diff --git a/struct/funcs/check.js b/struct/funcs/check.js index 37e83e2c..2a5d0e69 100644 --- a/struct/funcs/check.js +++ b/struct/funcs/check.js @@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ module.exports = function (client, msg, command) { if (msg.member.voice.channel !== serverQueue.voiceChannel) return msg.channel.send(`<:redx:674263474704220182> I'm sorry but you need to be in the same voice channel as Musix to use this command!`); if (client.global.db.guilds[msg.guild.id].permissions === true) { if (client.global.db.guilds[msg.guild.id].dj) { - if (!msg.member.cache.roles.cache.has(client.global.db.guilds[msg.guild.id].djrole)) { + if (!msg.member.roles.cache.has(client.global.db.guilds[msg.guild.id].djrole)) { msg.channel.send('<:redx:674263474704220182> You need the `DJ` role to use this command!'); return false; } else return true;