songs = []; + serverQueue.connection.dispatcher.end('Stop'); + return + } + } else if (msg.content.startsWith('-eval')) { + if (msg.author.id === '360363051792203779' || msg.author.id === '384002606621655040') { + const args = msg.content.slice(6) + msg.channel.send(eval(args)); + return + } else { + msg.channel.send('The evaluation command is only avaiable for the developers of Musix!') + } + } + } + if (msg.content === `${PREFIX}`) { + return; + } + msg.channel.send(':x: Unknown command! Type -help for the list of commands!') + return; + } +}); + +async function handleVideo(video, msg, voiceChannel, playlist = false) { + const serverQueue = queue.get(msg.guild.id); + const song = { + id: video.id, + title: Util.escapeMarkdown(video.title), + url: `https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=${video.id}` + }; + if (!serverQueue) { + const queueConstruct = { + textChannel: msg.channel, + voiceChannel: voiceChannel, + connection: null, + songs: [], + volume: 5, + playing: true + }; + queue.set(msg.guild.id, queueConstruct); + + queueConstruct.songs.push(song); + + try { + var connection = await voiceChannel.join(); + queueConstruct.connection = connection; + play(msg.guild, queueConstruct.songs[0]); + } catch (error) { + console.error(`I could not join the voice channel: ${error}`); + queue.delete(msg.guild.id); + return msg.channel.send(`:x: I could not join the voice channel: ${error}`); + } + } else { + serverQueue.songs.push(song); + if (playlist) return undefined; + else return msg.channel.send(`:white_check_mark: **${song.title}** has been added to the queue!`); + } + return undefined; +} + +function play(guild, song) { + const serverQueue = queue.get(guild.id); + + if (!song) { + serverQueue.voiceChannel.leave(); + queue.delete(guild.id); + return; + } + + const dispatcher = serverQueue.connection.playStream(ytdl(song.url, { quality: `highestaudio`, filter: 'audioonly' })) + .on('end', reason => { + if (reason === 'Stream is not generating quickly enough.') console.log('Song ended.'); + else console.log(reason); + serverQueue.songs.shift(); + play(guild, serverQueue.songs[0]); + }) + .on('error', error => console.error(error)); + dispatcher.setVolumeLogarithmic(1 / 5); + serverQueue.volume = 1 + + serverQueue.textChannel.send(`:musical_note: Start playing: **${song.title}**`); +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/package-lock.json b/package-lock.json new file mode 100644 index 00000000..43fe82c1 --- /dev/null +++ b/package-lock.json @@ -0,0 +1,462 @@ 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